Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

@Michael @Eric_Rosenfield


This is what I ordered, the seller clearly sent me this

This what I got from my door step…

Eventually I got the right item, but it sucks I had to wait a couple of days to get the correct item eventually.

Modern architecture. We need more of this:

And less of this:


To be fair, I do like both, but they have their places and if a whole city had to resemble one out the other, the older one all the way.


I am at a loss for words at the sheer laziness of that. I understand what happened there. They replaced the post and the new one had a smaller base-plate. How hard, or time consuming, would it have been to cut down that plate and weld a proper one on???


While I, too, am appalled at how awful of a job they did…I think that is the epitome of the phrase “Good enough for Government Work”. I don’t think that I could live with leaving it like that if it were my job, though…


ARGH!!! I missed deal pricing on the Sony 710N ANC headphones $130.00 USD on B&H but when I went to order that was closed for a holiday they were observing and forgot to check the next day and it ended.

started to order then from the $199.00 CAD the Source promo yesterday but got distracted and when I went to complete today it had ended.

And rest assured it will stay that way until someone gets seriously hurt because they fell on it or whatever and sues the city for Millions. THEN they will do something about it. Not a minute before.

In their quest to be bold and different, they create eyesores like this. That is just hideous.

When you look at the bigger picture, I often think that mankind is devolving, not evolving.

Jay Monohan is a hypocritical piece of shit and should resign today. Rant over.

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I don’t know much about how the PGA is formatted but aren’t commissioners of sports usually appointed by sports owners and major investors? As much as people want to give him flack that’s exactly what the people higher up behind him that pushed for the deal want. He could just be the fall guy as they rake in tons of money with the merger. Sucks for everybody who is a fan of the sport and protested the new league.


Frankly I never understood why Monahan took the over-the-top stance that he did. Yeah, it kinda stank that LIV did what they did. But the guys that took the money, well, they did what they did. I have issue with it, so I decided not to support it. I’m OK with LIV existing, I don’t watch it.

But to come on like that and then a year later, you roll over like a bitch and sell out every person that stood by you? I don’t see how Monahan survives this, and I’m sure he doesn’t care because there is big golden parachute waiting for him. Money wins.

I used to love this game. I played a lot of golf in my day, and I was pretty damned good! I have watched a ton of golf. The US open is coming up. I’m not even sure I’m gonna watch, now. I always thought the game was above all this. But I was wrong. Money wins. Oh well. Maybe I should stop watching and start playing again anyway.


I am frustrated, just sprained my right ankle today by just going for a rebound, but my shoes’ gripped the court too well that I rolled my ankle. Currently applying the procedures needed to get it better and I am still pissed and in pain after what happened. Shit happens, and that was with no contact at all.


Sorry to hear that :pensive: but defo R.I.C.E wishing a speedy recovery :+1:

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Thanks man, also the pain is much worse after waking up in the morning and I could barely walk and shit. Had to take some pain meds to reduce the pain and quickly resume walking again (though that walking is not that quick, for it is still tough.) I hope the sprain is not too serious for I have sprained it back then, so this is basically a familiar territory.

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So I was teaching a drum clinic for a drum manufacturer I have a deal with along with a couple other drummers on their roster. About halfway through the clinic a drum legend shows up and we invite him up to sit in. He shows off some cool stick techniques and what not that show that at nearly 80 this dude still has chops. It was a cool moment.

Anyways, at the end of these clinics it’s pretty common for the presenters to do some kind of drum off. So we start doing that and some folks in the crowd start calling for said legend to get in on the drum off. Mind you, all three of the actual presenters, including myself, are under 45 and doing some pretty technical and fast runs that require chops and being in the kind of shape that’s just not possible at nearly 80 years old. Knowing this, the legend politely declines and then signs a few autographs and leaves. As he’s walking out some dipshits start booing him! This is a guy that has more platinum albums than some of the offending parties have years on this earth and they’re gonna boo him? I have never been more disappointed in a crowd in my life.

Thankfully, some staff grabbed these dudes and yanked them out before I could get myself in trouble doing something stupid and I was happy to see that some folks booed them as they got dragged out. Regardless, I am embarrassed that something like this happened at a clinic with my name associated with it. Whatever happened to showing people respect, and having manners or observing proper decorum? I feel like I see those values slipping further and further away from being the norm and that’s sad.

As for the legend, he handled it brilliantly and I actually got to speak with him in the offices where we were after we wrapped up and the guy couldn’t have cared less what some jerk off idiots thought of him, of course. Dude was a class act about the whole thing and I got to talk to a guy who is literally one of the drummers I used to imagine being (still do sometimes if I’m being honest :joy:) so the whole thing turned out okay. I think my frustration and dismay is really less about the particular incident and more about 1) It happening at an event I was part of and 2) That behavior like that seems to be more and more common and what that says about our world and our potential future. It was just such bullshit and so incredibly lame. :angry:


Try an ointment from either Comfrey or Arnica or St. John´s wort oil to support the healing process :wink:

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There are always those people who have no respect. Props to everyone who shut the haters down. Sounds like it was a blast.


Damn man sorry to hear this. I really do feel like respect is going down hill these days. Seems way worse as we get more digital with interactions and have less genuine face to face interactions. Even further deepened by Covid and the isolation that it caused. Maybe I’m just getting older though and being bah humbug.


No, you aren’t just imagining things, people are getting ruder and more demanding as a whole. It’s a whole gamut of cultural influences and practices that are driving it, not something we can just point at and fix. The best thing we can do is teach our kids and influence our peers to keep the mindset to treat others with respect the way we were raised.