Exactly this. A part of this hobby is the visual appeal of the gear for me. I will buy cables or IEMs just because I like how they look. Being able to show off your stuff is fun too. How better than to take photos of the stuff you love.
The purple one is beautiful.
Not a fan of purple.
You going to get it? It costs 248 usd and early bird discount is 30 usd off. I will probably order it asap when it launches. Since I currently got a 100% success rate with that lineup.
No. I’ve given up on BA only IEMs. They’re just not for me. But damn they are pretty!
This. No vent sucks. But man, I really want to try U12T…
Yes! OMG YES! Having a good tight seal in my ear is a must for sound quality, so it’s important for the IEM to be vented and I’m prone to inner-ear suction/pressure issues. It can actually be quite uncomfortable and painful when even not wearing IEMs.
I loved the sound of the SA6 but I had to let it go because of the inner-ear suction issues it created with me. Other than that, it was a phenomenal sounding IEM.
I might jump ship on this one (SARN II(Mk-II) | 634ears ロクサンヨンイヤーズ ) in the future. Love wood.
Yeah, no venting sucks. But that U12T must be something else. Anyway, my apetite for IEMs has decreased after Land. And for buds, I predict the same after blurs arrive… Guess I might grab a new amp dac and start droling at Mest
Get that out of here. Dont want to tempt myself with overears…
OK, how about these then? Stabilized wood that you can see through to the drivers inside??? How is that possible?
It only costs as much as the Susvara!
Stabilizing resin, which also means it is probably UV reactive since most stabilizing resins are.
I’d get the Susvara.
HUH??? It’s not wood?
It is wood suspended and filled with resin which makes it stronger then either of the 2 separate. The clear parts are just resin.
One of the best shop projects channels dealing with wood and resin. This is on an individual level, I am sure a company is using a setup to do the work with purpose built machines.
(Orange = GS Audio ST6A, Blue = Fiio FH3, Green = GS Audio GD3A)
(Green = GS Audio ST6B, Orange = ST6A)
(Purple = Geek Wold GK10, Green = GS Audio GD3A)
(Blue = GS Audio ST10, Green = GS Audio GD3A, Red = GS Audio ST8B)
@Rikudou_Goku Good call on the Azla sednaearfit crystal. I am liking them a lot so far and they seem to also be performing the same things the xelastec does just ever so slightly better.
The inserts are hilarious though since the only IEM I have with a bore that small is the ER2XR and I can’t see how this shape of tip would be any good with that.
Yeah, did some tip testing yesterday , crystal > xelastic any day. Radius still a lil better, but for very wide bore, I like regular azla as well.
Also, they fit on land, so they must fit on any iem :o
Funnily enough I didn’t really care for the xelastec on the Dunu EST, but with the crystal it finally gains that something to have it compete with (maybe not beat, but it is no longer a solid defeat) the Oracle and Variations in my tribrid collection. Honestly it might just be that the upper end is tuned too well on the Oracle, but the crystal kills things like bass guitar rifts and hides them behind everything else… on the EST nothing was so special that the changes the Crystal tips make just enhance instead of overwhelming.