RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Honestly I should buy one, but that is kinda like admitting I have a problem. When everything is in their individual cases I can just kinda forget how many random IEMs I own.


LOL, i feel the same way :rofl:

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tenor (3)

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I was reading your reply again, so you think the Zen slams harder than the Monarch?

The style i listen to the most is Prog Metal and i like to “feel” the double kickdrums hitting note by note and i think that is more of a slam character than a sub-bass character, right?

wow, mids to treble is so damn similar

FD5 = 320 usd
Turii = 1400 usd

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This Turii thing has the weirdest shape i have ever seen for an IEM, it is a freaking rectangle! lol

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I don’t know if I have ever seen a more tempting graph than that one for what I am looking for… well maybe a bit more in the sub bass, but honestly I am very annoyed with you right now Rikudou. Did you really have to temp me so.

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hahaha, sorry I just saw this myself and got a bit shocked.

Also because the Turii already looks like a better FW10000

Turii = 1400 usd
FW10000 = 2200 usd

WTF!!! It is doing that with a single DD. I just did some cursory looking at it (at least it would get me like $70 worth of discount reward codes at Shenzhen Audio) and noticed the driver config.

yeah, all three of them are single DDs but in completely different price range lol.

I was really hoping it would have a bunch of sparkly junk all over it or be painted like a beautiful portrait so I could just write it off… but no it is exactly my style in looks as well. I am very quickly running out of excuses not to get it.


stock cable is a modular cable that can change between 2.5,3.5,4.4mm without changing the cable.

I was talking about the turii

oof, at least the fit might scare you away with that one, if the price tag hasnt.

The price tag is fine, this hobby is still cheaper then my last one.

The fit, not sure… might be the last hope in saving my wallet from my poor decisions, but I am generally fine with most fits including the Etymotic style fit and other odd IEMs.

I wouldnt gamble on something at this price lol.

Doesnt look like its made for human ears. :joy:

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Yea, I did abandon the Audeze iSine over it being almost unbearable for any length of time. Pretty much the only IEM to ever get that prestigious rank of not even staying in my collection as an oddity.

My favorite genre as well is prog metal. The Zen is better for metal.


Tool? :smirk: I tend to like prog rock so I’m not far off. :smiling_imp: is it wrong to want your music to take you on a spiritual journey of enlightment and self fulfilment!?!?! RIP LMAO