Getting at what M0N said, things to look if you’re curious are resistors in parallel and the considerations of the analog side effects of fanout.
My „simple“ home office and browsing setup.
Turned out to be a lot more complex than I anticipated lol
Well… None of my systems would be considered crazy… Totally impressed with peoples systems…I am just getting into DACs, Amps and Headphone Amps and all the variations that can be had. My large system is fairly conventional with a couple twists… my main computer in the dinning room was a basic setup using optical into powered speakers until the sound card died…enter Schiit Modi 3… and the bedroom setup is definitely makeshift, but sounds pretty darn good to me. I would like to incorporate a headphone amp into my main system, but haven’t decided what and how… The Yamaha Integrated Amp has limitations, but I understand the tape loop can be used? I was admiring everyone’s diagrams… I wanted to play
Pretty nice setup and some clean looking diagrams, looking good
I was thinking of splitting my SU8 signal to 4 amps. 2 through XLR and 2 through RCA. Is that a good idea? or am i putting too much load on my SU8? Does a DAC work that way?
It should be just fine as long as they are decent splitters, I don’t think you would be putting too much on the su8 imo
Can’t post a system diagram cause it ain’t crazy. Pretty clean more like.
2 x preamp’s, tv and multiple sources.
Only the signal, network, speaker and power cabling could be called crazy.
I want to see it now lol
Ah also now that I realized how easy it would be to add more dacs into my setup, I just said fuck it and ordered another coleman switch and ATI distribution amplifier.
I repeat operation D.A.C (Deplete Acquired Cash) is a go
Now THAT is funny!! probably will be amplified by the same depleted acquired cash!!
Yeah, I had to move the distro amp back into the studio anyways, I have a ATI DDA212-XLR on the way so I can put the DDA106XLR back in use for other things. I pick up the coleman today and get the distro amp tomorrow (I may have ordered it before I mentioned it here lol)
Also might pick up another dac either today or monday from a local dealer (I might be single handily supporting him while is store is closed since he doesn’t sell online lol)
seriously amplified depleted acquired cash being split into more of the same!! LOL!!
Good for you, M0N!!
Lol I guess it’s one way of supporting local business. Also been hitting up a family chinese place that’s pretty great (although I gotta watch my weight here since I typically don’t eat out often)
At some point (with updated diagrams) you might be able to have your own “M0N verified sticker” when selling off your old equipment.
With that said I might need to get ready for my own other D.A.C.
I would prefer if the gear I sell is not easily linked to me for privacy reasons lol
Great, a black market exclusivity appeal. Way to add intrigue and potential value.
Question: I know John Darko goes nuts over USB cables and such… but due to convenience for 2 computers (diagram coming later tonight… maybe) I have a USB switch to go between 2 systems. I have not heard any degradation in video quality and and any digital transmission delay is not noticeable… thoughts on using USB host on computer -> USB switch (2 system) -> DAC?
If it works it works imo, if it presents no issues I wouldn’t be concerned with it
I’ve always been fascinated with connectivity. It’s almost as much fun as the gear or the music. I enjoyed some quality listening time while drawing the diagrams.
This RCA switch is bidirectional, but only 1 in - 2 out, so I keep the Denon on one of the outputs, then switch the cables from the Cavalli to the Geshelli.
I’ll stop spamming this thread now, here is a currently finalized flowchart with some more updates. I have recently added 4 new dacs to the list, with 2 of them already in hand (the audio note and the bat), one currently in the mail (the mola mola), and I have been currently working out a deal for the aqua dac. I have added the newer aes distro amp into the diagram, I will be getting it tomorrow. Also added an older cd transport I had lying around into the mix as well, pretty nice. Added my living room setup as well. Also I had a corda jazz ff so I added that to desk 2. Made a note of tubes used too. TBH the reason I made this was because I ran out of space on my profile and it was getting too much to maintain in text. So I’ll stop now lol