Recommended IEM Cables

Just wanted to make sure you saw

Cool, I might just pick up a cable in 2pin since I think all my true modular cables (Thie’s adapter system doesn’t count) are MMCX.

Still haven’t decided on the timeless and someone convinced me to grab a $300 or so 3 DD IEM that arrives tomorrow.



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Thank you. I just contacted them requesting the change. I just assumed it was a 2 pin.


Ya I think this will be my default for new cables if I need the modular, I think it would look dope aesthetically with the Mangird Tea. Regarding the Timeless, I’m won over, I’m waiting for one of our reviewers here to get it, they can definitely articulate it better than I ever could. But, I’m stopping here for awhile, it’s ticks my boxes.


Audeze scared me away from planners as an IEM driver type so I am just waiting to hear more opinions.

Having a planar IEM is something I do want in my collection… just one that is not jank.

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I’m hearing very good things about the 7Hz Timeless in the back alleys. I’ve been doing the same, holding back until someone got it right. I’m finally taking the plunge.


I liked what HBB said about it, just waiting on a few more ppl here to give their thoughts. The graph, price and fit/looks already passed my initial screening.


Definitely haven’t heard the Audeze, I think that was an open back as well. But I will say, this is the best bass while keeping detail I’ve heard, I truly think it’s gonna shake up the under $500 market


Mine should be in this week.


Gosh. Things come so quickly for you guys ha ha.

I ordered mine shortly after the 7hz timeless video and I’m still waiting till the 20th via DHL express for it to arrive.


Lol :sweat_smile:, we are in the same boat. You are not alone :hugs:


Thank goodness I’m not alone! Ha ha.

My Xinhs cables only arriving in October! Waiting is a tough game. Refreshing the tracking page strangely doesn’t make it come any faster.

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My XINHS stuff takes around a month to get to me. You’re not alone.


Yeah, lol… Welcome to the club! Ha’ ha
I am the same waiting isn’t my thing🥴

But, hey things are moving so hopefully u will receive all your packages, before I get mine :wink:.

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How benevolent. Ha ha. Maybe everyone’s will all arrive at the same time!

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Ha ha, I was bad at waiting too, but as I grow older, I like to keep a steady stream of stuff coming in to look forward to showing up. The “waiting for stuff” actually is nice. The “have nothing coming in and and am not looking forward to anything” is what really sucks!

I waited for months for all of the Thieaudio tribrids.



I hope so!

My Thie tribrid arrived quite fast and very well packaged… perhaps you just need to buy from a better source :wink:

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