Recommended IEM Cables


Guess I need to take more photos! :wink:

Already considering selling all my gear, thanks…

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I’m considering the same thing out of the common sense of… why do I need any of this anymore? I’m thinking of going MEST MKII custom eventually. Looking into local doctors that can take impressions for me, but I’m in no rush.

Off topic, I get both of you, @nymz and @TkSilver mixed up constantly because you both have little green circles and you both post right on top of one another all the time. I know one of you bought an Oracle from me right? lol! One of you need to make a little icon graphic! lol

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Why not branch out? U12T, Anole VX, etc?

You can sell your UIEM mest after that, tho >_> Bro discount? :smiley:

I already had the U12T and decided I prefer single DD or hybrid IEMs to all BA-only IEMs. The SA6 was another IEM I owned and sold after having inner-ear suction issues. I just can’t handle it. The MEST is the best of all worlds. It is the most balanced and technical listen I’ve ever heard and has extremely authoritative dynamic slam from its DD. It’s one of, if not the most authoritative slam I’ve heard in an IEM. It’s also FAST. It’s as fast as any DD I’ve heard and I’d even go as far as to far it sounds less artificial and more natural and more complete than any other hybrid I’ve heard.

I have not heard the Anole yet, so there’s that.


It’s also a full BA, so guess Custom Mest is for you :slight_smile:
Just noticed while looking at Crin’s list that he prefers Monarch to Mest… Curious :slight_smile:

Fine… done. You had me use bing. I hope you are satisfied.

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YAY! lol Thanks!

Exactly. I HATE all BA sets. I can not deal with them even though they can sound good. I loved the way the SA6 was tuned and was fantastic for some music but I constantly had to pull it out of my ear to relive pressure build up. I also miss DD slam. Some people say it’s not a big deal for them, but it is for me. The lack of decay and low end weight a real DD has kills all BA’s for me.

That’s why I am completely done with all BA sets.

I also prefer EST drivers for treble. So yeah! Screw BA’s for everything but midrange.

Done, you blind guy!

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Nice! One of my favorite albums too!

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Just had XINHS effectively build me out an upgraded Hart cable set with 8 core graphene…5 short doggles ( XLR, 1/4 inch, 4.4, 2.5, 3.5) and 3 cables (2 iem, 1 cans). Dude is a legend.


Tought you only listed to metal and people screaming! Jk :stuck_out_tongue:

I love DP. Listening to homework as we speak

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Nice, pretty sure you’ll like it. I love mine, only downside is that cable is heavy + the mini xlr parts make it slightly heavier, so it all adds up. Love it for desktop use. On the go, I use another cables. But was great to see people joining the wagon :slight_smile:


Hope you like it, I really do need to ask him if he can do the stupid locking angled mmcx that Ety has on their ER series in his 2 core.

Not at all. I actually don’t like screaming vocals much other than Opeth. I write/record music and my preferred genre is progressive metal/rock. I’m first and foremost a guitarist.

But for music enjoyment, I listen to just about everything except for classic rock and country. I enjoy pop, rock, rap, classical, jazz, film scores, electronic and yes, ASMR. I actually listen to ASMR a lot while I’m working.

I love metal, but I don’t enjoy extreme genres like death.

Here’s what’s in my Dopamine at the moment. These are all Flac files. I also have a huge amount of albums in an archive that aren’t loaded in just to make the player more efficient.

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Seems like we have some common tastes.

My main genres are everything that is eletronic, from ambient to hard techno. Lately I’m leaning more torwards rock, jazz, pop and classical. I’m a sucker for instrumentals, grooves or female voices.

Yeah I do that with ASMR too. My work is pretty stressfull and I work long hours (usually 10h minimum, peak season can get up to 16h) so it helps me focus and relax :slight_smile:


Have you heard IE900?

I hear ya. I’ve done a few 40 hour straight jobs. After 40 hours, I just can’t keep going. Especially as I get older.


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Cost :man_shrugging: but :sunglasses: as…