RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

My 2 cents worth?..that would be the Z1R, bass slam for days and that super tweeter is where the detail is…as long as the fit is ok :+1:


Can’t speak to Monarch or Clairvoyance but the Zen had very (very) good bass that I think you would enjoy. Still nicely detailed sound as well. Very sensitive set though so you would need a source with a low noise floor or pick up an IEMatch.

If you aren’t opposed to second hand the Zen seems to be selling at or below the $500 currently which is a solid price for what you are getting. Build and accessories are top notch as well.

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How did I know you were going to say that? Lol

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Reckon the Z1R is probably the closest to the Fostex sig…not heard the EE LX but maybe that too :man_shrugging:

The Z1R are way outside my budget unfortunately, i will probably get something like CAD$1100 out of my Clears and i want to invest a similar amount, that is why i was thinking about the options i mentioned but i am open to suggestions in that price range

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Nothing against buying used gear, i got my Fostex used and i have a FD5 arriving today also used. The Zen is definitely a top contender

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If you are fine with upper-treble roll-off it does have excellent bass.

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I usually EQ all my IEMs and headphones so i can probably minimize that roll-off, but another thing that i am not sure about when it comes to the Zen is fit, i never had an IEM with that shape, i will once my FD5 arrives today though

The Zen is an improved FD5 (fit), so if the FD5 works the Zen should definitely work.

I tried this, it doesnt respond well to it. Not much help at all tbh…


That’s what we call a “fun” signature vs a clinical one.

I’ve said it before, only in reverse. People asked me what I thought would be the closest sounding headphone to the Monarch and I said it would be my Lawton modded TR-X00, so I guess the same can be said in the opposite direction.

The Monarch is still quite different than the TR-X00 but it’s probably the closest IEM I have to them. When it’s all said and done, I personally prefer the Monarch. It has that thundering bass (basshead levels of sub bass) perfectly detailed mids into the most perfectly tuned treble with no sibilance that I’ve heard.

If you’re afraid of the Monarch shell size, and you should be, the Zen might be a good alternative. I love the Zen as well especially for metal. It slams harder than anything I have. My Zen came from @Mr_Makua

Yeah, I own everything except for the Clear OG. I own the Clear MG.


I 100% agree. The FD5 is a little uncomfortable for me. The Zen is perfection for fit comfort. Make sure to use large tips with it since it is a shallow insertion.


Nice thanks for the reply, i just got the FD5, the sound is super nice but the fit, yikes it is already bothering me after 10 minutes of use…

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Tip roll, some tips make it better and some worse.

When I had mine, I kinda had to wait for the DD to break in. Suction was horrible. Got better with burn in and spinfits!

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Suction? How did you get pressure build up with a vent like that?

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It took my ears some time before they were happy with the fit of the FD5. I almost felt as if they were about to cut into my ear. A week or two later and everything was fine. Give it some time

Not sure, but it was horrible. To the point of driver flex :confused: After a week it was fine, still returned it tho and got the teas.

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Yep i am doing that right now, the radius deep mount made it a lot better but it is still kind of meh, lol

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