Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

Sorry bud, kids can be cruel ;_;


This may be a petty bitch and complaint but this always baffles me…I myself probably like a lot of others like to look at used gear to see if I can find a good deal or something that I could use. I see people that post pictures of their gear that is dusty and dirty trying to sell it…Take the two minutes out and wipe it off before posting the pics…The ones that really get me are the ones that post gear that is completely scratched up or broken…I don’t get it at all…Once I set my gear up it stays where it is…If I change a component out I make sure that I am careful that I don’t drop it or scratch it up…I would love to know what the hell they are doing to their gear…I don’t think it is hard to take care of your stuff.


I’ve been meaning to write this for a few weeks now, it’s just an observation and I’d love to maybe expand on it a little bit here with you guys. I’m not sure how many of you use public transport in a big city, but being from Boston, the MBTA is a huge business. They probably service millions of people a day. It’s crowded with all walks of life, but a majority of people that use it are younger, college students, especially the green line which connects to a few colleges or at least gets close to some.

I don’t use public transport anymore, I drive to work since it’s outside of the city, so really I have been on a train by my self in years. I used to use the train everyday about 5 years ago to go into Cambridge, a city right outside of Boston. Everyday, I used to have IEMs in my ears throughout my travels, it never felt weird. A few weeks ago, when I met up with a fellow audiophile at the public library in the heart of Boston, I decided to take the train as I didn’t want to pay for parking. In being a bit over-analyzing, I realized that literally 80% of the people on the train had Airpods in their ears - I mean, seriously. I had never understood just how popular they were until that day. It was crazy. I can see their appeal, they are extremely convenient for apple users, no doubt. The weird thing is, though - I can’t tell you how many weird and curious stares I received from some people … I was baffled why I kept catching people staring at me. But then I had a thought, were they staring at my IEMs? A pair of headphones, all pretty and reflective (Was using the OH10s that day) with an actual cable attached? It was like they thought I was weird or crazy… something like that.

I guess, I want to say, it’s strange how fast the Airpods have completely taken over the consumer market. There are so many different TWS models to choose from, but I swear, all other companies’ efforts are futile. Not only that, but the people using them have become so accustomed to TWS, Airpods specifically, that anyone who isn’t part of the cult is somehow being radically different and strange …

Random, I know I just wanted to get this off my chest.


In fact, it is like that in my country, and we are very far from the USA! Everyone has AirPods Pro in their ears. Yours is somewhat of an explanation, they are indeed quite capable DD. But I sold my iPhone 13 because Apple’s OS is bullshit and I like Android OS much more. But I kept my AirPods pro and I listen to them when I’m out for a walk, sometimes at home too. So iPhone - No, but AirPods - yes. :wink:

Interesting, but I don’t doubt the reach the Airpods hold. I do agree that iOS isn’t the best when it comes to customization and user input, but for me, it’s simple and it just works for years. I think android is a superior OS but my experience with Android has been lackluster in the past so I’m sticking with iOS with the hopes that maybe Apple improves the customizability and overall user experience in the future but I doubt it.


Not really they’re a pretty good TWS sounding set that folks recognise (even you did) folks covert them as a status/clique symbol but then they’re not audiophile driven, they just want a simple, expectably “expensive” solution that shows they have a bit of :moneybag:and are “cool” all be it a bit safe :sheep:…you could’ve been rocking an LP LP6 and Traillii and they’d have looked down on you :smile:

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Hahaha. When I went out with the IE600 for a walk and people looked at me like I was an alien, but otherwise everyone had Air Pods pro in their ears. Commercialism has taken over the world, same with Apple :laughing:.
We don’t like commercial people with a commercial mindset. :relieved:

You’re right, I guess it isn’t weird when you think about it. To me, like I said, I understood their popularity- I guess I just wasn’t expecting 80-90% of the entire train (which was packed btw) having them in their ears …

But they are a bit of a status symbol, you’re absolutely right about that. Just like Beats by Dre. Just the brand had/has (to some extent) so much value. It’s no wonder Apple gobbled them up at the price they paid.


This convo made me think of this video I saw yesterday

For around $350 I’d get this and throw in any Pods Max etc. of the garbage:

LOL so true.

I was able to try the AirPod max for the first time last week, I totally forgot to say something about them.

Yeah. For $550 - that’s gonna be a no from me, dog. The sound was congested, and oddly tuned. There was almost like a divot somewhere around 3-5k - I haven’t looked up any graphs but that’s at least what I heard.

The noise cancelling was pretty cool though, I will admit that. They are built very nicely as well.

I just wouldn’t pay That ridiculous premium for the convenience, but hey - that’s just me.


I gotta say This is possibly one of the worst eras in music to stay closed minded in. New music these days feel like they can finally breath where artist don’t seem tied down by labels and contracts anymore and many just feel like releasing what they fucking want. even pop artists where 10 years ago I would cling to the shreds of creativity I would hear form them are now sounding as creative as ever. Hip hop is weird and experimental, the 2020’s decade is stumbling to find their own popular music sound only to find this weird mix of 80’s , psychedelic, hip hop, neo soul , bedroom pop mixes finding popularity through social media. Radios are finally obsolete as tastemakers rather we rely on more curated data driven AI to introduce us and slowly expose this generation to new music. I’m not trying to diss any lder music at all. I’m someone whose favorite albums come from eras from the 60’s to the early 2000’s. but i just grow an ever frustration to people who make comments as " music these days suck" or " I was born in the wrong generation" as it screams a closed minded attitude as no matter the style of whatever genre of music you listen to these days there are people still making it and there are people experimenting with it.


Overall I agree. But this is very interesting take on same topic from a bit different perspective (not taking on the state of the music released now, but the way it is consumed):


That moment your Asgard 3 is defective to the point of destroying your T1 2nd generations drivers… ugh


How’d the A3 destroy your drivers?!?!:flushed: That sucks, man. :-1:

Uh that sucks :dizzy_face::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Hope it wasn’t a loud pop while wearing them so your ears were also implicated :exploding_head:

From my understanding on what they explained… there was bad connections where it plugs in causing higher inconsistent voltages surging to the headphone. Whoever built it damn sure didn’t do a good job.

No thankfully, I heard a loud sizzling when I was moving the cables(just readjusting them) around then a rather loud pop from the headphone… after which T1 was practically dead. Headphone was laying down at the time. Beyer confirmed it blew both sides, insane considering that the asgard 3 was only set at 12 oclock high gain


Wow! That sucks. Assuming you have already contacted Schiit about the issue and your headphones getting killed, what did they have to say about it?

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They are essentially working with me and overall costs since it’s a liability at that point due to manufacturer defect. Schiit is currently fixing the asgard 3 since I already sent it in to them


Good on them for stepping up and handling it. It definitely sucks that your A3 assassinated your Beyers, but Schiit being willing to make things right has to be a pretty big relief I would imagine.

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