RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Since I have a KZ AST as a reference point I plotted it against the EX800ST… Look how interesting!

His EX800ST is tape modded. Not stock, so not a good comparison.


2021-06-28: SIVGA Phoenix review is up: https://www.head-fi.org/showcase/si…c-driver-headphone.24548/reviews#review-26157

Rank: S

Finally a headphone I am actually impressed by. Nails timbre and tonality while technicalities are also good. :+1:

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How would you “compare” it too your IEMs. As in, if that sound came out of an iem, would it still be an S? I find it increasingly difficult to listen to my HE400i and DT-880 CE because I know I could be listening to the FH3 or Bl-03 instead. Took the filter out of my bl-03 BTW, sound does improve indeed, now I hope the new filters won’t take too long to arrive. I’m probably ordering two extra sets of the 03, just in case.

Watch out for dirt/wax if you are using it naked.

No it wouldnt be an S, but maybe A-.


@paulwasabii, I looked for the measurement for the KZ Gold cable you have in your collection on the “Cable Ranking” sheet but couldn’t find it. Do you have the measurement for that cable which I believe was one of your first upgrade cable?

Lol, I also have a HE-4XX, the FH3 sounds so much better,

IMO, headphones struggles against iems in this price range…

Not sure about the 1000 usd range though. :joy:
But maybe @Resolution can tell us what he think about his focal clear vs those thie tribrids :thinking:

(and iems struggle against earbuds up to 20 usd)

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There is a comparison already,
Clear vs Monarch,
wait I’ll search for it,

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oh, do you have a tube amp?
Dynamic headphone + tube = bliss ~~~

I have it (hybrid amp), but disconnected it and replaced it with the Schiit Asgard 3.

oh, in discussion iem vs headphone,

under $1k, iem,
over $1k, headphone,

End game:
Headphone end game, Arya + $2k source,
iem end game, $6k iem + $4k cable + $3k source,

For what it’s worth, different tube amps sound pretty different! A Quicksilver or Hagerman Tuba (<5 ohm output impedance) will pair with headphones very differently from a Bottlehead Crack (120 ohm output impedance).

So yeah, you might want to be a little bit more specific!


oh no,
that is another rabbit hole I wouldn’t want to get in,
iems rabbit hole is already make a huge hole in my wallet,

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The hybrid amp I got is the Little Dot MK2 and I switched the stock tubes for the GE JAN5654W.

I wonder if the ZMF Eikon might actually be in Resolution’s wheelhouse, the Eikon (with the stock lambskin pads, specifically) has some great punchy sub-bass, and the price is a similar ballpark to the Clear.

With my rather limited collection I’m not sure whether I agree. I only have the X6 and the Shiro Yuki, but I’d take neither of these over the bl-03 and FH3. I like how natural the x6 is, but I prefer the fit and sound of the IEMs I guess the complete lack of any isolation doesn’t help for me. Unfortunately my X6 died on me :(. Maybe the Smabat m2s Pro can change my mind.

I meant that I take buds over iems no questions asked until we reach 20 usd. Thats when it becomes a bit more tricky.


Monarch > Focal Clear MG Pro.

But then again, there’s the whole, things stuck into my ears thing. I prefer the comfort of over-ear headphones but prefer the sound of IEMs.

The only ZMF I still have is the Aeolus and I don’t think I’ll ever sell it…