Pretty hard for me to rec the Chaconne when the value on the LBBS is as good as it is. Unless the 300 usd price isnt a lot for you that is…
It’s more the build and overall quality but I’ll def get this firstAnd see if I even like the sound signature
Yeah, better try the LBBS first.
This. Im served with lbbs and the others. Waiting that blur replaces all my buds.
Back to IEMs. Problem is… I dont want side grades Mest it is…
Took some pictures of my cables.
Cable B3, first of my cables to oxidize.
Cable A5
Garbage JCALLY cable from 2 years ago. Back then, budget priced cables were budget in quality as well.

How much did the resistance change on the oxidized cable, for science.
No changes actually.
Interesting, oxidation can’t be good for the structural integrity of the cable, but I didn’t know if it would effect the resistance.
From what I heard, its only a visual change and wont affect the resistance. But I havent researched that a lot so who knows.
The search ends!?! What are us earbud fanatics going to do without you? We have yet to explore the earbud galaxy to the very end
You must take up the torch then, and be a beacon to the rest.
With the costs of grad school, not likely. I also have an LBBS. I do want to hear the famed blur earbuds by Master Wong at some point. But @Rikudou_Goku has made many peoples’ journey a lot more informed and is always responsive to inquiries.
Well, I am keeping an eye out. But not really interested in more at the moment.
Back to the iem rabbit hole lol.
Rikudou, you have me hyped about the lbbs. But the thing is my antitragus is horizontal. Hence i’ve never been able to make any earbuds fit correctly, back in the 2000’s when they were the only thing existing. Do you think these new earbuds could fit for me?
Are your ears too small or too big?
Well, i have mine being shipped on monday (they are burning in atm). They need more burn in when they arrive but I’ll give out of the box impressions. They should arrive shortly after (1 week max) since they coming through express shipping.
I bought 2 models. A fun EDC bud, pk shell, with only 32ohm and 3.5mm plug so I can just grab and go if needed and a more analytical, detailed, open one for more critical listening (mx shell, 64ohms).
The old buds IIRC are using a shell like the MX500 or a PK shell. They are VERY different from the bell shape the LBBS has.
Take a look at this post and see if you can recognize what shell type didnt work for you.
Me? My ears aren’t too little nor too big afaik. But the earbuds I put in it lacked the support of the antitragus and thus couldn’t stay in place for more than a few minutes.
For reference, here is a representation of the ear so you can locate the antitragus:
This representation is of a “normal ear”. My ear though has a horizontal anti-tragus: it points outwards of the ear rather than upwards.
Thanks for the answer!! Sadly the buds I recall were quite like the mx500. And I recon the bell type would be even a worse fit!!
As I see it, every earbud rely on the targus and anti-targus to stay in place.
I may try some day, but for now my main focus will have to be iems/headphones.
The bell is quite small though.
Did you use them without foams? Having foams on is quite the game changer for buds.