Right Volume to listen to

What is the right volume to listen to ?
Is it harmful to listen to songs above 80dB once in a while ? (Once in a week all day)
In speakers :no_mouth:

edit: adding in link to website for full read.


at 85 db long term exposure can cause hearing loss.

Lol, I’d be deaf since… 1000 years ago.

This has more info.

85dB is harmful after eight hours… I get tired of listening to 85dB of continuous music way before 8 hours anyway.

They also say a loud rock concert is 120dB… yeah… if you’re at the front row maybe… but definitely not 25ft away from the stage – and the speakers. I don’t know if my dB meter is accurate, but when it says 90dB, it’s pretty much my limit, and when I go to shows, at 25ft away from the stage, it’s not a problem either. 95dB-ish there too I’d say.

Fun amazon comment of the day, for my dB meter:

It is clearly not calibrated because even in a very quiet room without anyone talking the settings are bouncing all over the place in the 40 - 50 decibel range. This was a big waste of money.



same here. i get fatigued long before the 8 hour mark, takes me about an hour at those levels

edit: and yeah that’s a better guide lol. the one i posted i found rq did not try to hard, was good enough lol. that chart is better though.

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Edited my comment with more info – including my dB meter.

If you’re paranoid, maybe consider this.
Cheaper options are available, but this one looks cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

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i like that, looks nice.

yeah rock concerts are 110 ish db at the barricade. and thats only for arena shows. i used to work security for concerts in my youth. i can attest to 110db is real lol

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Man this car is loud lol (@ 8 mins)

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lol sports cars are loud =)

edit: if your town has a drag race strip, i highly recommend trying it with earplugs one day. amazingly loud lol

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Ty for that chart :).
I got apple watch, i will keep timer and listen to more than 85dB for 8 hours. (Actually may be a movie :P) . I was not into heavy metal. Now I am like listening to metal like crazy.

Do you think you can push something like this into a headphone and measure the db level your listening at?


For me sustained levels over 75dB get uncomfortable and tiring. When given the choice to do so watching movies I probably get multi-minute periods over 85dB but that’s often because film sound dynamics are such the dialog is quiet and the action is loud. But again, movies are less than 8 hours and only get that loud for minutes at a time.

I have absolutely no idea what levels I listen at…some times it’s loud and others it’s quiet.

It’s harder to tell with iems tbh

I would say I listen to iem’s at a lower volume level respectively than over ears as the listening experience is so much more focused, iem’s mostly don’t need to be driven as hard as over ears to reach their sonic potential?.


Only in a silent environment… Outdoors, in a bus, in a car, my volume is always a bit higher than normal – even with IEMs + foam tips. For me anyway.

Volume: The poor man’s noise canceling tech! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thought this was interesting, definitely something to look at if it’s coming from the WHO.

Pete Townshend can’t tell me how to listen to music!