Official "Is Z a shill?" thread

Pc37x isn’t new either. Head-fi thread started in January 2017, and there are already articles about it before that. So (very) roughly it’s been around as long as the 6XX has, a few years.

I should also say that I’m not trying to prove a point here, just try and figure out where sales came from. I feel that z did contribute to the hype of the 58x, but also agree that they are a legitimately good product from a recognizably high end brand for a good price, so it was probably going to sell well anyway since it ended up being good, kinda like the 37x. I think the sales of the 37x came from different promotions on tech or gaming channels instead of audio oriented channels

glad to see we are devolving into /pol/ levels of shill hysteria.

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IDK if we are there yet, but we can get it there if you’d like

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Also the PC 37x doesn’t just appeal to audiophiles it has gotten a ton more sponsor spots on techtubers like Linus, inside gaming daily, hardware Canucks , jays2cebts, Paul’s hardware and even more. Than the 58x.

The 6xx was as well for that matter

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I wouldn’t say he was a shill, sure if something he reviews is so good for it’s value he’s going to hype the shit out of it, I’ve seen other reviewers do the same thing. I’d do too.

Great thing about Z is that he speaks about the feelings and emotions he gets while listening to certain item. For me its really boring to watch graphs or listen to headfi guys arguing about pointless details - some guys there are too sophisticated and kinda arrogant.

You need to watch quite a lot of Z’s videos to understand him and what he is saying. If you watch the top 2 or 3 videos he might seem like this, but once you understand how he thinks you will soon realize he is not and he describes the critical parts of a unit. So if you know what you are looking for you will quickly notice whether a headphone is for you or not…


A shill? Well he makes a living at doing what he does. He mentions being emailed and asked to get reviews out for releases ect. So some companies must be compensating him for doing what he does.

Are his reviews honest? Because when I think “shill” I think about someone that intentionally manipulates the opinions of others to influence them to an end. Weather that be political or marketing or part of the everyone wear polka dot speedos all the time movement.

I think he is an influencer, and that “influencer” is his job title. I can tell that some of his reviews he just soldiers through without any real interest in the product, just churning it out. I think those are things that he has to do for compensation that he doesn’t give a damn about and will be forgotten in a few days.

The difference between an influencer and and shill is; a shill says what they are told to say. An influencer gives an honest opinion. Weather that opinion is skewed one way or another is a whole can of worms itself.

Also I think that he will probably never comment on anything in this thread ever, and secretly he is a shill leader of the everyone wear polka dot speedos all the time movement.


Pretty much everything I have tried that he has reviewed and/or recommended has been as he described. No complaints here!


Why does it seem like Z is posting old unboxing videos… he is unboxing stuff he has reviewed already… weird…

Zeos is the biggest shill thats ever been shilled. Found in the Adriatic sea, Zeos was discovered by deep sea divers and pried from his shill. taken to the surface Zeos was raised by a crab and cuttlefish. When not reviewing audio gear Zeos is mostly found near the sea. Looking out longingly. As if his destiny was somehow derailed. If you ever viewed Zeos reviews you will notice various profanities and obscene jesting. This is his nature as the language of the sea is known to be salty.



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we all know that Z is DEFINITELY a shill for the anime industry…

thats why there are all the waifus

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TL;DR but listened to that whole thing. Just… just so exhausting.

It’s been said that in his previous life, Z was a door to door Kirby vacuum cleaner sales man.


Gotta love it when “professional” Youtubers cluck their tongue right into a microphone. I really like the sound of someone licking my earlobe while I’m watching a headphone review, I think I’ll subscribe to this channel.

I don’t think he is a shill, and I like the fact that he gives attention to the cheaper and more prosaic headphones out there and doesn’t fall into the more expensive = better type of approach (which is, IMO, shilling). He has given some pretty poor reviews to fashionable high end stuff, and very good reviews to fashionable high end stuff, ditto for cheaper and mid-range stuff. Do I agree with him all the time? No, but that’s true of any reviewer (I really didn’t agree with his gushing over the NHD20, and I actually love the Adam SP-5), what I do find him to be is entertaining and very enjoyable to listen to.

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True dat. It’s like bro at least buy me dinner first. And then take me home and leave forever and shut the fuck up about audio gear and stop having opinions internally in your own inner world as well because they are that inane.