Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

Wish it was that easy because I never followed her in the first place, but when it comes talking to me irl and telling me about it? It’s much jarring to say the least.


I’m blocked on Facebook most of the time, so I don’t have this problem. I’m critical there as well as here, and I’m often blocked. But don’t mistake my criticality for trolling! :relieved:

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Stay calm! Just a joke!! :wink:


pssshhht, don´t feed him!


:smile: :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t like people without a sense of humor. This forum is about music and … for fun! :wink:


This is so random … but maybe someone has the answer.

I’ve begun to notice that when I have IEMs in my ears, they tend to sound “better” if I tilt my head back and look towards the sky or ceiling.

The treble becomes less harsh, the bass is not only more full but I feel like I can hear more texture, vocals have more clarity … I have no idea why this is. I’ve tried to look up why or how this would work but I can’t find much. I know this forum has a lot of really smart and well educated users so I was curious, does anyone know why this would be? Also it’s definitely not placebo either, I’ve tested this and it is a noticeable difference.
My own uneducated guess is that when I tilt my head back, my ear canals tighten slightly, helping me achieve a better seal but that’s all I could think of.


Keep looking at the skies :musical_note::loud_sound::+1:

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I just battled an earbud foam for 30mins - the struggle was real - broke 3, knocked over a drink, felt like I needed to have a warm up and guilt buy a gym membership.

So yeah earbud foams - fucking nighmare

Rant over


I’m the same way with my IEMs. After 3-4 beers and all the IEMs sound fantastic to me. I don’t even have to look at the sky :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


That’s an entirely different conversation, my friend :sunglasses: a few captain and cokes and all of a sudden, budget IEMs sound TOTL :sweat_smile:


I hate when that happens. With anything. You are sitting there thinking “This should not be this difficult” and it goes from there!


I guess your uneducated guess is a very good one. Another I can think of is the change in position opening up some other vent in the IEM.

That said, besides keep tilting your head, you could test both them relatively simply. The better seal you could get bigger tips and see if you can get the same sound. You could also try moving a little the IEM or you eat to try and reproduce any changes on the positioning.

In any case, of it’s not hurting your neck or anything like it, getting better sound for “free” seem like a good deal IMO.


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Random guess: Could be a muscle relaxation thing?

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A free sonic upgrade, it is. I’ll continue to do some more testing no doubt, but I was hoping that someone else may have experience the same phenomenon, and had some insight. I’ll speak to an audiologist to see if there’s a medical explanation. I bet there is …

Potentially … I don’t want to dive too deep into this with research, I’ll be ready for medical school pretty soon if I dove as deep into this issue as I do researching IEMs, cables and tips :clown_face:


Please post here if you find out. Got me curious with this little phenomenon.

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I absolutely will! I should be making an appointment this summer with a specialist at Mass General, eye and ear. Regarded as one of the best Hospitals in the country, I hope someone there can help me fix some of my hearing loss. I’ll throw in some audiophile questions while I’m there as well :sweat_smile: :+1:

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Probably due to equalising/releasing an air pressure build up while wearing the IEM’s, leaning back could be a bit like swallowing when taking off in a plane helps in the same way :man_shrugging:t2:


Interesting take on it, this definitely could be it as well. Haven’t been on a plane since I was 5 so I definitely wouldn’t have been able to relate the two. Thanks for your input, brother :handshake:

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