RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Hmm then maybe what I sometimes hear in the FH3 isn’t incoherency as I thought. I feel like sometimes the FH3 is a bit chaotic, don’t know how to really put it, and I thought that that was caused by it being a bit incoherent. What do you look for specifically I’d you want to rate an IEM on coherency?
Well at least I won’t be the only one who gives it less than 4 stars when your review is up (I’m assuming lol).

Coherency and timbre are the hardest part to tell in an iem. I basically ask myself, does the treble have a different timbre than the bass? if yes, that is incoherent.
does the mids have a different timbre than the bass? if yes, that is incoherent.
does the treble have a different timbre than the mids? if yes, that is incoherent.

Also, sometimes it is obvious when the treble driver (treble) sounds a lot faster than the DD driver (bass). Like in the GK10, where the bass is a lot slower than the piezo treble. So its very obvious that they are using different drivers.
(which is what coherency is about, “can you tell if if they are using the same driver or not?”.)

There are certain tuning strategies you can work use to lessen the speed difference between the different driver characteristic. Like say, you are using a DD + BA + Piezo setup. The BA and the piezo are generally a lot faster than the DD. So what do you do?

You can just reduce the mid-bass a lot and tune it so it is a more sub-bass focused bass, that is tight and fast. That way, it wont sound as slow as an iem with too much mid-bass (like the GK10).

This strategy btw, is used in the LZ A6.

Super fast bass paired with the fast BA/piezo, makes it a lot more coherent than on the tuning failure that is the GK10…


Of course if a BA exists in the mix you can usually spot the BA with the semi metallic sound properties they tend to bring, though I do find it a lot harder to hear in the mids then when they are handling the higher frequencies as well.

Great explanation, thanks!

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Thats the BA timbre.

Agreed. There are certain ways to “cheat” your way to a more natural BA timbre for the treble though. And that is to slow it down and make it sound more like a DD. Sony uses this strategy as well as Audiosense (for their DT100/DT200). The cons with this strategy is that you might make it too smooth though (which might impact the clarity and detail).

You got me interested in those LZ A2 Pro :drooling_face:
Do you plan on trying them ?

I have asked for a unit. Judging from the graph, it looks very similar to their old tuning.

I do on the other hand, have the Tforce YuanLi and the Audiosense DT300 on the way.


Very interested in hearing your impression on Yuan Li.

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And… Very interested in your impressions of DT300. The official FR graph looks interesting, they are gorgeous, 3D printed resin shell with tubes is top tech and I seem to remember you said Audiosense knows how to tune BA very well.

Yes, so far the DT series are great (DT100/200), hopefully the DT300 is even better. Also looking forward to the DT600.

Yeah, the reviews that are out there so far is only with the pre-final version. I am supposed to get a review unit on the final version.

Looks similar to the Yume tuning.


Any link for Yuan Li? How much does it cost?

me likey like that

120 usd, single DD.

They got more coming as well.



I really dig the looks… Hope it sounds good too, graph looks pretty decent


That one looks fun indeed! I am barely listening to music these days, sleeping 2 hours per night while sleep training my daughter, that is why i am not around here lately :frowning:


Skip the T-500 Pro lol.

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Ugh…I remember those days not a long ago… Good luck mate! It will feel like an eternity but it gets better sooner or later and you’ll realize they grow up too quickly


Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Tri I3 pro. I really loved the original I3 and thought they were very underrated. They are one of my favourite sets for long listening sessions when amplified sufficiently.
If they really have improved on the original it is a set I would most certainly buy.

Stay tuned then, although I am reviewing the Vento Conductor T-500 Pro first.

Cant answer that as I dont have the original i3.

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Does it suck? I just saw the huge low shelf and thought it was nice :slight_smile:

I have received my Schiit Modius / Asgard 3 stack today, i was expecting to hear zero difference coming from the Modi / Magni but to my surprise i did find it a bit nicer sounding. Not by much though, i would say a 5% improvement? Maybe i still need some brain burn in to get used to the difference but it is subtle imo.

If anyone asked me if it is a worthy upgrade i would probably say no, unless you buy used like i did and the upgrade costs you like $100 in total after selling the old stack.

I get the feeling that the 5% improvement i hear is coming from the Modius and not from the Asgard, the instrument separation and soundstage are the biggest differences so far, still very subtle though.

This just goes to show how good the $99 Schiit gear is, super good bang for the buck if you ask me!

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