Recommended IEM Cables

Sorry, but I have to ROFL at this. Nice.

Awesome. Looking forward to it. It looks great!

All of us have to live with what comes in the box. Sometimes we get an option of termination, sometimes we don’t. There is no option for a right angle termination stock from Thieaudio. Like I said, you’ll need to look to aftermarket cables for that. I’ve already recommended XINHS for you.

Bottom line is as you’ll understand rather quickly in this hobby, you can’t expect the manufacturer or retailer to read your mind and offer you every element of your personal endgame in one box for the price you want to pay for it. Chfi are doing an incredible job lately of nailing the essentials and making most people happy within price constraints. Thieaudio have just decided to offer the 2.5 balanced cable with two adapters for 3.5 and 4.4. More than generous IMO and the adapters are very high quality.

I think I already mentioned this to you in PMs but I’ll post it here publicly for anyone else in your situation.

I was somewhat shocked when I heard you had purchased the Oracle and had no amp for it. I thought it would go without saying anyone interested in purchasing a $500+ IEM would already have prior IEM experience and already have a suitable amp. That isn’t the case in your situation.

I HIGHLY recommend an amp with the Oracle if you want to get your money’s worth from the IEM purchase. My recommendation for you is the Fiio Q3. If you were to get the Fiio Q3, all your cable issues will disappear since it can accept all cable termination types and will have more than sufficient power to drive the Oracle.

Ha ha! PERFECT analogy!


Touche. Great minds think alike.

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Yeah absolutely agree, replaceable cables is actually one of the things that drew me to IEMs, the aftermarket customization and mixing and matching to figure out and get things juuuuuust right is a big part of the hobby.

I am very glad they put in the adapters because if it was just the 2.5mm I would’ve gotten the Tea instead or go through the hassle of finding an aftermarket adapter if I really wanted to stick with it.

Also yeah, I’ve been looking into it as well as some other potential options. Gonna actually test it on my dad’s Ifi zen blue once I get it to get a feel for the difference between sources

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Nice. Getting a good amp for your new IEM monster should be priority #1! Don’t worry about the cable. You NEED an amp for that beast.

Gah! There he is the money spending devil on the left shoulder of Hifiguides! Woe to our wallets! haha

Super tempting to pull the trigger right away when I haven’t even received the darn thing

Mangird Tea and the amp together might have been wiser?

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Isnt that the answer to all the 600usd questions of the hobby? :wink:

Was mainly planning to get a dongle dac when I was supposed to get the Tea and kept that mindset for the Oracle, that is until you gave the suggestion and new insight

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Really hoping my hunch is right about ej07m. If it is, ill bully you til u get it!!!

Also totally didn’t just order a set of radius deep mount, final e clears, and elecom tips because someone happens to be in japan and can order them from

That won’t take much bullying. I buy shit at the drop of a dime. I’m simply not too interested in buying anything right now, but at the end of the year I’ll probably be primed and ready to go! Let’s go!

I have 3 IEMs incoming at the moment with no idea when they will arrive. Timeless being one of them.


Check this…

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Buy Apple DAC dongle for starters, it’s powerful enough to drive most IEM’s and actually it has very decent DAC inside. It costs around 10€/$.


Apple dongle is the best 10usd you can spend.

If you have 100 bucks grab a 50usd set and use the rest on tips.

You know what im gonna say if you have 300usd :wink:

Just be aware EU version output is different than the US version.


Yeah, EU version has lower power output but it’s still enough for most IEMs. I think it should be fine with Oracle as it drives my Excalibur without a sweat.


By experience, EU apple dongle output is definitely enough for Mele and Aria :wink:

Welp…I caved and got the Fiio Q3 so now it’s gonna be a couple days after my Oracle arrives. Eartips won’t be arriving until mid October. So now thank god it’ll be a long while before I’ll splurge/invest in a new wire

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Do the Teas also need an amp? :wink: