Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

I’ll throw in some audiophile questions while I’m there as well

“Hello sir. Are you able to raise my bass shelf?”


“You’ll need pure copper hearing aids for 12.000$\piece, they will tighten up the bass and increase the overall sound quality”
Dr. D. Nutz


“Can you help me to get better extension?”

“I’m not the right kind of doctor for this. You might consider checking your spam folder.”


here take my upvote.gif

there are too many new IEM’s coming out and not enough new and affordable headphones being released. C’MON!!!


I must admit I didn’t read every participation on this matter my take on it would be it can be taken to your jaw, affecting your canal shape.
We know canal is modified if you masticate something.
And tilting the head backwards make the mouth open/jaw lowering as your neck muscle can’t follow.

Your can check this hypothese by opening your mouth while listening to your music.

mmm! I quite like my massive masticating mandibles. most are impressed by them at meal times too! :wink:

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Noticed some undeniable and scary symptoms for a guy to find (tmi, I won’t write it here) that hadn’t showed up for a few years. I’ll have to book an appointment for as soon as I can and see how they investigate it further. As far as I know there’s no minor issue that causes this. I never got it properly checked out the first time because of the US health system and how expensive it can be just troubleshooting things. I always err on the side of “heck maybe it will go away” with most things. Probably shouldn’t have let this one slide.


yeh man, dick leprosy can be cured by antibiotics. if it’s fallen off you’re hooped…


Hoping something will go away is never the best idea.
I am my own doctor in the first place. Nature is powerful and there is a plant for anything that´s why i attended a phytotherapy training last year.
Of course one needs to recognize when it´s better going to the doctor and trust in conventional medicine.
Hope for you it is not that bad and it will be better soon!


Good luck with it chap… hope it turns out to be something minor


Best of luck, brother. I’ve also fallen victim to the US health care system. It’s a horrible system. I hope it all works out for you in the end, which, John Lennon once said “it’ll all be okay in the end, if things are not okay, it’s not the end” :handshake:


Your health is paramount in all things; I hope you are either A. Fine and it’s a fluke, or B. Beat it super quick with a speedy recovery! We’ll be praying for you!

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Man I guess my post was a perfect case of “tell me you have dick leprosy, without telling me you have dick leprosy”. Guilty as charged.


A fact I didn’t know for the longest time is that leprosy doesn’t cause limbs to fall off. It deadens sensation and gives a window into the world we’d live in if we didn’t feel pain - so historically lots of things needing to be amputated due to unchecked injury or infection :frowning:


Hope everything works out OK for you. It’s kinda scary, especially if you have lost faith in doctors and medicine in general. I know I don’t look at doctors the same way anymore, and I sure as hell don’t have much faith in the system any longer.


Piece of stupid retarded garbage Micro$hit and their useless piece of annoying shit sharp corner browser doing an unwanted start in the background in the off-chance I accidentally close my browser of choice and click on their annoying nagging piece of SHIT!


And every time someone figures out how to keep that useless pile of excrement from updating and re-enabling itself, they have to go and patch it out.

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Frustrating, I can not find any other options on what to do with my ifi ZEN DAC. The seller for it here in my place is willing to take it back and get it repaired via shipping it to ifi directly. But my concern would be the cost for it’s really damn pricey to ship it to the UK, not only that, depending on the problem that they might find on my DAC, the possible cost of high repairs looms in my head as well. I would probably pay a lot of money, higher than its given price two years ago and it sucks.

Not sure if someone is willing to take a defected DAC like mine and buy it for a lower price, so I could get a new dac to use. Man it really sucks that the balanced port does not work anymore.

I tried Shut Up 10 and Autoruns, spotted the little bastard while pushing programs around using Process Explorer.