RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

I haven’t listened to Variations, but from the experience I have with FH7 I can say that I will never buy another FiiO products if it is going to be with sapphire shells. Very bad FiiO!

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I just went through all Fiio’s posts about FDX/7 and im sick to my stomach. 800/600usd and they talk about cables and spinfit tips? For that price, you better bring your A game, Fiio.

Fucking out. Glad im selling my fiio stuff.


Unfortunately, I trust Fiio’s frequency charts less then cable recommendations at a certain site…

But it is nice to see 3 tubes and to know the projected price. Thanks.

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I guess Linsoul really likes my photos…

Here are more they’re using.


I see the evil plan

Step 1 Take beautiful pictures
Step 2 Get linsoul to use the picture

Step 3 (Profit) Get linsoul to send IEMs to you so they get more pictures.

Seriously though congrats. Glad to see that more ppl will get to see your pics.


Ha ha, Thanks @TkSilver I don’t think they need my help. They have some beautiful pictures on their site as it is and they continue to improve.

I just find it cool that a retailer has taken interest in something both @Rikudou_Goku and I have taken on for ourselves to put more and more effort in our product photos.


It looks like Moondrop’s upcoming IEM is a KXXS successor.


Nice! Congrats on your pictures man, they look awesome.

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Same, so do I, and I am from India

@Rikudou_Goku hey man so i have the LBBS now, and def without eq they don’t touch the yincrow for bass, so without eq, does the chaconne have better bass?

The Chaconne has less quantity, but better quality.

Kinda the same with the LBBS vs X6, a difference between quantity and quality (although a much bigger difference there).


ya man god i wish it had better bass i love the top end, i just cant eq consistently, you use full foams on both right, yincrow and k’s?

I use full foams with all buds lol.

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right on any reason why? i use donuts on the yincrows, fulls on the lbbs.

Fit is better for me with full foams and they lack bass otherwise (most buds already lack a lot of bass to me).

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Ah ok so the full foams more bass less highs, and vice versa for donuts, thanks good to know

Donut will have more treble than full foams, naked will have more treble than donut.

Then we also have different densities of full foams which will also affect it. Denser/less-porous will have less treble.

(there is also silicone covers, I dont use them though.)

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wow alot deeper than i imagined, im gonna peruse your sheet, thanks for the feedback, really liking the K’s

Glad to hear that.

FIY: I only use the stock full foams. No need to spend more lol. But if you do want to get deeper into the earbud hole, it might be usefull.

Here are some of the notable ones:


Nice thank you, RW-2000 might be getting added to the cart lol

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