RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

haha, indeed. Although I recommend that you dont get the E4000 or the E5000 they are overpriced.

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Do you happen to know of any IEMs that are diffuse field neutral (Etymotic neutral target), at least in the treble with a bit more of a bass power. I can even take around to the moondrop sound (aria/starfield) in the treble region, but more then that or any 8k spikes really kills my ability to listen for any length of time.
I have been trying a lot of odd or interesting IEMs to try and figure out what sounds good to me and so far this is the profile that I like. Now I just want to see if I can either find the one for me or refine my profile so I can find the one.

So basically the ER2XR?

I love most thing about my Er2xr, but unfortunately the do sound isolation a little bit too good for a lot of my use cases and the cable should go die in a fire. I do like the bass on them, but it is more that I hear the bass very cleanly, just that I don’t ever feel it. Which I do understand is a limit to what can be done in the size they are.

Maybe you should check the Fiio FH3 then.

BA with an 8k spike kinda scares me , but it is using a Knowles BA and the KBears neon used a knowles BA (different one though) and didn’t seem to trigger my issue with that frequency. I think I will give it a try and see if it works for me. Thank you.

No problem. I think the FH3 is the safest rec at that price range so it should be fine…


Hey @Rikudou_Goku, ive been a lurker in these forums and I’ve been following your opinions. Thanks to you i got a nice custom cable from xhins and got interested to test new earbuds.

Question: what buds are a must have/i should try? I have 1more 1008 double drivers and 1more E0308.

Yincrow X6, is the only must have IMO.

But the NiceHCK MX500 and the NiceHCK ME80 (discontinued) are also very good. But since the ME80 is discontinued, you can replace it with the Faaeal Iris CE (transparent white version).

Havent heard the 1more buds you got, but if its the E1008, it should be a very good bud (dd + piezo ) according to other guys.

What is the difference between gray and white version? I have the Grey one.

Well, faaeal themselves claim they sound different.

I have no clue though. But I will order all the other iris versions during the sale in 2 days to get got the bottom of this mess.

Thanks for the clarification. I’m loving my set though. The bass speed/presence is excellent
and am enjoying the Soundstage, so honestly I’ll probably like the Grey over the White.

That’s only if we can trust their description lol.

I find out when I get them I guess.

Will get the iris 2.0, ancestor and the CE grey transparent. Then I got all the iris versions except the 1.0 which is not sold anymore (although the ancestor might be a rebranding of it).

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I was actually interested in that one, hope its good!

Yes, it’s the E1008. Very nice indeed!

Thanks for the recs. I ended up getting:

Yincrow X6
Faaeal Iris CE
Nicehck Vido
VE Monk +
VE Monk + SPC Edition.

RIP Wallet

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I Think VE got a promotion or something. I ordered VE BIE and got free VE Monk with it.

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Thanks for the trust. Although I personally really disliked the monk plus.

If you still haven’t ordered the yincrow x6 you should do it lol.

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bud impressions coming up:

Smabat Super One:
Bass: sub-bass focused and does have actual rumble and extension but also has a lot of mid-bass as well so it does affect the overall tonality and causes it to be somewhat bloated. It is still pretty fast and tight with pretty good texture though.

Mids: forward female vocals but slightly recessed male vocals so the contrast between them is pretty big. Mid-bass causes some bleed into the mids.

Treble: on the slightly warmer side but is balanced out due to it having a slight 3k (which is my weak spot) peak that is a bit harsh for me and the upper-treble isn’t that extended/airy.

Smabat M2S Pro:
Bass: a more neutral bud but has very impressive sub-bass extension and actual rumble for something as low quantity as it got. Very fast, tight and impressive texture (bass reminds me of the old LZ house tuning in the iem world).

Mids: forward female vocals and neutral male vocals. Very clean and no bleed from the bass.

Treble: on the brighter side due to the more neutral tuning and it does have a slight 3k peak here as well so it is also a bit harsh for me. Upper treble extension and air are very good.

Overall: At this point, I am honestly more impressed by the M2S Pro which does not look good for the Super One being priced as high as it is…well take it with a grain of salt as it is still early. I will most likely have the Super One review done in time for when the sale starts and depending on when I finish it I might be able to finish the M2S Pro review before the sale ends (no guarantees on that one though).

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Thank you!

Got one A1 and two A25 cables today from Xihns, now the wait starts.

Do you have any Blur’s earbuds?