Photography (advice, tips&tricks or simply to show off your photoskills with/without audio gear)

Raw is basically FLAC just for photos, its the raw uncompressed file straight out of the camera, normally needs special software to open it but there are few nice free ones out there.
The camera is a factor but a much smaller one than you think.

at the end of the day like folks said improving your lighting will give you the biggest improvement, but its also one of the hardest skill to develop it takes time, effort and a lot doing it over and over to get any good at.

gear in photography is a very tricky thing a lot of folks become gearheads, so muchso that this think gear is what makes them good, with audio there’s is no “skill” its a taste thing, while taste is a thing in photography technical and creative skills are the real factors. I started shooting digital, but I also shoot film, and I love it… it’s expensive it has fewer “pixels” (you need to develop and then scan it which takes time and isn’t cheap). but it’s a unique medium that has a certain kind of magic that makes it uniquely fun and magical

I took these photos on a 40 year old camera i bought on ebay that cost me around 100$ with shipping and its fucking magical :slight_smile:


One thing i would recommend getting a simple light, something like

Its cheap, small, flexible, you can hook it up to a battery pack so its mobile and you can use some color cellophane if you want a little more color. of course it has its flaws but you can buy 2-3 and even if you dont end up using them they make good lamps :slight_smile:


No problem, when you upload a photo just tag me and ask and I will check it out!

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I just posted a really long and detailed lighting 101 post, hope that helps you with your next shot

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Since I left Facebook around 7 years ago sadly I no longer belong to a nice photography group that I used to frequent. But this thread may seriously open the chance to start product photography with my gear. And get feedback (since I was a portrait amateur photographer)

It’s a waaaaayyyyy bigger difference in photography. The amount of detail that you can extract and save from raw is fairly bigger in photography. Altho, with a smartphone camera honestly not the biggest difference since smartphone lack a bit on the detail side of things when shooting unprocessed stuff. Stuff like the pixel phones do crazy good processing where shooting manual raw on a pixel instead of their jpeg auto would just be dumb

This is a pretty good example of the capabilities in editing a raw vs jpeg. So here{s the original picture

It was shot to underexpose basically everything. When edited i got two results, one was edits from it{s jpeg form and the other from it’s raw form. first is the raw edit


and then the Jpeg edit

If you compare, i was i was able to bring the shadows back from the ground and my speaker on the raw without any weird compression artifacts, while on the jpeg it looks super processed and lacks the dynamic range too. Colors are off thoo, since it’s hard to make them more flat etc.It makes a pretty big difference, if you want to edit a photo. I didn’t edit the curtains, even tho i could have saved some highlights because it’s not the focus point of the picture


Thank you. While I wont be able to change my surroundings. I am keeping lighting positioning in my mind.

Ya, the next post will probably more “limited” than the recent post. I just wanted to talk about the basics of working with light sources.

BTW @Jose_G you can actually get even better detail retrieval from programs like capture one, while they don’t change the amount of detail, you do often get fewer color shifts, better contrast retention a bunch more stuff.


Btw @Naturallymorbid I actually DO use capture one hahahahaha. I bought a fuji camera recently. So I had to look up programs that read fuji raw format. And capture one came up, also found that u can buy it for 200 unlike phoo shop
So it’s my go to atm. If u ever have tips about it holler at me. I really just came back to this stuff recently so I’m a bit of a newbie is many aspects UwU

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Ya capture one is awesome although i do have the subscription (its a business expense so i don’t mind all that much). Though i still use lightroom for cataloging and exporting, Capture One’s liberties are kind clunky and unintuitive.

Also I’ve got tips for days you have to be a bit more specific about what you want to know, my lens knowledge of Fuji is a little lacking though i did get to play around with the GX fujis those were dope as hell. Aside from that feel free to ask anything at all, i normally teach at a local photography school nearby but the are closed for the foreseeable future, so i still got the teaching itch to scratch :smiley:

P.s. like i said previously i normally shoot people so product photography isnt my main thing but i do it from time to time

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I briefly had light room. Don’t remember why. But it was by far my favorite program ever. Since I don’t tend to do photoshop much and just need some color and exposure retouching for all my photographs. I just wish I could buy it outright.

I was gonna say, oh nice. But then read that they r closed atm lol
Gotcha, well I’ll Def hit u up when I work on any shots! I used to do portrait photography since I could do it with outdoor light since I was poor lol. Also found it easier. But now I’m considering some product photography and landscape too since I bought my fuji camera and I love photography. I only got it to capture my life tho so I think I’ll get a pancake lens!

How bout someone creates a “critique my photos” thread?? For picture discussions too, what you could improve etc

How bout someone creates a “critique my photos” thread?? For picture discussions too, what you could improve etc

Probably a good idea… :slight_smile:
Though a one or two folks to chime in would be a good idea

Well I know that people like @donjklassen, @Veritas and many other do photography too. I’m sure many wouldn’t mind chiming in. Including myself. Just a photography type of place in this forum would be nice

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Some of my fav wedding photographs I’ve taken…


Some random Travel photographs…


image image image




I’m only a hobbyist and usually only take photos when I travel. I’m a fan of landscapes and wish I was better at post. Random selects that I am relatively proud of.


Nice shot!

I haven’t picked up my camera in over 1.5 years. Before Covid hit, I use to travel around to local race tracks in my state for events such as the Bathurst 12 Hour and drift meets. Not a professional by any means - did it for fun and the workout. You can check out some of my shots here.

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Nice! Yeah not a professional either. But it is nice to get media credentials and be in the middle of the action. More shots here.

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Venice… God the food… SO GOOD…
I miss traveling.

I only take my film cameras when i go its a lot more special when you get the negatives back and see all those places again…
Took these in Venice and in London (all film no post aside from scanning)