RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

But then you also get into what the tips/pads are doing to the sound of the IEMs/headphones, not to mention your ears. I kinda believe that you can easily make recommendations no mater the source used, because it is a recommendation based on how you heard it. If the only thing that mattered was the cleanest most accurate representation of the sound of something then all people would need are graphs (well for headphones there seems to be a standard for measurement… IEMs seem to be interesting on that front).

I do not.

I’m speaking from experience on this topic. I was an early FOCAL Clear MG adopter and I had lots of folks asking for my impressions.

I also had just purchased a new amp and dac per recommendations of individuals from this site. I only listened to the Clear MG with this new stack and quickly came to conclusions as to how the headphone sounded. To my surprise, my findings clashed with many others that gave their impressions and this bothered me a lot.

I ended up listening to the Clear MG on my Pro Audio Universal Audio Apollo which is designed to be neutral and is used in everyday music production. I was shocked to hear how different the Clear MG sounded on the Apollo vs my new headphone stack. The headphone stack had been heavily coloring the sound turning the Clear MG into something completely different than how it was intended to sound. In this case, the Clear MG sounded quite dark vs bright and airy on other peoples’ equipment.

As a listener, go for it. Listen to whatever gear gives you those good feelings you’re after. But for me, I purchase gear to be able to evaluate it and discuss it’s strengths and weaknesses. I am personally chasing the “best” technical capabilities and want/need as much transparency as possible in my source gear to be able to do that. If I end up liking headphone A or IEM B, I know it’s because I like that product. I don’t have to guess at how much work my DAC is doing to make headphone A sound as good as it does.

You probably wouldn’t like my description of the Clear MG if you weren’t using the same DAC/AMP combo I was using and probably wouldn’t trust me in the future with anything I had to say in regards to how any headphone or IEM sound.

No. It’ll probably take a while to get to me. Shipments from Ali usually take a month. I’ll most definitely provide photos and impressions when I get it good or bad. I bought it on @hawaiibadboy 's rec and he’s never let me down so it’s gotta be good.

If the Legacy 2 isn’t on your list already, it should be for only 99 bucks, I love it.

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I grabbed the tin t2 foam tips for the p1.
Fit like a glove. Bought from Amazon pack of 3.

Oh you’ve already got it? lol

I get you now. I hope I can help you on your upgrade journey and help you get the most bang for your buck. How much are you thinking about spending on your next IEM? I can already tell you I like the Mangird Tea up until $500 bucks.

If you are that uncertain, I suggest buying from amazon where you can return it and get refunded if you dont like it.

Also, the B2/B2D/variation are very big as well as those tribrids from thieaudio, so if you have smaller ears you might want to stay away from them.

The Variations is the superior set VS Dusk…

Per your comments, I’d keep your eye on Xenns Up. My money is on it to win the tribrid war and I haven’t heard it yet. I think it’s going to be the one to beat per Chris’ review and its deadly weapon vs all other tribrids…

Beryllium DD. Endgame.

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I am in Brazil. There’s nothing available here through Amazon unfortunately. If that was the case it would be for 5x its price.

I believe I have big ears as the AST is the perfect fit for me as if it was custom made.

Luckily, the Blessing 2 is as ideal a fit for me as any IEM I have. Thieaudio Monarch and Clair on the other hand.

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From his discord server:

Diminishing returns and all that you know…


Mark said he prefers Variations to the Dusk but he doesn’t know if he likes it 200 dollars more worth.

But… Better is better. It’s the way things usually go in audio. You usually have to pay a lot to get smaller and smaller percentages of performance. When something punches way above its price point is when I get excited. Looking at you Legacy 2! :slight_smile:

The BIG loser from that livestream was the Dunu EST 112.

Don’t put much stock into any of this since Mark prefers the Blessing 2 to everything. The Blessing 2 is not my preference (flat neutral and shouty) , Mark’s and my library are very different. I’m pretty excited over the Variations hoping it will be a slightly toned down Monarch that actually fits me. :slight_smile: If that’s what the Variations is, I will be one very happy camper.

I agree 100% with that. But I also agree with @Rikudou_Goku’s post above regarding the “Diminishing returns”. lol

My problem buying the Legacy 2 right away is to what degree that would be an improvement over the KZ AST I already have? I don’t want to collect multiple IEM - each one better in one are. You know, when someone can’t say that one is definitely superior to the other but just different? I want “Better is better”. lol

At this point I’d dkip Variations.

I’d either get b2/b2d + legacy for the same price or shoot for oracle…

With big bucks, xenns up

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If I remember correctly, you dont have a lot of experience in the iem world right?

Because its going to be very hard for to find something that is completely “superior” when you dont know your own preferences. Which is why I usually tell people to try a few different budget iems first to get a good feel on what you like/dislike, then move up when you have that knowledge.

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I don’t get excited to spend that money until some people say: “Wow. This blows my mind. This is the new standard for the industry and it competes with much more expensive gear”. I believe that is what I am waiting to hear to pull the trigger.

GS Audio does that with their driver config at least lol.

Crazy amount of drivers (Most likely Bellsing and Sonion BAs) at that price.

Yes. AST is my second IEM. The fist one was a ZSX. I like the tuning of both but I know that the more soundstage and the more details and clarity the more I live. And I also like a (sub)bass boost – so I like V shape.


I sent him a message regarding this one asking is there would be any other IEM that this would be comparable to in terms of sound signature… He told me that there’s nothing like that in the market and it’s unique.

That might be a good or a really bad thing. So I am waiting your review when you get your GS Audio.

Judging by the graph it indeed looks different from pretty much everything out there (besides some other GS Audio iems).

Besides these 2:

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