Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

Couldn’t agree more. I make it a point to try to influence/teach/change those I have any ability to. As frustrating as it is to see, I keep hoping that we’re gonna reach a tipping point where good, decent people refuse to put up with the BS anymore and start pushing back against it.


I’m sorry to hear this happened. When I hear drum legend in his 80s I immediately thing Ringo so I’m hopping that was who showed up! I’m glad those asses got thrown out. I agree wholeheartedly that respect has gone downhill. Another thing I have seen a lot of, especially with music fans is that people have this mentality now where everyone is there to serve them. Its so sad. People don’t see artists as people but as objects that owe them because “we made you famous”.


For the second time in a matter of months I’ve had a straight male giving me a bitchy glance while I’m minding my own business, wearing nothing out of the ordinary (essentially judgemental elevator eyes with an emphasis on shoes). WTF is that about :thinking:

Is this a consequence of dropping T levels? I don’t recall grown men acting like this in the past.

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Sitting here on a Saturday waiting for an oil change, and the Jiffy Lube attendant informs me that it’s against company policy for them to use the oil/filter I brought (as I always do, so I can pre-measure, use the kind I like and save money). At the very least, dude is knocking ~$30 off of the service cost since I brought my own (which they won’t use so I’ll save it for the next one).
Not only have I never been denied the use of my own oil/filter (even at this same Jiffy Lube, although it’s been like 8 months since I was last here) but I can only do this shit on a Saturday since I’ve been on the road Sunday-Friday for the last several months straight. Kinda grating tbh (and yes I would do it myself, but I don’t have a great setup/much free time at home hence paying to have someone else do the labor). I have to take care of my car pretty religiously, because if I can’t drive, I can’t work.
First World problems, eh?
Edit: they didn’t knock off the $30 and I didn’t have time to sit there or go back and argue because I am pressed for time all weekend. Bleh.


Jiffy lube is the worst. Sorry to hear that

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It was literally my last choice since I only had today to get it done (plus I then had to go to the grocery store, help my old man cut down some lumber AND cook dinner for the folks). Next time I’ll just book a slot at the Fleet Farm like two weeks out. If I wasn’t on the road atm, I would just book with one of my local places on a weekday.
Kind of a “Once Bitten” situation combined with bad timing. I also couldn’t put it off until NEXT weekend because we’re going to my Dad’s cousin’s funeral which will eat pretty much that whole day.

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Micro$hit Teams is just overall the worst.
Any piece of software to transfer voice that is not Microsoft can change individual participants volume or mute someone.

Teams, a paid, fOr BuSiNeSs tool, can not do this. THE F?!


In a Teams Meetings, it is possible to mute participants. Not sure what settings it needs from platform side. Even a guest participant could mute another participants if some unwanted noise comes, not just the meeting host.
Last that i recall from 4 weeks back… unless its some new update?

But the volume adjustment would a nice feature. Some people just… too much noise.


I hear you. Around here they wanted to eliminate other collaborative platforms and move to Teams only. It nearly caused a revolt. People hate Teams that much. They had to cancel that plan!

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Wtf is going on at Home Depot?!? First they drop Estwing, now they’re clearing out Klein?


That is odd. I want to see what they replace Klien with. If they replace at all. What is the back story, here…

For me being a tradesman, Klein is not what it once was. Quality has suffered big time.


Is that an across the board loss in QC, or just in certain products?

Nut drivers, screw drivers, crimpers, strippers and such are the worst. I stopped buying them after going through too many. Found better in other products.

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Hmmm… And here I was eyeballing their network cable stuff and circuit breaker finder.

Mostly mine are used heavily just about all day every day… I am a Hvac tech and tools seriously take a beating. I have become so jaded I will not even consider those from klein when there are so many better brands that have been catching up and now surpassed those mentioned.

MasterCraft for the win!!!

It is funny but I have a cheap set of nut drivers that I have had for 40 plus years that are still going strong. The only problem is they are non magnetic but range from1/4 to 5/8. I even ran them over more than once… Klein’s last about a month or two before they strip out (heads) or the handle has broken on a couple. I think the cheap set was like Kmart or something way back when.

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I’m more looking at a set like this

I know Fluke has a set… It’s also 5x the price. That’s just not realistic for me.

Just bought their circuit breaker finder and it’s worked for my applications so far… about to buy the 11061 for stripping cable I can let you know how that works out too!

Pretty much housebound with the newborn so restricted to Amazon prices and availability, curious what the brands are that are lapping Klein for quality these days to keep my eye out for them.

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