Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

Too bad to hear that about Klien. I have a few pieces from Klien that are pretty old and still work well. I have a full electronics set from Wera for field technicians that I bought 30 years ago. Except for those that were lost, I still use them today, every day. They are looking their age now, but they are still in the game! Pound for pound the best tool set I ever had.

I just realized that the blisters I can get on the top of my head may be due to the headbands on my cans and nothing to do with the length of my hair. I have psoriasis so always associated it with that and found that when I shaved my head and used a eucalyptus oil as a topical, it was usually kept at bay…until this summer, where I’ve been battling it constantly until this morning when I moved my headphones and paid attention to do so carefully and realization that the issues are the same area the cans rest. <_<

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My Yaxi pads started to fade muuuch faster than I thought they would. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, but it looks like they’re super beat. I’ve only had them for a few months :eyes:


@K4sh1ma @CartrKellr_iFi if your Yaxi pads are fading, check the connections to make sure they’re solid and if they are, try turning up the volume? :wink: LoL!

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Yeah mine is getting the same result as well lately being used on my KPH40. I had to use the stock pads again for it, still solid but I prefer the Yaxis more.

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Not so much a rant, but proof that our addictions are a universal language:

Integra Type-S, S2000, TL 6MT. The TL is mine, the other toys are my old mans. I didn’t get my love of audio gear from him, but he did give me my love for music and fast cars.


Small grievance, small rant - trying to set up my classes better in “Cavas” this year and all other planning/emails etc that are pressing a couple days before the start of school.

Today I am doing that on a laptop with 4gb of RAM, which can’t pick up wifi from the area at the back of a room I am in which is my “office” this year.

I found a Surface Book 2 with great specs to replace this laptop with and got greenlit to go ahead and get it, and it would have arrived around midday today - except UPS are saying there was a failed delivery because the “business is closed” and they’ll try again tomorrow. If a school bustling with teachers and a fully populated front desk is a “closed business” then what’s to stop them saying it’s closed tomorrow. This isn’t the usual 6pm+ where they enter it just as a reason it didn’t get delivered by end of day.

No way for me to provide any more detail in the delivery instructions on UPS Mychoice either, in case they somehow genuinely misunderstood how to deliver to the office of our school, as it’s the school address not my own. Would have been VERY handy to have that in hand, especially as the IT head will want to deploy it in the right way for insurance coverage and security procedures before I can use it on the daily.

EDIT: So apparently the UPS truck came onto campus, turned around and left straight away. Clearly all the cars are parked here because humans are here, I wonder what the incentive was to skip our school today. USPS haven’t delivered my other thing, but they didn’t come to school last Monday either, I think they’re missing someone to cover Mondays in our area.


I think five finally had it with the headphone enthusiast crowd of Reddit. Spent ages typing up a post about relating sound to others on Reddit on r/headphones and the mods deleted for “asking for headphone advice.”

So I removed any reference to what I was actually looking at, but left in my reference to HD6X0 and Sundara, and put in a disclaimer that the post was made to discuss how sound qualities are relayed between audiophiles, not discuss between the headphones I mentioned and the mods deleted it again. I don’t think they even read it, to be honest.
Some poor guy even took the time to give a well thought out reply.

How do you even discuss how sound is relayed to others, bringing up how reviewers sometimes neglect to mention how things sound with specific music, without mentioning HD6X0 and Sundara? I’ve been around long enough to know that those two are benchmarks and important in how headphones are discussed to many people. Whether or not it should be that way is what I wanted to talk about.

Anyway, rant over. Lesson learned. Maybe the moderators at r/headphones are super nice, but I can’t help but walk away from this interaction with the impression that they’re gatekeeping snobs who really aren’t interested in a good discussion about anything worthwhile.


yeh, the AI they use to parse posts is borked.


Alright it has been a while but I want something to get off my chest. I basically received the wrong item and entirely different on what I ordered, even though I specifically stated and chose the item that I fucking want and I cannot still fathom on why there are some damn sellers cannot seem to freaking get it at the first try! Yes I know they have been a lot going on for them, yes I know they are human therefore mistakes cannot be avoided, but jesus christ! At least message me or something! Inform me that the item I ordered didn’t had any damn stock at all!

This is the shoe I ordered, straight to the point, specific size and color way.

But this is what I got from my door step, totally different from the one I ordered. I have filed a pick-up for return tomorrow for this is just mind numbingly frustrating for I had a bad day earlier and hoping this one will at least make it a bit better for I really wanted to try those sneakers to hoop in tomorrow. But nope, looks like I have to wait for an another damn week until I get the right set of sneakers I want!


Every time I find a google result to a reddit post that matches the question or comparison I am looking for, it’s an unanswered post left to the crickets. People aren’t there to help out.

EDIT: Different subreddits differ I’m referring to the headphone subreddit.

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I get this is a US problem… but this is evidence that the 1975 Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act and the FTC are jokes.

Monoprice: Don’t want to use the integrated stand? Hope you don’t like your warranty!

The degree some companies will go to screw their customers is astounding. The problem is they get away with it without so much as a slap on the back of the hand.

Edit: I apologize for getting which act incorrect, and have corrected it. All the same, many companies are finding ways to bring in more planned obsolescence, and it’s effecting multiple industries.


Not audio related. I hate that no healthcare provider in the US will ever remove old health insurance info. I have moved four times in the last 5 years, and held three different jobs, and two of them changed insurance in the middle. So 5 insurance providers in 5 years.

My wife has a biopsy today, and they tried to claim our insurance was expired. After going over it with them, they were using an account number from four years ago. I pointed out that they should remove the old expired info, and they said they don’t do that as a matter of policy. They seemed annoyed when I explained their policy was dumb, since it added stress to a cancer patient’s life for no reason.


I am so sorry to hear about it. There are a lot of needlessly conflated systems over here (IRS, healthcare middlemen) and like you pointed out the worst place you could possibly have needless money-draining bureaucratic circle-jerking is when you and or your loved ones are facing a physical/mental hardship.


I falled down go boom while cleaning my inlaws yard of junk. >.<


Dang, I hope you’re doing alright now (more bruises to the ego than the body)!


I’m sore all over, no bruising, but it seems to have tweaked a nerve connected to my guts cause I’m having a lot of IBS like things going on right now :stuck_out_tongue:

do you actually have ibs?

I used to…but it’s been a long time since I’ve had an attack.

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im on constant attack my whole life :joy: