Like the Tri was on my watch list as well, like it did not get good reviews though so it steered me away. Tribrids are like
. I really want one just to say I own one. Which is a very bad reason LOL.
It was also on my watch list for a very long time (I saw it pop up on aliexpress without any posts at all).
I do however have some (2) tribrids so I don’t have that excuse lol.
Although I would like to try some EST (they are actually not electrostats, they are electrets) tribrids. But they are very expensive right now.
I wait for next year, when they hopefully get much cheaper and the bad stuff is weeded out from the good lol.
Exactly my thought. I want to try them, but not at this price point.
I can wait…
And the longer we wait the better they become. So its a win win on both price and SQ lol.
Well…I ordered the Sony EX800st
Nice, that is an IEM I have looked at as well, please share impressions.
Will review it if I like it which I hope I do.
2020-08-11: Added the Fiio FH3 grade S and review is up:
Speechless on how good it is at this price…it might dethrone the LZ A6 as my favorite iem or at the very least shares the nr 1 spot.
If Fiio can do this with “only” 3 drivers, I am very curious how it would be like if they added more drivers…
This is the first time I used the term “TOTL” but it is so damn close. If adding more drivers could improve the technicalities (soundstage, detail and instrument separation) to at least LZ A6 level, then it would be TOTL.
Nr 1 rec goes to FH3, second goes to the LZ A6 and third is the Intime Sora 2 (regardless of price).
And then the Ex800st… glad you digging them, will try to get a pair if possible
They will have an extremely tough competition.
Would you rank STARFIELD and KXXS the same? I’m really interested in that new FH3,there’s something about fiio s turbo what they do on bass is hella addicting like fh5
Ahh cra…p. I have to get the FH3 now
And the LZ A6 has not even arrived yet.
I dont have the starfield so cant say anything about it, but from other people´s post and the graph I might like it a bit more. (KXXS Isnt worth it anymore though both in SQ and in price so the starfield kinda has to be much better to get a rec from me.)
The bass is due to the beryllium DD 100%. The urbanfun ISS014 also has a beryllium dd but without the s turbo and it does the bass the exact same way.
Well…sorry for your wallet
I just read your rankings! I’m glad my no.1 IEM (Blessing 2)as of today is on S tier =). Can I ask a question since you are more knowledgable on iems how the hell the bass on blessing 2 has so much impact and texture and the DD used is not even that especial like beryllium,CNT,etc
No idea, how they did it. Moondrop certainly has the tuning skills to make great stuff.
(if you like it, it shouldnt matter what rank it is on my or anyone else´s ranking list just enjoy it and be happy )
I returned all of my iems that are poorly ranked on rikudou’s list