Reviews by WaveTheory

Hasn’t been Crin’s sponsors since the early days?

Trying something new here:

Let me know what terms you’d like to see me [try to] explain in 60s or less!


How about that “planar sound” vs dynamic? My hifiman 4xx and Sundara both seem to
add/accentuate a reverb-like resonance which, while enjoyable, seem less “immediate” in presence vs the Beyer dt 880/600 and the KSC 75 for example. Wondering if that is typical of all planars or unique to the hifimans and their cup resonance. Sorry, kind of a two part question

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Another shorts series launching today. My test tracks! What songs I like to use to test gear and why:



Any word on a HiFiman HE-R9 review?

Lol. I was working on it as you posted this.

Question for Senor Wave…

I’m interesting in the following amp/listing:

The listing states:

This is the Japanese 100v version. I had an expensive isolation and step-down toroid transformer (120v->100v) custom made that allows for use with standard American voltage, which will be included with the sale. The isolating nature of the toroidal transformer also improves the sound quality noticeably and is similar (on a smaller scale) to power conditioning products offered by Furhman, Torus, and Bryston.

I do have a few questions based upon your experience and knowledge.

  • Does using a step down transformer put my chain at risk? If the step down craps out does my entire chain have a risk of going kaput or at least is the amp at risk?

  • If I use a step down in my listening room on the same circuit as the rest of my equipment do I risk having additional noise floor or a loop feedback noise?

  • Based upon the pictures does that look to be a quality made step down; I have no experience with them nor no ability to determine quality.

  • Would you expect any other degradation to sound quality by the default voltage not matching my local power requirement?

No. The step down should only be connected to the Luxman so if it fails, there is no more risk to the rest of your system than if an inidividual component fails anywhere else in the system. There is also very little chance of a well-made transformer going caput. A transformer is just two coils of wire wrapped around an iron core. There are no moving parts. As long as the solder joints are of high quality and can handle the voltage & current, they should really last a lifetime.

Not that I can think of. Basically every component of the chain is first connected to a transformer and doing a job similar to what this unit is doing, just that those transformers are inside the box of the component so you don’t see it like you will this one.

I don’t see any red flags, but my circuit knowledge is much more theoretical than practical. I have relatively little knowledge about what looks and doesn’t look like a high quality part. I’d ask @MazeFrame what he thinks.

Again, no. It’s actually regular practice for audio devices to operate at different voltages than what comes out of the wall outlet. It’s just that more often than not the transformer that changes the power to the operating voltages are integrated into the power supply rather than being outboard like this.

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Based upon the attached posting would you have any concerns with a purchase using this step down in your chain?

Thanks @WaveTheory


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Some have been waiting for this:

I take an approach to the problem I’ve not heard discussed much - if at all - in our hobby before.

Let’s see if it helps.


Love the cable face!

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Good job on the video, the nitty gritty starts on part 3 cause so much of the theory is stuff that we’ve just known about for a good long while. Presenting it the way you did works very well. Will get to part 4 but just wanted to drop by and say good job.

Hmmm. Interesting. I was like “well I don’t know, kind of a stretch!” But with some review and a little noodle time, it makes sense.

I join @MrAyrit and Sine Craft on their podcast to discuss Audio FOMO and upgraditis - that constant itch we have to upgrade and how to manage it. Enjoy!


@MrAyrit, Sine Craft, and I are back at it, discussing our thoughts on negative reviews:


Not WT’s channel but still part of the content… 4 great reviewers and 1 very interesting topic.


Reviewer Roundtable episode 3 will be a livestream! The main topic is The Law of Diminishing Returns in audio. Currawong will host. Join us Saturday 18 Feb at 5pm eastern/4pm central here in the US:


@WaveTheory My go-to guys! I’ll be listening. Thanks for these.

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