Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

have you checked if you have Crohn’s?

yes, i still remember not eating anything for 4 days for colonoscopy. its just ibs-d

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mine went away after I started eating better…but every now and then I’d get an attack for a couple days. hard to feel that way about it…but thank goodness it’s IBS and not Crohns!

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Just your typical day of driving to get to work during the past week. Your typical case of bad drivers on the road, even though I try my best to be at least a driver that has some form of decency. Why can’t there be just drivers that can bother using their turn signals? Like for the love of God, if you’re gonna turn right at least have your blinkers on to the right, unlike some goofballs who still has their left blinkers on while they are turning right! What?!

You know what is also frustrating and I am sure some of you can relate to this, slow vehicles driving on the left lane! Aren’t you supposed to drive on the rightest part of the lane if your vehicles is so slow? I mean if my car is facing some damn issues or just runs overall weird, I will put it on the right side because I have to run slow, yet some of these are fools are on the left side of the lane, driving slow, while there is a lot of opportunity for them to overtake! Yet they don’t do it. Also the overtaking lane is only for overtaking, why the hell would you remain there? There are really days people, that makes me want not to drive anymore, and I am sure some of you had been there; therefore having my music and library in my own old ass car is enough for me to exercise some calmness and patience on the road, for I’d rather avoid the bullshit overall.

Still though, basic fundamentals of driving and understanding of the rules seems to be all futile at this point if most drivers that I encounter on the road are like that.


May this prayer reach the ears of Yanyin. Great IEMs, bad prices:


Fair points, Sir.

I have an update about this particular SSD that I have purchased. Turns out the guy who said to me that he has the right to call me a clown for buying a SATA SSD was right. Because this particular SSD was a fucking fraud and it’s a huge error in my part for just immediately clicking “Order received” button even though I should have had furthered inspected this before putting it on my rig.

It was a mistake putting this on because it’s a red flag when an entirely new SSD has immediately have a partition being called 870 EVO, and it’s not even showing on my Samsung Magician program, which I knew I screwed up big time and I cannot refund this anymore. You know what is even worse? After deleting the partition of this SSD, and making a new one, it showed SDSSDA-1T00 which is a goddamned SanDisk SSD, instead of it being MZ-77E1T0 which is the original’s model no.!

Also yeah the R/W values are not even the same as the EVO and I am damn sure that the damn Storage amount of this is not even 1TB, for it damn stalls in the end and cannot complete the copy and paste process that well.


Sad to hear this, but considering it’s a scam can’t you even try to contest the buy? At least for me in AliExpress there is an option to do this even after you said you received the product. After all, a scam product cam sometimes be hard to find.

Also, don’t be that hard on yourself, scammers deserve all the hate for the bad they do. Just use this as a lesson to try and avoid this in the future, or at least to have backup plan.

P.S.: if you payed with credit card you can also try to claim with the bank, it’s troublesome but it can work.

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I have been hoping that I didn’t have to post this one, but enough was enough. I apologize if I am a little long winded with this one but I am kind of pissed about it. I posted back in September that I ordered the Vioelectric V222 from drop for $949 which is at minimum about $350 cheaper than you can find it anywhere else. It wasn’t supposed to ship until November 7th which I was completely fine with. Well November 7th came and went and it didn’t ship. I waited about a week before contacting Drop to see what was going on with it. When I got the response from Drop they acted like they didn’t know anything and at the same time blamed Lake People and the distributor handling the shipping of the product. This went on for a few weeks back and forth with Drop. During this time over on Head-Fi on the V222 thread the people who ordered one were all wondering the same thing when is it going to ship? One of the members was able to find out who the distribution company was and contacted them. He relayed that they were going to ship with in the next few days(this was around the middle of November). The time frame that they gave came and went and nothing. I e-mailed the distributor (AM&S) and they never responded. I gave them a week and then called them. Keep in mind I am a pretty chill person and I usually don’t get pissed off real easy…I work in a pretty high stress job and don’t get mad about little things. Well when I talked to the person from AM&S it was like he had no clue what I was talking about. He couldn’t give me any answers and acted like they didn’t have anything to do with Drop. I hung up with them and was fairly pissed by this point. Then I look on drop and they opened a new drop for the V222 before the original orders were shipped out. The new shipping date was December 29th. My thoughts were well I have waited this long what is another three weeks but I wanted to make sure they were going to ship on the 29th. I e-mailed drop and asked if they would be shipped on the 29th and the response was well we don’t know…I quit reading the e-mail at that point and just cancelled my order. I started to wonder if they were going to just cancel the drop? I don’t mind waiting for a product at all. There was no communication from Drop on anything. You would think they would at least have the courtesy of sending out an e-mail saying hey we aren’t sure when the item will ship, or hey this is what is going on with the item right now. They didn’t do any of that and the customer service was pretty awful to be honest. I can definitely say that was my last time dealing with them. I will say one good thing about them they had me my refund the same day I cancelled my order. That refund went were it should of went in the beginning to buy a Schiit Mjolnir 3.


was looking at ordering a Super DuxBack bike poncho from Carradine, but the freight is half the cost of the dang poncho. <_<

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Yeah right now in regards to that, I am still trying to figure it out and I am not going to let that seller get away with it. I wasn’t the only one who has faced this issue, for there were a lot of people who are really pissed off receiving that particular SSD.

Guess I have to stay with my old ass Seagate, until I can get a legitimate new one.

Youtube is the worst with space use.
Look at this:

Just “here, these are links” and then NOTHING, VOID, EMPTY SPACE


Some people are just fucking scumbags. My 5 year old 1100 usd bike got stolen in my home (it was parked in the lawn in front so they also trespassed)…


I keep forgetting to reply to this. Sorry to hear about that. Wanted to mention for the future:

Bike register databases for regions are slowly becoming a thing that helps authorities locate the original owner. List of bike registries.

In Vancouver, they’ve had a successful program of reducing bike theft, basically spearheaded by one retired police officer. If you’re remotely interested in that topic, there’s a couple videos on the shifter YT channel worth watching. Bikes got pricey and E-Bikes are almost mainstream so there are simple solutions the bike industry and local authorities could do to drastically reduce numbers and bring it in line with other industries.


buy heavy eBikes and make them difficult to steal. when I start using mine to run errands, I’m going to throw a bike cover that will then be wrapped in a lock to make it very difficult to get under and see the other locks that I’ve used to secure it…like disk brake locks, etc…

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Thanks for the tip! Didnt know about the register thing, will check with the bike store I bought from what they recommend (I see a lot of different sites here in sweden).

Currently i ordered 2 lock for the new bike (Scott Aspect 740).

And also ordered a anti theft device from ali.
Hopefully this is all i need to deter thieves. Also considered buying those surveilance camera sticker warnings.


you can usually get a rider for a bike on your home / rental insurance too. note, this often requires you to use locks with a minimum rating…I forget which one, but if you look at insuring your bikes, they’ll tell you.

might not be a bad idea to put some sort of tracker on the bike as well, but somewhere that’s not obvious, like inside the handlebar tube or inside the seat down tube. I would also recommend putting a brake lock on the front and back wheels.

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oh, totally forgot about those. Will check it up.


Damn that is genius


I rant at the 2 am past idea of deciding it was a great idea to install Arch on my computer to work with ROCm. Why I didnt decide to use something like Mint or Ubuntu for a more stable easy to setup route with good documentation I have no clue. At the same time though it was the smoothest linux install I ever had in years and it found the correct drivers initially so that is a plus.

did you do it recently? all I’ve got to say is EndeavourOS setup is a breeze