RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

The Sennheiser IE300 is so small in comparison, both sound great.


You know what we want from you later. :smirk:

(FD5 VS IE300)


The audience demands it!


Hahaha, will do!

Damn this hobby, i got the IE300 from Amazon because i thought i would try them and probably return them after a couple of weeks, then i got an used FD5 because i thought i could try them and then sell for the same price after a few weeks, and now i want to keep both! LOL


Win Win then :+1:

What is the deal with the smaller nozzles on the FD5? I don’t have good tips to fit in those so i am not sure if they are even worth trying…

I didnt like them at all, you can try them if you think the treble is too much though.

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Time to get one of these and start filling it up!

Hell! Get two or three while you’re at it!


LOL Jesus Christ!!!

That would be super cool but i get a feeling my wife would not be onboard with that idea :rofl:

BTW, what an incredible stock cable Fiio used for the FD5! This is the very first stock cable i don’t feel like changing


Initial impressions for the IE300 vs FD5.

The IE300 has a lot more quantity and similar quality, this is a toss up for me so far, both are great in this area

The FD5 has a nicer presentation, more air and it just sounds nicer to my ears

The FD5 wins here, hands down. The IE300 is at the same time darker AND sibilant in some "S"s

No contest here, FD5 wins and it is not close

I will spend a few more days listening to both and then i will report back with a proper comparison, but i think i like the FD5 better


oh no, being darker AND more sibilant is…not good…

This has me curious though, the FD5 I imagine should have faster and tighter bass and might have better texture.

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Well i am a noob when it comes to these detailed sound reviews so you may be correct, but i can’t find a fault in the IE300’s bass, it is actually the nicest aspect of its sound.

I will try to pay closer attention to the bass details while comparing these 2

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It also measures insanely well. Fiio’s cables on their higher-end IEMs are some of the best.

As for the cases, they are actually really nice. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WTQ3CMN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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Great mini-review.

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Take your time, no need to rush lol.

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Now that i am looking at the frequency response for both i think it makes sense that the IE300 sounds dark and sibilant, it is recessed from 2k to 5k and then there are a couple of peaks at 7k and 9k.

Those two peaks are probably to blame for the sibilance even with a darker signature?


I believe that is the case, when you have such a low treble quantity and then the big and sudden peaks, those will stick out a lot, the contrast between the lowest point and highest peak is quite noticeable…in a bad way.

The upper-treble looks a lot more on the IE300 as well, so that could also be a problem.

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I just filled my first one. Not yet sure whether that makes me happy or not…

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lol, I am probably in need of another one of my storage box. I got tons of transducers on my table…

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