đŸ”¶ PULA (audio) PA02

knock on wood

I gave em a listen again since my sister said they’re definitely reaching their death soon, I just love this set. If these QC issues weren’t so flagrantly atrocious, it would be a hard rec. Now I’d say pass, even if they were amazing to my ears musically, I want something that lasts longer.

How are the stores at dealing with sercive issues. These are not $20 sets so I would imagine people are getting replacmets?


That type of shells is meh in general. My Thieaudio Oracle look the same and they also got broken pretty easily. I asked Linsoul to reshell and repair (one of DD just died suddenly), and as long as they are from aftermarket, i paid for repair and both ways delivery. They said that they just replaced my units. What is funny - one of the units they sent to me has issue with quiet ratteling while playing. I’ve filmed 3 videos at their request and only after that they agreed to check it and fix the problem
 But again at my expense (:
I refused to pay for what was already paid. And to buy anything from them. (%

So be careful with those shells) They usually very comfortable and light, but quite fragile.

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Linsoul service is one of the worst.


I’ll be honest, I’ve been putting it off since sending back the set isn’t something I’m too keen on doing. I’d rather just save up for my next set.

I might give em a message at some point but I’m not actively trying to do it


Yeah, got a defect cable from them, had to film to show that left channel was dead. When that was cleared I had to film when I cut the defect cable with scissors. Very strange, but finally I got a new cable. Was like 10 mails back and forth.


“Now we want to see the satisfaction on your face, please make your video more emotional, so we can believe you”.

UPD: It was a joke about Linsoul. Just in case :slight_smile:


thats why i dont trust youtubers anymore

did you recieve it like that or just developed over time?

Another review from Mr. Golden Ears
Kayee Dee.

1+4 Hybrid In Ear Monitor.

-Impedance: 36Ω.
-Sensitivity: 111 dB.
-Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz. -Three-Way Electronic+Physical Crossover.
-Single 10mm Dynamic Driver.
-4 Balanced Armature Drivers. Implementation not specified. I am assuming 2 for mids, 2 for highs :man_shrugging:t2:.

Thanks go out to Pula, via their store on Aliexpress for generously providing the Canuck Audioholics a review sample of the PA02.
Kyle Parker
Bennet Kelly
Tone Deaf Monk
Jay Yang

:blush: Vented resin shells with metal nozzles are attractive, and appear to be of quality build.
Available in red or green.
:blush: Ear pieces are on the larger size, but fit comfortably in my ears. They stay in place and anchor well.
:blush: Stock cable is a decent silver plated copper offering. Our tour unit came with a 4.4mm termination, but a choice of 3.5, 2.5, or 4.4mm termination option is available at checkout.
:blush: Drives easily off phone.
:blush: Bass has nice decay rate, not tight or constrained, but not loose and overbearing either.
:blush: Mids and vocals are relaxed, not elevated, overly forward, or over energetic. (subjective)
:blush: Highs have good sparkle and air, but are also well composed, never harsh or sibilant.
:blush: While confined to within the head, the head space is spacious with good dimension.

:pensive: Relaxed tuning may not be for everyone (subjective).
:pensive: Head stage lacks top to bottom depth.

Source Devices:
I listened on a few different DAPs and found the PA02 quite source compatible.
I preferred a more resolving source as it lifted the mids and vocals a bit.
The Astell and Kern Kann Max best suit my preference and was used for this evaluation.

The stock cable pairs well but I did find a couple cables in my collection that helped elevated the mids and highs just a bit.
If you are a cable person, try rolling a few to see what results you get.
Sound evaluation is done with stock cable.

-Pula PA02 IEM, aged 100+ hours.
-Astell & Kern Kann Max, low gain, 4.4mm out.
-Stock SPC cable terminated 4.4mm
-Divinus Velvet wide bore tips.

Sound: (Critical Listening)

** Bass:
Is sub prominent.
Using a couple sub bass test tracks.
-Bass Test 20 Hz; Bass Boosted HD; Extreme Bass Boost.
Sub bass is thick and deep with good rumble. It has reasonable extension.
-Aqua Drop; Tri Boss; Aqua Drop.
Sub bass is thick, but richer and more boomy. A little faster decay, and less extension.

Mid bass rolls off and is less prevalent than sub bass.
Listening to the acoustic double bass solo track George; Frederick Alaire; Mega Bass.
Lower bass notes are thick and weighty, and overall timbre and tonality is accurate.
Some of the mid bass detail; finger slap, and resonance, that I know to be present in this track, is subdued or missing.

The sub bass prominence overrides the mid bass enough to blur the definition between the two, but, the overall bass presentation is warm and rich with quick enough decay not to overwhelm the soundstage.

** Mids, Vocals and Staging:
The mids and vocals are very relaxed. The pinna rise is gentle and doesn’t peak above the bass shelf. (re: frequency graph)
This works well for me as I am sensitive to overly energetic mids and vocals. Personally, I wouldn’t be opposed to a bit more energy and elevation in the mids.

The relaxed mids tuning does impact the perception of height and layering on staging.
One of my go to tracks for reviewing, and a favourite for listening as well,
He’s a Carioca; Eden Atwood; Waves.
Eden’s Vocals are typically somewhat elevated and forward, on the PA02 they present noticeably lower in the headspace, and more “back with the band”.
This does not affect my listening enjoyment, but it is one of the nuances I noticed with respect to how the tuning impacts the stage presentation.

This is not limited to vocals. Cymbals on this track, which normally are airy, and present high in the head space, are also perceived lower in the head space.

Left to right imaging is very good with good spatiality along this axis.
Limited top to bottom height and layering.
Front to rear depth is average.
The stage is intimate rather than expansive, but does have good spatiality and does not sound congested.

It took me some listening time to realize that the mids carry considerable detail.
The intimate head stage, and because certain frequencies aren’t elevated and forward, details are harmoniously “blended” within the music, and can initially be overlooked.

** Highs
Are also rolled off to some degree.
While there is good detail and sparkle in the highs, they are not overly airy or elevated.

** Summary:
The critical listening above, is, exactly that; critical.
It’s nit picky, subjective, and biased to my personal hearing, and listening preferences.
Hopefully it provides some insight into the strengths, weaknesses, and nuances of the PULA PA02 for those who haven’t had the opportunity to experience it yet.

For me, what’s important is how enjoyable is an IEM when listening strictly for pleasure, and not critiquing it.

The relaxed tuning works well with my sensitivity to over energetic mid range peaks.
It took a bit of brain burn to adjust to the sound signature, but once there I found the PA02 a most enjoyable and musical experience.
I find the tonality natural and accurate, and I enjoyed lengthy listening sessions just disappearing into, and drifting with the music.

My critical listening revealed a few shortcomings, subjective to individual personal preferences, but for relaxed listening, strictly for enjoyment. I really like this IEM

My music sources are streaming Qobuz, and, FLAC and DSD files stored on the SD cards of the daps.
My music genre are primarily Rock, Blues, Jazz, Symphonic, Country, Rap, R&B, Pop, Electronic.

Enjoy your music. :+1:t4:"

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I received them like this, just the crack that appeared a few weeks later. For the initial problems I received a 30 dollar refund, yes, just 30 dollars. The seller insisted that I keep the IEM and not make the return. Now I tell everyone, skip the Pula (Same for Juzear) Two unknown brands with terrible quality control.


Because the YouTubers didn’t predict that QC would develop like this?

Are they omnipotent reviewers now


You know damn well why. Most of them blindly hype things up without proper research and tests and they still insist with the hype even after qc issues arrise which make me think theres some benefits behind it


Sorry to hear that mate. Thats pretty sad, i think on their Ali product page it says free returns so you might just open a dispute and claim a refund.


I happen to be on the side of reviewers this time around.

I have to say if you get a good one without QC problems, its a set that stands side to side with my Variations and Xenns Up but right now where it’s at? Not recommended at all

There’s no proper research to be done in regards to QC, we can’t all be buying 160 sets and then using em with reckless abandon

We all took a risk buying from an unknown company in China, hell to order it you gotta go through Aliexpress.

I understand what you’re saying but seriously dude common sense applies to this. I know that when I bought it through my own research and I gladly skipped the part of my brain telling me “this ain’t the greatest idea”


How do you reseach and test gear? A blind buy PURCHASE and subsquent review with enthusiastic emotion , because thats what music is to me.

No conspiracy here you like shit or you dont. It resonates with you or it doesn’t.

I buy something I dont like I say so and sell it it and move on.

I get something defective I deal with it not bitch and moan. Most sellers on AliExpress have been great to deal with except Hakugei and now I stop buying from them.

I was once very critical of all reviewers.

DSNUTS once said to me as I was saying things like your saying now. He said " If you think you can do better, than me 
Prove it."

So I did now I pass that on to you people.


i mean
they way they “push” some products is kinda suspicious. Also uploading a vid every 2 3 days and claiming is the best thing also kinda suspicious but anyway do what you want.


I see what you mean so I respect it homie

sometimes it is too much but it’s also why I now tend to inspect the IEMs more than usual than I used to

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I hear you, but let me tell you: most people in the hobby want that “love it or hate it but have big feelings” kind of review.

People sure don’t have a lot of interest when I say a set is fine, but pretty mid, and you already have all the gear you need so you can pass.

Which is 75% of my impression/reviews because most gear is fine and a general sidegrade to what you have/that tier of gear. Most of this hobby is preference, not whether something is objectively good or bad (cause it’s REALLY hard to make bad gear in 2024. And most people know to easily bypass that trash).

But people don’t wanna hear that. They want their dopamine/copium hits and their biases confirmed