RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

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Interesting concept…


Thank you very much !

FH3 I like. But Z04A has too much at 2k for me.

Jup. Imagine a tribrid TWS with quality drivers allowing to change the crossover frequencies… :crazy_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh, and apparently You can change the frequency in 1hz steps… :+1:

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Ok I have skipped FH3 for some reasons (look previous gen by FiiO’s standards, FH3s due sometimes soon ?? GD3A emergence with higher grade in your list and Sonion BA…) but ok I will remember them thanks.
I believe @Resolution likes them too.

GD3A is better to me, especially with timbre/coherency. No contest on that aspect.

But hey, no 5k peak (and faster bass than the DQ6). :smirk:


I only have the original Samsung Galaxy Buds…

But from my experience TWS is top notch in practicality, especially when working out (strength training) as mentioned before. I dont think TWS is necessary even there, but the cable can be a pain sometimes.

I also understand non-audio people buying TWS iems/buds, because when you can just open the case you have in your pocket, put them into your ears and simply click on them for instant music replay… It can be pretty handy in public transport or just short occasions, because you simply dont have to deal with the cable and source.



Is GD5 the new one?

Who is REW?

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Room equaliser wizzard. It’s a software that measure the frequency response of your system. Then it can automatically equalise it to try and match a target response.


No it isnt. GD3C is the new one they are developing now.

But GD5 is an upgrade to the GD3A according to Akros.

lol, its a software.

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GD5 looks better to me, just not sure about that treble region. Waiting on that new model :slight_smile:

Treble on the GD5 looks better to me, but I want the GD3A bass lol.

But yeah, better wait for new model and hope they manage to make it vented.

Kinda similar treble tuning

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that needs a kick around 250 and will be fine :smiley:

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Now you guys know why I am so hyped for it lol. Turii tuning, for like 6x cheaper and eclipse driver.


S rank contender? :wink:

The specs and graph does point to it. Oxygen killer? :smirk: