RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

If you are curious, the original tape is better but still need eq to tame the 3k peak.

Hopefully the NRA is better.

Maybe if I run out of options that have a better chance of sounding good to me I will go back and collect some interesting looking ones like the Tape. Or if I can find a used one cheap enough that I don’t care if it is bad.

Well, I guess it’s better to listen to the NRA first before you decide to get the Tape.

NRA + Timeless, sounds like a good combination.

Still waiting on a few more impressions before buying the timeless. If I get the timeless I might just go with Hifigo since I can add the yuan li at the same time.

At that price it is definitely good to wait for more info.


$50 is my YOLO limit of buying without caring to do research before hand. Just has to be interesting at that range.


Like the GK10? :joy:

I was never interested in it. Already had good tribrids at that point and I didn’t think the shell looked particularly good to me. If I had heard good things then maybe I might have, but probably still no.

Lucky I guess.

So far my YOLO buys have been interesting if not always great.

KBEar neon
Tin T2
(Mele kinda, but I would have bought it if was more based on it being HBB’s IEM)
Maybe the final IEMs, but that was more for the tips, still like the IEMs though.

Haven’t hated any of them.


Oh, man.


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You bought it? :joy:

(you might want to hide the tracking number)

I did, on August 22nd !

(Thanks for the warning)

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I blind-bought because the CSN 1DD + 1BA was very good for 15 €. A ton of fun.
But I forgot how slow they were at shipping :man_facepalming:

But 8 days and they havent even shipped it???

Either they are just that slow…or they dont actually have any stock…

Maybe I get mine (that has not been shipped yet) earlier lol.

Yes, I just asked for news.
You know, I am kind of patient, but with other people having already received their set… :drooling_face:
LBBS should arrive this week. Ordered the same day from NiceHCK who reached out to apologize for delay ! Crazy fast seller.


NiceHCK is really fast they shipped my LBBS fast and the Tri IEM cable I got off of Riku’s list.


Indeed. Even sub-10€ orders are shipped very fast, travel fast and are carefully packed. Top seller.

@Rikudou_Goku have you seen this? Found these in a Facebook group.

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@luizgarcia have you seen this plastered all over our forums lately? :wink:

It’s the FD7. Supposedly it’s housing a pure beryllium DD.