Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

Good that you mentioned Reishi, it is a powerful mushroom and i use it myself to treat my asthma.

@rattlingblanketwoman you can also look for Cordyceps mushroom.
Cordycepin is known to kill cancer cells, in vitro, but it´s promising and worth a shot.

My teacher replied and said that it is important to drink a lot.
It´s alway good to flush through. A tea of stinging nettle is good for that but make sure to also drink water…I once drank 3ltr of nettle tea a day for a longer time and ended up completely dehydrated…don´t know what i was thinking :smiley:

She also strongly adviced to use horsetail for healing. It is also very diuretic.

It´s also very important to boost you immune system. Reishi also does that.
Vitamine C/D, Ginger and so on

When you know if it is malignant or not please come back to me and she will give us further advice!


Oh and her first impulse was also Artemisia Annua.

Best to use an extract in this case, this for example


Oh and @JAnonymous5150 for blunt injuries and pain you could look into arnica and tea out of willow bark.
Also oil from St. John´s wort but it will make you skin more sensitive to sun, don´t know where you live and how sunny it is.
Wish you a speedy recovery aswell! :slight_smile:

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Yes. I personally recommend this company if you can find:

Strong antioxidants- astaxanthin, quartzetin, resveratrol, should also be taken separately.


@JAnonymous5150 So sorry to hear about this. That’s a lot of trauma…your
body AND mind will take a while to recover and process it all. Meanwhile, be
extra kind to yourself. We’re here for ya!


Ayo, what. The. Hell. What a bunch of absolute knobs, dude. Jesus. I’m sorry to hear this, man. These douche bags can ruin a night no doubt, but I can see they can’t ruin your spirit. Good on you, J for looking ahead at the next show to not ruin it for the rest of the fans. I hope the recovery process isn’t too brutal, man. Sounds like you have a mild concussion, no doubt and I’m sure you’ve had em before. Those head aches don’t stop…

But hey, at least you got to flatten that dude out, get the hooks in and get under the chin :sunglasses: kind of ties in to our conversation a few days ago, which is such a coincidence…

Anyways. Feel better, brother :handshake:

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@rattlingblanketwoman @JAnonymous5150 i dunno why I chose today to go through the rant thread but damn, I’m sorry for the things you’re both dealing with. I can’t do much but you gave my thoughts, love, and positive energy that you get well and heal up :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Cordyceps? Nope, that’s a hard no for me dog, before we end up like The Last of Us!


Thanks to everyone for the support. You guys are the best! :sunglasses:

To @Rinderkappajoe : I actually drink willow bark tea (and tart cherry extract) on the regular because my doctor says it lowers inflammation throughout the body so it helps me keep my body from hurting too much in areas that got messed up during my service. I will definitely look at the others. Do you have any rec for doses/amounts of the arnica and st. John’s Wort or should I just follow the label? Thanks again man. :+1:

To @TimpTim44 and @domq422 : The show must and will go on. As far as drumming/performing goes I’m thinking I can handle it even as it stands now and hopefully I’ll be quite a bit better by showtime. To Dom especially, you woulda been proud, I executed a textbook pass, took his back, and drove my hips in so hard I could feel his back popping as I cinched it tighter. I was so freakin’ burnt after getting popped with that flashlight that I had to make sure I got mine in. Thanks you both for the advice and well wishes.

To @GooberBM : No need to do anything, but keep being funny. It definitely helps reading a post or two that makes me crack a smile. Thanks for the kind words bro. I’m sure I’ll be fine as long as I take it easy.

I appreciate all you guys who read my rant taking a moment out to send me good vibes. You guys are awesome! :+1::sunglasses:


I don’t think Herb Dean would of have a single issue stopping that one, brother :sunglasses: screw that guy! I’m glad it wasn’t worse for you, man :handshake:

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Good to hear of a doctor recommending natural remedies instead of something else!! He´s a keeper! :smiley:
I would probably try one of them which resonates the most with you and then use it externaly 2 times a day and see how you react on it and maybe use it 3 times a day when all is good.
Please note that you can not use arnica on open wounds and it can cause irritation if you use it for a long period of time.
St. Johnswort oil can be used on open wounds too, you can use it as a bandate and leave it on for 8-10 hours.
But it is always a good idea to check the label land do a little research your own.
Personal responsibility FTW :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


In the name of everything decent -

NO MORE RAIN!! My God, it just seems like it’s never going to fucking stop. This place can’t take much more of this. Phew, OK… I feel better now. No drier, but better! rant over.


International shipping. And UPS. You keep putting stops on the delivery, and could you be any more vague with your emails about why? My account tells me nothing. The app tells me nothing. I can’t get to a person on the phone because the :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: automated system has apparently been programmed for exactly that. I just want my DAC!


Within an hour of operation to remove all they can. A follow up one is guaranteed either way. Likely stay the night at the hospital with a catheter for a few days. I had no sub plans for more than one day, if I’m cognizant tonight I’ll slap something together and email it in, Thursday is my worst day to plan for though. Not fair in a sub to leave them with nothing though.

Given size doctor days it’s more than likely to be malignant. Only 20% chance of being muscle invasive, but if it is I can kiss my bladder goodbye (not literally) and start chemo. What a whirlwind. No bad health history, fit, 33 years old. Feel pretty chill to be honest. Main concern is paying for all of this.


We’re all pulling for you, just focus on getting better first and foremost!


Thanks for the advice, bro. I noticed the open wound warnings when researching the Arnica compounds so I’ll be sure not to apply it where my stiches are. You’re the man!

And, yes, I really like my doctor at home. He’s a good guy who’s always advocating for preventative treatments, natural therapies, and overall good health even though he could probably make more money treating problems once the occur with mor expensive clinical treatments. I’ve been going to him for about 8 years now after my neurologist rec’d him and I won’t be changing anytime soon. He has my body feeling pretty good despite some very significant injuries and trauma suffered in the past and the fact that I’m getting older and wasn’t very kind to my body for much of my life. :sunglasses:

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You got this, bro! Sending all my good vibes your way! :crossed_fingers:


My girl says it has just been storm after storm in CA. Definitely the wettest year in a long time. TBF, we needed it after so many dry years. :+1:


I kept telling myself that. No more! :laughing: Time for it to stop.

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We won’t know for about a week whether it was malignant, Dr. is pretty certain it was, but is also quite confident he got it all and that it hadn’t spread or grown into muscle wall. At home about to sleep. Wife has been a trooper. :heart:


Great to hear you’re feeling better. All the best wishes man. As people said in the thread you got one of the most positive karma possible in this community. Hope you’ll have a great recovery.