Recommended IEM Cables

I don’t use it anymore also.
I revived it this year because I share one YT Music account with my wife and when she listens to music mine stops. But instead of going with a DAP I just subscribed to Apple Music.

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The TRN T2 or T2 Pro are decent or the Tripowin Zonie, I’ve got a few TRN cables, pretty good quality, but also love the Tripowin Zonie…


sir are those EJ07M…if yes please detail the link for the cable. regards

That was a long time ago, but here it is:

In that gunmetal color, there is this one too

But you will need to wait until it is back closer to the promotional price:

i did not expect for such a prompt response for such an old thread. Actually i have been A/B ing between your and Bruce’s videos on EJ07M. it is because of both of your views i took a shot on EJO7M. it is very expensive for me. i sold all my gear including aful p5/dunu est 112 and a host of other iems to get close to the asking price.I hope it suits me. The cable is so awesome to look at i could not resist asking you. Given this opportunity, i would like to place a few clarifications as i know you stand in the best position to help:

  1. I hail from India. Importing is a big issue. Locally i could only find the following collection on Xinhs:
    XINHS | Concept Kart
    i would be greatly obliged if you would kindly pick one for me for EJ07m.
  2. i recently also got an Orivetti 700vb…i find the upper mids a tad harsh and forward too much for my taste. I did some research. Seems an UPOCC cable might help. I am having a contact to sell ARES S 4w at around 80 dollars and the following Xinhs: (seeking your advice on any other budget options)
    XINHS 4 Core Upgrade Cable for IEM | Concept Kart
    please accept my sincere gratitude for reaching out to me. It really meant a lot to receive a reply from the

I mean I replaced it aswell (for optics) but the stock cable of EJ07m is very good actually

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thank you sir. i have not bought it yet. So i will

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I agree with @Rinderkappajoe, the stock cable on EJ07M is fine, but the cable you picked for 700vb is actually a well known cable from a long time ago. That was a Yinyoo cable I had a few of them. I happen to like twisted cables like that. Of the other cables, the mix of pure silver and copper 8 core is a cool cable with some history, a bit thick and stiff, but mine goes back years. I am not sure if he changed the copper material. It is a beefy 8 core though if you want something thicker.


thank you sir for taking time out to reach out to me. :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
i shall then wait for the 4.4 mm 8 core version to come back in stock.