RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

How’s the setup?

My preference was for MONITOR/SILVER. I usually listen a lot of acoustic genres like SERTANEJO, SAMBA and MPB.

BTR 5 - 2.5mm / Low Gain

Tip - Fiio’s Bass tips (I tried Azla’s, JVC’s, Spinfit’s and Sony’s tips)

Thanks, but I was actually asking how do you like the setup so far (iems + btr5)?

LOL this got me. Thanks for your impressions as well!

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Np, I thought I was going to get a laugh or two. :joy:

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Got my LZ6 back today and they sound really great; I just hope they stay okay now.
I just need a new cable… :face_with_monocle:

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You know my default cable recs I guess. :wink:

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Ohh yes!
I need 2-3 cables due to latest buys, so I could be tempted lol :laughing:

Well, sounds like you could get one of the recs each lol. Adds up to 3 cables, perfect. :smiley:

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You have 3 rec cables?
Then I missed out on 2 of them.

Can you list them, then I also have the other 2
Thx :smiley:

Faaeal litz copper
Tri Through
Kbear Rhyme

I like the Faaeal and the tri the most. But the Tri is basically just a reskin of the faaeal and also more expensive.

Runners up are: Nicehck LitzPS and the Tri Limpid, they arent my default recs because both of them measure much higher than the other 3 (at 1 ohm, both of them are the same cable, just different plugs/connectors/dividers).

Thanks, I have dived into the Hakuzen post re cables. So I better find out what to get :slight_smile:

That thread is pretty outdated now unfortunately. The 3 default cables are pretty much dominating the budget cable world. Although if you wanna spend over 100 usd on cables, I recommend EA cables. (like cable 175 on hakuzens list).

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FYI: 175 is out of production.

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oof. Well, I dont recommend spending that much on cables when great budget alternatives are available.

Better to use that saved cash on the iem or a better source.

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2021-01-29: Added a page for tip rankings and also another page with links to useful posts/articles.


Also, an update on whats going on. I should get the Tansio Mirai TSMR 4-pro early next week, Audiosense T180/DT100 are probably shipped with snails and I have a Dunu Zen review unit on the way as well. Going to be fun next month. :smiley:


Really well made list thank you, checking it out now. Fiio FH3 is my favorite IEM I tried so far and I see you are a fan too, what would be a good “partner” to this IEM to handle different types of music? The yin to the yang if you will? Budget could possible go to ~500$ mark.

I pulled the trigger on Blessing 2 Dusk a few days ago and they are on the way now, not sure if I will end up liking them and keeping yet as I will only be buying one new earphone.

hmmm, so if we classify the FH3 as the fun iem, you might want a more neutral and natural iem. in which case I will recommend the Tanchjim Oxygen to you.

Thanks for the rec! I’ll check out your review on those. Do you think you will plan to try the Blessing 2 Dusk in the future?

I want to make sure I’m spending my $300 on a good option at the moment and not just getting too much into the hype.