Recommended IEM Cables

I picked up the Tripowin Zoe, and figure I would share my thoughts. It is a $20 MSRP and looks very nice. It has a subtle rainbow effect on the cable. It has some shape memory that isn’t ideal, and it has a rubbery feel. The hardware is a very nice matte grey finish.

I still think the Zonie is a better cable, but if I could get this hardware on the Zonie, that would be my pick.


I haven’t read the whole thread, but I have the Tripowin Jelly that I got on sale a while ago. Really like the build, flexibility, tangle-free, and sound.

Edit: Sorry, my mistake…I have the C8…and like it.

The Kelly is a good feeling cable, but mine stopped working on one side, after maybe 2 hours of use (and many weeks of stock).

Mine arrived, very good feeling cable. Worth the 18eur I paid for it.


The Megatron is such a crazy value for $50. It has some cool character to it and I love mine. It’s ridiculously useful for how cheap it is.

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Agreed, love mine but need an impedance adapter ASAP :laughing:

Mostly got it for the incoming Serratus.

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Anyone after a dope looking black braided cable?..this looks like a bit of a deal right now :+1:

That cable is very stiff the NiceHCk JLY2 is way softer and more flexible

What the ear hooks or just generally?

I find it applies to both not uncomfortable but just a bit stiff still a good quality cable but when the JLY2 goes on sale it’s $15

The blue one is SPC the black is OFCC and the brown one is mixed.

C$ 21.62 83%OFF | NiceHCK JIALAI JLY2 HiFi Earphone IEM Upgrade Cable PP Yarn Silver Plated OCC 3.5/2.5/4.4mm MMCX/QDC/0.78mm 2Pin For NRA DQ6

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I recently bought an open heart cable which was really nice, but the ear hooks are damn aggressive. Also, It may be placebo so don’t take this too seriously now, but it produces sound that comes across as congested as well.

This one here.

Beautiful cable, but it’s since been shelved.

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The openheart cable I bought was of good quality but the material was a bit too rubbery and sticky.

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I just got two of these for $19 + tax. They were on sale for $15 apiece and then the store had a $10 off store coupon that worked with it and I got another dollar off from coins or something. The end total was $20.32.

Lovely cable, nice choice.


Just have to be careful with the two pin connections! I almost bent the pins on one of my cables due to that recessed designed on a QDC set - must be careful!

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Will keep it in mind, thanks! So far so good!


I haven’t seen a Sansa clip here. How does it rate as a DAP?

Very good sound quality imo and drives my IEMs fine, even P1+.
Main issue is storage (expandable to 16GB max if my memory is correct) and the stock firmware is a bit basic (I run Rockbox custom firmware). Also the clip broke on mine but only after many years of using it.


That is good to hear. I have one somewhere in my basement, and it is probably 11 years old.

I still have mine, but don’t use it anymore.
I offered one to my wife too, but it died on her.

Rockbox firmware is fun, but not really use friendly on this little sansa

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