Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

All the best bro! :gift_heart:

How about creating a paypal moneypool?
I am quite certain there are a few in here that would rather support you instead of buying another shiny IEM Cable or a budget set :upside_down_face:


I’m/we’re pulling for you, bro! I’m happy to hear that things went well during your procedure. Sounds like this might be the first step towards normalcy. I’m once again sending you all my good vibes and keeping my fingers crossed. Keep your head up! :crossed_fingers:


As long as I’m here I figured I would thank everyone again for their kind words and give you guys a little update. It’s 3:30AM here and I just made it back to the hotel a little while ago after playing our first show since I my jaw got broken with that flashlight. I made it through the show just fine. I definitely had to try to hold my upper body and head more still than I’m used to because headbanging type movements or anything sudden like that can be pretty brutal. I did get a pretty gnarly headache, but it peaked about halfway through our set and then settled into a less intense, throbbing sorta deal. I was actually expecting it to be a lot worse so I’m pretty happy.

Right now, I’m gonna pour myself a glass or two of Lagavulin, kick back, and get rid of this headache before I plant my ass in bed and stay there until it’s time for soundcheck in 13 hours or so lol! :joy:

Again, thanks for the support and for letting me rant. It was a big help.

P.S. PMs from a group of guys here who will go nameless (you know who you are :wink:) and a couple calls/sessions with my psych has my head screwed back on as straight as it ever is so my issues with PTSD and paranoia/hypervigilance are on the decline as well. :+1:


I failed to see this update and while I’m super late to the party, that last part really put a smile on my face, man. I’m happy to have gotten to know you man, and I’m hoping you know we’re here for you. Those demons can’t take all of us, brother - much love :love_you_gesture:


Thanks for the support!


I’m sick…have been for 7 days. might be pneumonia :unamused:


Sorry to hear this bro…hope you feel better soon :+1:


There was a bout of Bacterial Pneumonia (among other general respiratory ‘crud’) going around in our office last month (I was lucky to be out of the office virtually all of that time!), take care of yourself and we all hope that you beat it quick!


thanks. live in a small city where emerg is also the walk-in so prolly gonna go in and have my chest looked at tomorrow.


Good idea. Pneumonia is best caught and treated as early as possible. I’m sending you my good vibes and I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it’s an easy fix. I hope you feel better soon. Make sure you come back and update us when you can so we know you’re okay, bro! :crossed_fingers:


If I could just let this out really quick, it’s literally boiling over in my soul…

I genuinely hate my job.

I’m a car salesmen/consultant/whatever you want to call it, and I got into this field at first as a photographer/videographer because I genuinely loved cars + photography. My first dealership sold exotic supercars and it was a fun for a while. But after about 2 years of doing that, the money was still short and I needed to pay the bills, so I line up a construction job for my self. I thought that with construction I would at least be #1 more physically active #2 make way more money #3 have a more steady stream of income for the fam. When I gave my two weeks back in 2021, my direct boss who was the marketing director offered me a sales job. I respectfully declined as my first two jobs were sales and I grew tired of it. Unfortunately, she then lied and dangled a higher paying position in front of me like a carrot and I took it. Long story short, I never got the higher paying position and I was stuck selling the lower level cars of the dealership for 2 years. Yes, I made a lot more money than I did prior. Almost double. But the politics and favoritism of that place grew increasingly tiring and I left about 2 months ago, after months and months of thinking of doing so. I was able to land another sales job at a different dealership. I’ve been here for about a month and half now and I can confidently say there is No favoritism, and there are little to no politics. Leads are evenly distributed, and there are truly no favorites. But the cars are incredibly boring here, a far cry from Ferraris and Lamborghinis and at the lowest level, Alfa Romeos from my previous tribe I was apart of. This sales shit just ain’t for me, Chief. I need to do something creative. Something that isn’t everyday haggling over pricing and dents and this and that. It’s getting so bad that I can’t stop thinking about leaving. Everyday I come into work dread clocking in. This month I started off doing fairly well, so I know what I’m doing here for the most part, but Jesus Christ is this boring.

I’m struggling, boys. I’m 27 years of age and I’m too deep in this bullshit for the most part to just pick up a new career and expect to make rent money plus everything else. I’ve boiled down to a few things I’d actually be proud of happy to do on a daily basis but I have no idea how to get started.

I feel like I need to stop procrastinating, and just do it, but I honestly don’t know how. Time is slipping by at an alarming rate and I gave my self a long term goal of owning my first home by 30. I have 2 years to do it as my birthday is coming up and with the way the current economy is going coupled with everything being so damn expensive, this pressure is insurmountable.

I’m sorry for letting this all out, and this is like literally the definition of first world problems and is not anything near as severe as some of our comrades have explained up above but fuck, man. It’s eating me up.

Rant over/


I know thay money is necessary to survive, but if you’re miserable doing it then it may be best for you to move on, even if you have to take a hit initially in the pocketbook. I can’t recommend a particular career path, as I have done a bit of everything (military, retail, logistics, and now sales and technical consultancy onsite at corn wet-milling plants). I would not say that I particularly loved any of those jobs, but I loved aspects of them and the people that I worked with and around. I also found that I could take lessons learned from each one as I moved on, helping me grow as a person. The one constant that I find to be true is, if you can’t do what you love, love what you do. Not everything is for everyone, and you may even find that chasing your passion as a career may even drive you away from your passion. Now, that being said, if you can do neither of those things then (while still gainfully employed) I would say it’s time to be movin’ on. Use the connections you have to put yourself out there while you’re still working, and don’t be afraid to do a ‘Lat Move’ and try something completely different even just for the change of scenery. If you were good at what you leave chances are you can drop back in close to or at where you left off, and as they say, “absence makes the heart grow fonder”.
All of the throwaway advice aside, I wish you the best of luck and know that you can succeed wherever you may land!


Thanks, Guy. I appreciate your words, man. I remember when you shared some personal details about your job a few months ago and that actually stuck with me till now. You seem to be a really passionate guy about what you do and that phrase about not being able to do what you love so love what you do is truly a testament to how solid of a person you really are. I think you embody that well.
Thank you, man. In my head, it’s a constant battle of realizing that time is finite, we only have a few good years to enjoy life and I must admit that yes while having an amazing circle of family and friends is a beautiful thing, especially if you have a little one or a few of em’, that only gets you so far. For me at least. The last place I want to be in 30 years is sitting on my couch as an old man regretting the time lost. Working 50-60 hours a week making sure some other asshole racks in the millions. There’s a billboard on my commute home that simply states “Who’s dream are you commuting to?” and I see it almost every day - it couldn’t be more true.

I know we all have dreams and aspirations in life and sometimes, some of them don’t come to fruition, but it’d be nice to get 1 win at least. One thing I will say is that as a young man, you really do neglect how important some decisions are in the long run. It’s absolutely ridiculous to be making some life-altering decisions at 18-25 years old… Anyways, you’re the man. Always a class-act. Thanks, brother.


Its never to late. I know it feels daunting but I have seen people change their careers later than this and be in a way better place long term. Is it going to suck for a few years? Most likely. Is it going going to be hard and require a lot of self motivation? Definitely but things can get better! I wish you the best of luck


I initially wrote a MUCH longer reply sharing a long story about my own struggles with this kinda thing, but by the end of it I realized something. I realized that you’re smarter and clearly understand yourself better than I did at that point in my life (thank goodness :wink:). You know that if you keep doing what your doing that frustration WILL spill over into other areas of your life and relationships. You may not be in a position to quit and walk away today, but even making a plan and taking steps to move in that direction will be incredibly cathartic and helpful. You got this bro!

Just remember, no matter how bad the short term outlook of changing maybe, the long term outlook has to be better for you and your’s than continuing down this road. This rant and commiting these thoughts to writing is a good start! My PM box is open if you need/want to talk, brother.


You guys are bros, through and through. Thank you for all the words, dudes. I appreciate you both chiming in here. It’s a struggle, and I tend to hate venting to anyone, especially my wife. I hate looking like a winey person, but I knew deep down that I needed to hear some uplifting words and all of you that have chimed in did not disappoint - thank you.

You’re both right. Short-term outlooks can be kind of scary, I have to admit. But it’s important to look towards the future. That’s always been an issue of mine, looking too much into the near future, rather than 5 years from now. I gave my self until June to really sort this out in my head and after that, I’ll embark on a new endeavor. My wife has been absolutely killing it at her new job, impressing her superiors and I’m so proud of her, she’s definitely an inspiration of mine. It’s almost like what ever she tries to do, she puts 110% into it and succeeds, gaining accolades faster than normal. Her brain just works differently than mine in so many ways and I think it’s to her benefit. My point is, I have a feeling they’re going to reward her with some kind of raise or even a promotion taking some financial pressure off of me in the coming months, which may help clear my way to start a new career, even if the money isn’t as abundant.

Anyways, I’ll end my mudding of the thread now. Thanks again, dudes, definitely needed to vent and hear from some true bros on this one today :handshake:


Maybe you should re-think about your goal of owning a home by 30 if it causes so much pressure!?
Most of the time we build up all that pressure on ourselves without even realizing it and hoping to find the solution in the outside but ultimately it is alway within :slight_smile:
Of course it is good to have dreams but don´t let them get expectations because that´s the point where pressure will build up.
I once thought in my late 20s that I need to find my perfect wife and have kids before 30 because that is what i always thought.
The more time passed the more pressure did arise and it was a horrible feeling so I realized it´s time to let it go and just go with the flow.
I then realized that actually I don´t really want kids and found my girlfriend while travelling in Thailand.
Now I am 35 and I am really happy that I did not get kids with “the wrong” girl while i had the chance and ended with the right girl who feels the same.
After I decided to let go of expectations and started going with the flow only good things started happening and the only thing that I need to do is adjusting my sail from time to time but I will never waste anymore energy for rowing against the current to a place where I don´t even belong.
I am also dreaming of a home with my gf but not forcing it, especially not in times where everything is so stupid expensive.
Trust and let go bro :wink:


funny…to me, as I used to get bronchitis every winter for 2 weeks since grade 5…until I moved to Vancouver. I have gotten something a few times in the 15 years since moving there, but this…there’s no pain, just a runny nose and a productive cough. there is no pain and little discomfort…in comparison this is a vacation!


A+ advice, man. Thank you so much. I remember when I was younger, I’d let the wind take my sails wherever it may choose, but I stopped doing that because life got a little more serious with a wife and a kid. You know how it goes… But you’re right. Sometimes, you just have to let go and control what you can control. I guess it’s just the illusion I’m under - I see some of my childhood friends with flashy cars and nice apartments and even houses, and it’s a little bit of envy and a sense of failure. But hey, sometimes, it’s just not in the cards for some of us.

Thank you for this, brother. I’ll keep your words in mind.


Surely I can’t be the only person that really doesn’t like how a lot of portable gear has the inputs and outputs on the same side of the device? It has been really annoying me the odd positioning that I have to use with my p6p to use both a portable and desktop amp :upside_down_face: