Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

Wishing you the best…we care and we’re here cheering you on. :clap:


Dang that’s shocking amigo, sending good thoughts out for it not being malignant and you please also try to think positive, your body will react!

There are plenty of plants that help prevent cancer or even kill cancer cells I will have a deeper look tomorrow but what instantly came to my mind was Artemisia Annua.
It was successfully used against Malaria and Covid and also showed good results against cancer.
Big Pharma tried a lot to make its use and research as difficult as possible so that speaks for its healing powers.

Another thing that came to mind instantly was chlorine dioxide which I recently discovered for myself… It is controversial and you will find a lot of good things about it but there is also the other side claiming it is harmful but it’s up to everybody to research and build an own opinion about it.
Let’s put it like that, if it is as good as it is claimed to be the pharma industry would loose billions of dollars because it is very cheap in production, that already says quite a bit.
Also check out cardamom.
CBD aswell.

Will also ask my Phytotherapy teacher if she knows something and let you know!

Stay positive :heart:


I’m so sorry to hear that man… How is your insurance at the school you teach at? I know you were talking about quitting but it might be worth waiting to see how this diagnosis is first. I’m wishing you luck.


@rattlingblanketwoman I’m actually devastated to hear this, man. I am so sorry about what’s going on with you.

Having a wife and a son my self, I sometimes think of what my future holds because of them, too. I look at my smokes and I fear the worst for my future so this really hit me hard.

I’m sorry, man. I wish you nothing by the best news in the next few days. My aunt had a mass that was also “enhancing” as they say in her lungs from years of smoking but they caught it at a time where it was removable. Unfortunately, due to her older age, after the surgery she slipped into a coma for 3 months. I’m happy to report though, that was 2 years ago and she’s healthy now. No more mass. Driving again. Going to bingo. All the usual stuff she used to do before.

What I’m trying to say is, feeling as if the only outcome is fatal I think is a normal reaction to such news, but don’t lose hope. Modern medicine is ridiculously advanced now a days and I have no doubt he’ll be able to help you stick around for a lot longer with your family.

I’m not religious but you have all my peaceful, positive and hopeful vibes, man.


Man I’m sending internet hugs your way right now. There’s been many times in my life that I’ve felt like karma was real. It hasn’t been for anything large scale but, it always made me feel positivity comes to those who display it themselves. My time with you obviously has been limited to here and our sales but, you’ve been nothing short of honorable, positive and generous in all your interactions. If karma is real I hope it pours healing and good vibes on you and your family and the journey ahead. You and your family deserve monsoons of it for how you’ve interacted and contributed to this community.


This is a really good point to raise, thank you. I think they’ve already decided who can take on 6th grade math but maybe not geometry yet so although they’ve sent out offer letters for next year for returning teachers, I imagine it would technically not be too late if I spoke to my supervisor, who feels as much a family friend as a boss, couldn’t’ work for a better lady.

Frankly I’m confused about how insurance will work out in the US. I know that one of my main concerns with all of this is straight up financial. Even the scans, while insurance took care of a good fraction of it, left a large sum to be paid. We can only take so many sums like that. Although cost of living here is better for us than it would possibly be in the UK (owning a small house, paying for groceries and utilities) something like this could flip the scales if healthcare rears its head as a long term expense. This is something I should speak to the finance person at my work about. As far as I understand it, which is next to nothing, I imagine the insurance I’m on is for the calendar year, or at least for the length of my contract, which would give me insurance until December or September respectively. I’m assuming that even if a new job comes with health insurance, that would be a different kettle of fish as by this point I would be signing onto a new insurance with preexisting conditions… it’s times like this that I miss the NHS in the UK. I shouldn’t romanticize it too much though, my mum had a cancer recovery in the last year and a bit, and I know if my family hadn’t had the means to use private healthcare for some/most of it, things wouldn’t have moved fast enough.

Thanks for all the wishes Guy, and I’m not down about it at least yet!

Thanks Tim!

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and I’ll be glad to look into these. I appreciate the well wishes and the time!

Thanks for the wishes and sharing the story Dom. Definitely not resigned to it being fatal yet, I’d be surprised if it was, like you said there’s so much they can do in a lot of cases. Regardless of the size of it, there’s nothing in the scans as far as my eye can review that suggests it’s spreading from the bladder anywhere. I really really hope I can keep my bladder though, there’s nothing flattering about alternatives to a working bladder.

I appreciate the wishes and the kind words too Marcus.

Wish I could say more to show appreciation for all these caring responses. Outside of my extended family and some church gatherings I don’t really have people I “shoot the breeze” with outside of this forum. I only see work friends at work, and I’m a long way around the globe from where I grew up as far as long running friendships to dip into. I’m glad I have you all to receive all these kind words and advice. Thank you.


Anytime you need to chat I’m here for ya man. As for insurance stuff there are a few key things to look out for when it comes to how much comes out of your pocket. Feel free to pm me if you want to talk more about it as I have had to deal with insurance a lot


So sorry! Here are some herbs for that:

Ganoderma lucidum
Ganoderma lucidum, also known as the Reishi mushroom, is used in the treatment of many diseases, including hepatitis, hypertension and cancer. We use this a lot here in the country for prevention. Find dietary supplement capsules!

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. A study found that pumpkin seed oil improved abnormal urinary function and reduced symptoms of overactive bladder.

Finely chop blackberry roots and stems and take three tablespoons of them. Boil them for about an hour in a liter of water and strain well. After it cools, this decoction should be drunk for a day instead of consuming water.

Cinnamon powder
Cinnamon has natural anti-inflammatory properties, which helps reduce the symptoms of inflammation and burning. It also promotes kidney health and helps reduce frequent urination.

It is good to cleanse the body with strong TianDe teas!


Good on you for looking into natural remedies. Stay positive :muscle:

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@rattlingblanketwoman so the gallbladder was just a symptom of bigger things happening?


So sorry chap @rattlingblanketwoman - try to keep a positive mindset even if hard to do as makes a huge difference in recovery. Wishing you all the best. Everyone here is behind you!!!

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@ShaneD just had a gallbladder out a few days ago. I also conflated the two for a bit yesterday.

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Sorry I missed that connection.

Hope Shane’s doing well!

Checking the link I had seen that post and I’m embarrassed how far off my misunderstanding was… I thought they were festival/concert tags and he was saying he’d paid an exorbitant amount for them, like when people joke they’re paying for audio equipment with their kidneys! Sorry Shane.

Last update on my case is that I should be able to schedule a biopsy for Wednesday. The doctor was very surprised anything had turned up for a healthy person my age.


sorry, that was Shane…my bad.

So last night my band played a really awesome show in a big city in central Europe. The crowd was great, the show was damn near perfect, and my drumming was fuckin’ sick if I do say so myself :metal::sunglasses:. After the show we hung out with a bunch of fans just sitting on the edge of the stage drinking beer, signing autographs, and sharing stories and such with whoever wanted to kick it for a good four hours. Awesome night and then some assholes had to spoil it…

A few hours into the after show chill sesh, I decided to go see if the techs and roadies needed any help loading the truck and buses because we were gonna have to hit the road straight from the venue to head to the next city. I headed out the back and found them all handling business loading up the buses and I headed over to check the truck which was all loaded except for the lighting rig we hadn’t taken down yet becausr it was lighting the venue where we were kickin’ it with the fans.

As I neared the truck, I heard a loud noise like something breaking, heard some voices half whispering, and then I see the back door to the truck (which is supposed to be locked) open a bit. No one is supposed to be over there since all our guys were at the buses so I run around the truck and catch two dudes back there one up in the truck starting to hand road cases out to his buddy who’s coming back from taking the first case to their van which is parked about 15ft away with the back open. One dude takes off running to the van, but I tackled the second guy as he jumped out of the truck. He starts trying to hit me with the fuckin’ pry bar he used to pry the lock/handle off the truck. Naturally, I started beatin’ the brakes off this motherfucker trying to put him out in time to maybe catch his partner or a license plate or something. Dude on the ground took three good licks and starts snoring. Job number one out of the way, I go to hop up and BAM the side of my face gets walloped by something REALLY hard. I was literally seeing stars (those little light bursts) and fighting off the tunnel vision that creeps in when you’re on the edge of going out. I have enough CQC training and experience to stay relatively together and aware during such times and I managed to get my eyes on the person who hit me.

Turns out the second dude decided to come back and help his buddy (props for not being a total weasel and leaving his friend to get fucked up alone). When I get him in my sights I see that he’s holding a big mag-lite style flashlight and he’s coming at me with it again. I let him get close, launched into his hips and took him down while his second swing landed pretty harmlessly on my upper back. I quickly rolled to his side, took his back, and pulled a choke hold so tight I felt his his back pop a couple times as I flexed my hips in, straightened him out, and put him to sleep.

I got up right as the cavalry arrived after hearing yelling and realized I still wasn’t feeling great. The right side of my face felt like it was actively caving in, my nose and mouth were bleeding quite a bit, and I was still pretty wobbly. Long story short, we wait for police and paramedics to arrive to attend to the two-bit theives and then I have my bassist and drum tech take me to the ER. The doctors had to shoot my jaw full of novacaine and steroids to get the swelling to go down from where the Mag-Lite hit so they could put my dislocated jaw back in and the x-rays say I have three non-displaced fractures to go with the back molar that’s now broken in half. I had to refuse the morphine and hydrocodone prescriptions because I might be a decade out from being strung out, but I’m still not trying to tempt fate like that.

All of that to say, my face fuckin’ HURTS. And on top of that I’m embarrassed that I took two punches too many to handle the first jackass and let that second little bitch get the drop on me. In my younger days when I was still on top of my training that shit never would have happened. Worst of all, those fuckers ruined a great night and I have been in an absolutely terrible mood since. And if that wasn’t enough, my PTSD and hypervigilance/paranoia are now running fucking rampant so I haven’t even been able to shrug it off and calm the fuck down yet. I haven’t been this keyed up in a long time. So yeah… that’s my rant. Thanks…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage:


Damn man, that sucks but at least you got your licks in! I hope you have a speedy (and less painful) recovery! Are you gonna be good to play in the meantime, or are you out of action for a while?

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I would be way more burnt if I didn’t at least come out on top. As far as playing goes, I haven’t sat behind a kit yet, but I’m really not sure. We don’t have another show until Friday night so I have a few days to recover and see if I can get the constant headache and pressure to subside enough. I’m guessing I’ll be able to gut it out. Worst comes to worst I’ll see about getting it numbed up again before the show, but that would be a last resort. I know it might seem like it from that post, but I’m I can handle pain pretty well. I guess we’ll see.

If I had had a show to play tonight (its 3AM Tuesday here) there’s no way that would have happened.


That’s awful. I hope you heal up well and also don’t have your composure and enjoyment of things rocked for too long by those crooks. I hope as soon as possible you can be enjoying more of how your night started. Sorry man.


Dude, I just read through the earlier part of this thread. I hope you’re doing okay and just know that my inbox is always open. Thanks for the pick me up, bro. :sunglasses: