🔶 PULA (audio) PA02

Welcome to this forum, man!


My Pula is on its way to me. Sent it in for exchange. On my copy, the wires fell out of the 2pin sockets and the sound was lost. I contacted the support of the store on AliExpress. They said to send without accessories only headphones. Sent at my own expense. Support asked me to choose a new color of headphones and gave me a branded cable. Great customer service. I am very happy with it.


That is a damn sweet cable :handshake:


Wow nice to hear a great experience story instead if the usual negative one. Thanks for sharing and love the baller color choice!


Free cable sounds great. Specially when they could have dismiss you by saying " bad handling, no replacement" sounds like a reputed seller.

Did you review these? I’m really curious about your impressions.

Holy cow- amazon has these at $137 plus 30% off, so thats below $100. I thought it was a great value at $130.

I dont sell for them or anyone, i just think it is an amazing price for these


Sweet deal!

I can say that so far my set has been great. Arrived in perfect condition and has been wonderful to listen to. The cable was great but too short for me, so I did replace it with a 2-meter cable. Now that the cable is in place I have no plans to take it off as I saw that those connectors won’t tolerate multiple on/off cycles. No worries, though, I’m good with this one.

All said and done, these are all locked in and sounding fantastic. I’m very happy with them. I will keep an eye on the shells and see how they age.


A PA02 with bone conduction driver
1+1+4 is on the way.

Pics are prototypes