Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

That is good. Does that overall cost include the cost of your blown headphone? I am just curious, which is why I am asking. In my humble opinion, it should. In any event, I am very glad to hear that you were not wearing them when the failure occurred. That could have been bad.

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I really hope this nonsense isn’t being posted seriously.

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Do you know how many patents there are for manipulating the weather?
Do you regularly observe the sky?
Do you know about the US-Airforce Study “Owning the Weather in 2025” ? (You can find it here https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA333462.pdf)
It´s ok if you think that´s nonsense or just another conspiracy theory.
People will see/believe what they want to
The following link is in german but if you scroll through you will get an idea of how many patents there are for changing the weather.
You can click the numbers and will be redirected to the original patents on Google
Patente – Wetteradler®

By now it is possible to influence every single aspect of weather, it is possible to induce Heavy rainfall leading to floods, droughts, thunderstorms, heavy winds, heck even tornados! (maybe even earthquakes, Tesla was already experimenting on this in the early days, imagine what is possible now in 2023)
The weather can be used as one of the biggest weapons there is

Also check out some of the pictures.
Do you think these ripples in the clouds look natural?
Isn´t it strange that these ripples start to begin to form from places where there are big Radars located?
Don´t these ripples look like radar waves?

When you then read some of the patents, whichfor example tell you that it is possible to Ionize the atmosphere by spraying aluminium/strontium/barium which force the hydrogen molecules to bond around and later you can influence them with radar technic then these pictures and strange cloud formations suddenly do make sense

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Alright flagging for moderators literal chemtrails people are on here now.

ok :slight_smile:
Do what you need to do, Peace Eric :slight_smile:


Flagging it seems a bit extreme.

It’s a belief you don’t agree has sufficient arguments in it’s favor… I don’t think it does either, to me it falls on the wrong side of Occam’s Razor, it’s not the most direct explanation and it requires too many obscure parts all working together in order to be true.

But it’s harmless difference in belief, I certainly don’t mind him mentioning it in a “rant” thread and don’t think it merits censorship. I’m a little shocked someone would want to have it removed completely?


Weather manipulation is not new, it’s been going on for some time. Here is an interesting article from 4 years ago. This is not the only source I have read regarding Chinese experimentation in this area

China Is Launching Weather-Control Machines Across An Area The Size Of Alaska (forbes.com)

So think what you want, it seems to me this is a very real thing. And that is all I have to say about that!


Yeah, my thought was basically “Who cares?” If @Rinderkappajoe believes the chemtrail stuff and wants to rant about it in the rant thread, be my guest. There’s nothing insidious about him having and sharing a belief I don’t agree with. Perhaps there’s something I’m just not understanding about why @Eric_Rosenfield reacted so strongly to this. If anything it just drew attention to posts that I think most would have glossed over before.


If he wants to rant, let him rant. He’s not hurting anyone and no one’s forcing anyone to read it.

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Looks like the clouds are just being affected by the islands themselves

With all due respect to my grandmother that I love so dearly with all of my heart, and I am grateful for being a good grandson to her, but I just want to get it off some from my chest about her shenanigans lately when it comes to particularly about Facebook.

With all due respect, I just want her to shut. the. fuck. up about her posts, views, stories and likes on Facebook, like I don’t care. For fuck’s sake I wish there were days that fucking social media platform or even social media in general never came into existence is due to one of those cases like her, hooked to it! “Can you like my post?” “Can you like this page?” “Oh my god! the views are high on this one posted!”

I don’t care please, please STOP! Stop telling me about this and that about your fucking facebook, for I have better things to do than just wasting my productive time on some trashy media, where a lot of people are going to judge you and shit on you always! My god, I just want, for once, just once for her to STOP about her Facebook. I am using it, but not like them, I am only using it for communication reasons since it is required in order to use Messenger, also the Marketplace is the only positive thing about it as well, overall though it’s infuriating.


You could just unfollow her. For some people it’s an important social connection…like forums. :wink:


^^^ This or maybe snooze her for 30 days?


This is exactly why I don’t waste a single millisecond on Shitbook. Or Twitter. Or any of the rest of them. Life is much sweeter that way.


I am also not using facebook any longer, it´s just nerve-racking.
I drop by once in a while, maybe once a month, and check for messages or events but don´t waste any more time for scrolling through all that nonsense.

Same with Instagram, i was so hooked on these stupid but admittedly funny/cute videos of animals and stuff but it´s like an addiction and you watch one more and one more and one more and in the end you just wasted a full hour.

When macro season is on again i will install it again to post a few of my insect shots but trying not to fall back into addiction again :smiley:

@K4sh1ma did you talk to her and try to explain your feelings? :slight_smile:


In my experience, many older people do this because it becomes the path of least resistance for communication. If you drop her on social but call her ~once a month/every couple of weeks, she’ll probably appreciate it more.


I never followed her to begin with, but she is always telling me about it when there is a time for her to do so. I love her that she is enthusiastic about the things that have been viewed from her profile, but only if she leaves me out of it.

That is really true, and I have to acknowledge the fact that the social media age also brought out some positive things, like this. Without its dawn, I think I would have been stuck with my shitty headphones that I had back then as a young guy, but thanks to Hifiguides, I have learned a lot from the outstanding community here, and therefore improved my love for music much more with good audio.


I talked about it at some point as polite as I can, but she cannot seem to reason that I wasn’t being rude for I just said, “I am glad that you are enjoying it grandma, but I am sorry I cannot like something that you posted when I genuinely feel that I don’t care about it.”

I mean I am just trying to be honest, yet it seems being honest is being ungrateful nowadays, even though I have never mentioned anything to her that I am ungrateful on the many things that she had already provided for us.

I mean it’s good to have social media for more easier communication and sharing things that you don’t normally see in your place but, too much of it quite frankly is just bad. I have an FB account due to most of my family uses it and communication to each other is very important for us. But yeah, I don’t use FB for those quirks for there are better things to do.

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