RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Very interesting, hopefully it comes with a good cable… :wink:

Also I would like to retract my previous statement about earbuds and earhooks. The earhooks make the LBBS much more comfortable to wear.

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I have to agree with @Rikudou_Goku on the lbbs. These are the most comfy buds I’ve ever used. They just disappear in my ears. Combine that with the great stock sound and PEQ curve…these might just become my most used out of all that I have.

Only complaint I currently have is with the 3.5mm connector. I don’t think the pos and neg leads have the best connection to the contacts. I can spin the connector and get a faux low shelf and cut the highs out completely lol. Don’t think I’ll be able to use them with my phone in my pocket. Wire gets bent and pushed and I get patchy sound. Other than that I love them.


I kinda agree with this! Its hard to fathom but there is truth to it lol

Have gotten out my Iris CE clear/whites and been using them while waiting for the LBBS to arrive. And everything @Rikudou_Goku said about them was bang on correct! I am enjoying the wide soundstage and the imaging, separation are adequate. The wire is actually decent and all for less than $10… crazyyy!!

So more earbud reviews please lmao :sweat_smile:


Who is the reviewer in the video you tagged? He kinda sounds like he’s South African🙌🏼

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Well, then wait til you get to ear buds that put stuff like LBBS to shame.

My endgame are my custom Blurs from mr. Wong. Yesterday i was talking with a buddy that owns an Oriolus Isabellae to see if he likes it and he replied “dont think about it if you have blur mx64 ste.”. I smiled but got his point, he also have them.

My buds have more detail than my IEMs. They even have sub bass rumble, so I cant complain.

For instance, my “fun” signature Blur makes my Teas sounding like they are mono and not stereo, and im not even kidding, since everyone here knows how much I love and rec Teas.

With that said, LBBS can easly be anyones end game for 40 bucks. You’ll be mind blown. Also Iris CE white is my least favorite bud of the collection, so I guess you in for a threat :slight_smile:


Ok, I’m in for LBBS as well, let’s hope those won’t fall out of my ears :slightly_smiling_face:
CCA NRA ordered as well.


You won’t be disappointed! Check out @Rikudou_Goku 's PEQ to tune it more tonality like the Yincrow X6 buds :wink:


Sure I will :wink:


X6 is amazing, TOOL sound crazy good with them

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Glad that you like them. :smiley:

Enjoy, crazy value on buds.

Maybe…we see I guess. The LBBS is quite likely to be my endgame…


2021-08-24: Tri I3 Pro: https://www.head-fi.org/showcase/tr…rs-1planar-1dd-1ba.25356/reviews#review-26606

Rank: S-

Highly recommend it if you have a library that is similar to mine or just love lots of bass with quality, quality mids and a massive soundstage. I would only advise treble-heads to stay away from it, as the dip between 4-6k is likely to be dark for people with that preference.


I found the video in @Rikudou_Goku 's Discord and thought I’d share with all of you. I do not know who he is.


I usually put Final E or SpinFit tips on everything, but the Zen that I just picked up seems to be happiest with the Radius Deep Mounts so far. (It does make it brighter than what I typically listen to, but I feel like it works for this particular IEM for whatever reason.)

So anyway, wanted to say thanks again for the eartip recommendations! I wouldn’t have picked up either the Deep Mounts or the Elecoms without your endorsement! :smiley:

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Thank you @Rikudou_Goku for posting about the LBBS so much. It is very quickly becoming my favorite way to listen to orchestral music. Been listening to one of my favorite albums all day “Symphonic music of The Rolling Stones”


Hi guys, i wanna ask something about my 3.5mm. it is not as straight like usual and bent a little bit like in the picture. I don’t know why it became like that, is this a serious problem. I can still hear sound from my iem but idk is there any future damage. Will it affect my sound quality?

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It’s not really a problem when it comes to the sound itself of your IEM if the jack itself is just bent, so long as the connectors are still solid.

I had experience with a cheaper set of earphones that the jack had gotten bent a whole lot more than that and it still sounded exactly the same as always.

The main problem with a bent jack would be the connecting issues with your source when it spins it can make that static noise like when you plug and unplug something. Also the possibility of damaging the plug of your course if it’s bent a whole lot.

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And this is why I use 4.4mm (6.5/xlr is even better but i dont own desktop amps)


Created a poll for you guys to vote what your preferred connector type is.

Team 4.4mm for me though.


4.4mm is still king.

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Yep, 2.5mm just seems way too fragile. 3.5mm is better than 2.5mm but still seems pretty fragile when compared to a 4.4mm.

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