Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

The Galileo I ordered from HifiGo is now saying another 2 weeks. It was 2-3 weeks when I ordered them 4 weeks ago. I have only bought from them once before, and it was also a horrible experience. I think I am done with them, and before someone says it blame the shipper, they picked the crappy shipper both times.

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I’ve heard this often about them, sadly.

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My one and only time ordering from Hifigo went similarly. Haven’t ordered from them directly since - I try to use mostly the Amazon version of their store. Some items have prime shipping as well, which is nice.


I think this is just happening a little too frequently across the board - whilst I have personally never had the issue with Hifigo, Linsoul is a shit show on nearly every order I place eg. I have just had to wait 4months for a an order to be dispatched when the items were listed as in stock.

Aliexpress is becoming a more reliable shipper than the actual shops which is just sad times

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I have had an order go badly at Linsoul, but it was only one out of a dozen in the last couple years. My Aliexpress experiences have been horrible, so I am really reluctant to run back there for anything.

Sadly this order was on their Amazon store, because I figured it wouldn’t be as bad as the direct one I did with them.

Both of them were collabs only at HifiGo. This one is Gizaudios Galileo, and the previous one was the HBB Kai.


Oh dude, no way - I’m sorry to hear that. Usually the Amazon orders go a bit smoother. I hope that you get the pairs eventually, brother. The problem with chi-fi sets is that if shipping takes longer a few weeks, the audio world moves on.

Remember the Star River? The 2DD IEM from Tri?

Yeah. Still haven’t received my pair and I ordered in the first week of February … needless to say, the hype has complete died for that set and I’m not even excited to get them anymore. Fortunately though, the cable and tips that come packaged with them definitely have some value so, it’s not all doom and gloom.


That sucks.

I have two others coming that I am pretty excited for, both ordered in the last week. In addition to the Galileo, I have the Simgot EA500 and the Tin P1 Max on the way from Linsoul. I have never had three queued up at the same time. The EA500 is the current hype king, and the P1 Max is the opposite at this point.

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I think you’ll enjoy both for their own strengths for sure. Of course I own the EA500 and I really do enjoy them, and I’ve had the opportunity to demo the Pandas and I have to be honest, if I didn’t own the Timeless, I would have bought the Pandas. They don’t sound like a planar, but they take advantage of all the positives of a planar. They’re a unique set, and I feel like most people who enjoy vocals and instruments over anything else will enjoy them - unfortunately, they didn’t carry a lot of hype and whatever hype they did have quickly died down so a lot of people simply skipped on them. Unfortunate, really, they’re great IEMs and actually compete really well for $100.

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That was why I passed, I own both the Timeless and S12. I was always interested in the Panda, but had heard enough planar for a while.

Then @MMag05 fell hard for them. We have very similar tastes in IEMs, but different budgets. He was still putting it in his top 6, and the only sub $300 set that was, and that was the OG Tea.


That makes sense. Luckily, I bought the timeless early on and got out of the planar black hole quick. The timeless will always be special to me as well, they reignited my spark on Audio in September of 21’ and I haven’t looked back since, which is why I couldn’t sell em’ off in order to justify buying another planar … audiophile first world problems for sure :sweat_smile:

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And the love for them hasn’t died with time. I miss my sweet Panda so much. Though she’s getting a chance to experience an awesome journey while out on a mini tour. Getting a chance to see the cold weather off the north and be at home. No doubt when I say she’s easily in my Top 6 of all time. Which for me that says a tremendous amount compared to what I’ve owned and currently still do.


You’re really pushing me closer and closer to trying a pair. Would you say there’s any redundancy alongside the Serial?

Making a github page to keep all my classifieds in (some non-audio too) so that I can get things sold without constantly retaking timestamps for different sites/subreddits.

A lot of financial uncertainty up ahead. You’ll notice I definitely get to handle some expensive gear, but it always moves along, essentially borrowing and repaying credit to get to try some things. Selling the Argon Mk3s will be the saddest part of “getting to try” things lately, but between the cans and the sources they need, it’s just not in the cards.

There’s always a chance that this time next year I’ll just have an HBBxQKZ and an apple dongle.

I’m leaving my job (teaching) for something new (no idea what, just something that gives me more mental freedom and presence with my family on evenings and weekends), and the odds that the “something new” will pay more than my current job are low (just hoping it would come with prospects of increasing over time, which didn’t happen with teaching (2k over 7 years)).
Even if I were able to stay in my current job we are going to have some tricky times ahead, because my wife is stopping teaching 2 days a week. So we’ll go from 40k + 12k down to 40k. We usually have some red months some green months as it is. My car will not get through the next inspection without big transmission work, so I’m hoping used prices fall enough by then, plus we’ll have a wearer-of-diapers with us after June.

I am interviewing for a job I don’t know the salary of next Wednesday. For what it involves I would not expect it to pay over 40k.
8-5, 2 weeks vacation, 401k and health insurance, just no idea of what the salary starts at. It’s to do with printing (custom apparel) so it would be a great segue for me moving into design/illustration as it would give me evening time to work on a portfolio and I’d be learning a lot of practical things to do with the printing process and seeing designs through to a finished project. It wouldn’t be wasted time, whether I stay or use it to launch into a something else.)

Either way, we’re expecting to tighten already tightened belts, at least for a period of time. I feel like it’s been a really fun audio joyride, but I’m going to have to switch hard to “sell only mode” to balance credit and get my head out of the game by summer.

Ferris Bueller Valet GIFs | Tenor

EDIT: Also, tomorrow I’ll finally get several CT scans for the medical issue mentioned earlier, to see what’s going on with that.


I hope everything works out for you. The nice part about this hobby is that you can come back to it at anytime.


I wish you well. I left my state job of 15 years to take a lower paying position last year. Like you, i needed to be more present for myself and my family. I will eventually get to a point where you are with audio gear. My initial foray into the hobby has been pretty ramn expensive since I want to experience so many things. Fortunately, I’ve been buying open boxed/used mostly so i won’t take too much of a hit selling gear. Good luck with all your life changes.


A big leap like this takes a lot of courage and commitment. Thank you for the time you dedicated to the growth of the children. I hope nothing but the best for you on this new journey. If I may offer some side advice. I know it’s not for everyone, I was one initially, but clothes diapers saved us a ton of money. They’ve come along way from how most of us think they are. Our ballpark initial investment was somewhere around $200. Those diapers lasted us through two kids and we actually sold them for $75.


Good luck to you. Change is scary, and dealing with health stuff makes everything worse. Teachers are underappreciated. I used to teach college, and doubled my pay when i returned to regular work.


Good luck with everything!


I really appreciate all the care from you all. Definitely a special community we have here, and the responses mean a lot.

Just an update for now, I got the scans back this afternoon but without follow-up from my Dr yet (I expect that by Monday).

Unfortunately it’s not good. Probably bladder cancer, “5.6 cm x 4.1 cm enhancing mass” (if it’s enhancing, maybe I should expect to pee lasers in the near future?)
We were able to have a look at the scans/annotations ourselves. No further information, I guess the next step is to find if it’s malignant, and how to remove what’s there regardless of whether it’s a villain or just chillin’.

Points to @Marzipan where they are due for predicting dick leprosy without any data to help!

If I lived on my own, I think I would be fine facing anything from a trivial to fatal outcome without issues. But having joined a wife and children into my life, I do worry about them and any impact this could have short or long term on their emotions and quality of life.

Like I said, no idea, I’ll see what the Dr. says.

@Rinderkappajoe I’ve been taking some turmeric extract since I found this was one of the possible diagnoses, any other natural remedies it wouldn’t hurt to try?


Dang, all of the positive vibes and prayers your way! Keeping a positive and hopeful outlook can make all of the difference, remember not to dwell on it! If you need anything, you let us know!