Nymzreviews.com official thread

No, I’m not even interested in trying it. I highly doubt I’d be able to fit them as they look huge

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No. Only in the opinion of the Resolution and some other reviews. Most people like MK2. People who don’t like MK2, I think they like very inflated bass, not quality bass / subbass.

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Resolution isn’t a god lol

I’m sure Mon MK2 sounds great but first obstacle is fit, second obstacle is that is costs 1k :grin:


But he’s the only one that owns both :joy:

Ya the fit man…


He is not a god, but he says things very accurately! Size is a problem, price is not a problem when tuning is perfect, the most perfect. :upside_down_face:

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Sure, you both listen to metal and both fit your libraries very well.
While it may be perfection for your library, it might not be good for some other :wink:


Oh yes, for sure! :guitar:

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To those who missed it, here’s @Precogvision 's take on S12.

I have to say I mostly agree with what he said, but everyone knows I’m a simp. And once again, congratz to the @shuoer team.

Try S12 if you can :slight_smile:


Do you agree with his take on the imaging though?

Not all. I did not know. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Not really, but depends on your standards. If you compare it to Timeless, it’s a bloodbath. If you compare it to its older brothers, it’s worse.

I said mostly, and that’s mainly the point I didn’t fully agree on :stuck_out_tongue:

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I raised that point since I also don’t really agree - thought imaging was decent. Not Oxygen level, but decent!

I love his takes, doesn’t matter if I agree with him or not (DM, Teas, ej07m, etc), but I like his atitude and especially is way of conducting a review. Most reviewers could learn a thing or two, in my opinion of course.

You don’t have to share the same library to appreciate someone’s opinion, good or bad.


Have you read any of VSG’s reviews? I find them very informative and well-written. e.g., XENNS UP In-Ear Monitors Review | TechPowerUp.


No, I’ve never. I read reviews less and less nowadays. Time was already short, and then I decided to delve more into iems :upside_down_face:

I will make sure to check it out :slight_smile:

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Ultra-budget setup: Get more for less

2022, the year you can get even better audio for less, and we are still in January…

I’ve been giving much love to end-game sets, but I’d like to make a small rewind to a couple weeks back.

This post is for those who want a throw away setup, a ultra budget setup (not everyone can call 100$ budget, so I have to keep that in mind), an on-the-go setup for cheap or just a different flavour.

I bring you back the current ultra budget king: CCA CRA.

You can check my first impressions above in this thread and yes, I usually meme a lot about budget sets, but hear me out, since this one is legit, and costs 15 usd.

There’s no cheap without its caveats, and for me, that’s mainly in the tuning - the 5k peak is sometimes a biter for my library. I’m sure some will be fine with it though, others will need a little help.

So, what can you do to improve this set since you are on a budget?

  1. Tip rolling:
    Take out your what you have on hands and start rolling. My advise goes to narrower bore tips to tame that treble. I use Final E medium but, that costs more than this set, so I can’t rec that for those on a ultra budget.

  2. PEQ:
    Everyone knows I’m not an entusiast for the use of PEQ, but we’re under extreme circustances here. Grab yourself some app that can EQ on your smartphone (I use UAPP and you can get it plus the PEQ module for around 10$), and see what fits you. You can check other reviewer’s graphs to get an idea of what you need. For desktop users, Peace GUI is free.
    When I’m on the go with CRA and I want to EQ, this is the my own PEQ Settings:

Low-shelf @ 50hz, -4.0db, Q: 0.5
Peak @ 600hz, +1.5db, Q: 0.7
Peak @ 3000hz, +2.0db, Q: 2.0
Peak @ 5000hz, -4.0db, Q: 2.0

And it should look something like this in the end:

  1. A cheap dongle or portable amp:
    You can read everywhere on the internet the importance of a DAC, but you don’t need an expensive one, if ever. I personally use Q5k on the go but you don’t need that. Something as simple as an apple dongle for 8usd is more than enough for CRA, and that’s the beauty.

Keep in mind that 5k will be hot for some, and without EQ, some might find it a bit fatiding.
Again, for 25$ you can have a DAC and a set that settles you until you can afford some mid-game stuff. Insane.

Happy listening :call_me_hand:


That moment when you realize that your tips are more expensive than your IEM :laughing:


Almost every reviewer I have seen has tossed a cable on to the CRA that cost more than the IEM. I would love to see a physical mod fix that 5KHz peak. But they are still the best at $15 and double.

If I were to put them next to my old Shure SE215 and ask a stranger which one cost $100 :sweat_smile:. . .


I saw info about Tea MK2! Are there any characteristics. Although I found my final game, I think this is a very interesting set to miss! :grimacing:


I think @Rikudou_Goku has mods on it! Check his posts if you looking for it.

If you can get that 5k down, it’s just chef’s kiss.

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