Recommended IEM Cables

Thoughts on NiceHCK cables? Are they good? Just recently found out one of the local audio stores here are selling them. Was thinking on getting another cable for my incoming Mele and keep the stock cable for backup.

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I had the C16-2 ordered from locals for only 13$ recently, but never had them before… Reviews on Head Fi say they are soft and have good measures.

I use the same app you post but different region :wink:

Just to share. I did custom ear hooks using heat shrink tube + heat gun. Current one is too soft. Cut and slot in the tube. Pre-form the ear hooks. Then heat it again, wear your iem and press the tube to form follows your back ears. A bit hot but okay. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Might protect the cable from damage too! If you notice I added black hot glue to ensure firm mmcx connection IMG_20210912_215913|375x500

Nope. But if you want the best performance from them an amp is always advised.

The Clairvoyance I believe is the hardest IEM I own to drive. I don’t think Oracle is as bad but they both can use an amp for sure.

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You can get volume out of the Oracle without a dedicated amp… but honestly it really needs an amp to preform. It also scales really well to better DAC and AMP setups.

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I can get volume out of my HE6se V2 with a phone too. :wink: Barely! :wink:


I got myself ifi Zen v2 ordered now, it’s on the go… hopefully covid doesn’t cause much delay here.

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It’s not an issue of volume… but the DD and EST don’t perform as well while being under powered. There is a lot less slam and sparkle when running it at a similar volume off an amp vs off my iPad.

About the only tribrid I have that doesn’t lose a lot of performance when running off my iPad or other non dedicated AMP setup is the Dunu EST112.

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Nice! If I didn’t have a crazy set up already, I would already have one myself. I’ve almost popped it into my Amazon cart a few times for a dedicated DAC for my Darkvoice but I keep saying no because it’s completely unnecessary for me. It’s an impressive little package for sure and I think my #1 rec for a starter desktop all in one amp dac, although I’ve never heard it. People seem to love them and the warm burr brown dac sounds like what a lot of people are looking for.

Would love to hear your impressions when you get it!

Thank you! And yes, I will definitely do a follow up impression soon after getting it :wink:
Now the only thing left from my dream setup is the Teas… :crossed_fingers:

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I’d think anyone thinking of purchasing a $500 IEM would have some kind of amp for it. Who is buying an Oracle and not wanting to be able to hear it’s full capabilities fully powered? :crazy_face:


Sweet! Thanks bro.


Sometimes the iPad is just more convenient then powering up a desktop setup or even using one of my more portable options. But yes I change what IEM I am using if I am going just with the iPad since only some run well with just it.

The guy who ordered Oracle said it’s his first step into IEM, so maybe he didn’t have a thought about preparing good sources for it. :slight_smile:

You’re raising some great points and forcing me to experiment a bit. I’ve never run an IEM from my IPad. I now have all the tiny little dac things from DD HI FI so I should try it out vs a computer and phone just to see how they sound and understand the differences.

I was planning to when I ordered them originally but I’ve forgotten. lol

I have an older IPhone I use for break-in and run IEMs constantly on it. I will also occasionally listen to IEMs on my main phone to understand how they sound on a phone, but I usually can just gauge how much it takes to drive the IEMs with my main desktop amp (A90).

The guy who ordered Oracle wasn’t starting off even thinking about Oracle. He was only toying around with the idea of getting the Tea! All of our recs were targeted towards that and at the end, when we were all tired of giving him rec after rec, he jumped ship and ordered the Oracle out of no where!

Shocked me for sure.

Then he said he was wondering if he could run it off a phone. :crazy_face: I was like… Wait, you don’t even have an amp for an Oracle??? :crazy_face: :clown_face: :crazy_face: :clown_face:


Ah I didn’t know about that until now… :rofl: Yeah if I was him I would definitely get a cheap IEM for daily driver and start upgrading sources, build up tip collections and then step up for big boys.


I think I see him replying. Here he comes!

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@NarrowProgram Just a head start, we are all good about your purchases, although it isn’t the widest start to enter the IEM world :wink: