RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Anyway getting this high on your list is “something” so as a versatile iem type - “do everything” it could be better than such specialist as oxygen. Well see what your conclusions will be. Yeah i will prepare something special when your review will come out :slight_smile: it will be good time. Only hope that falcon and their technologies will be worth to spend on them.

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The EST112 would be interesting, honestly not sure how that would compare. It has the least exciting presentation my tribrids (Oracle, Variations, EST112) but still surprises me when I find the right track for it.

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That Vegeta / In the End AMV was all over Kazaa 20 years ago. It stills brings up the teenager out of my 33 yo self today :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I actually remade the calculation two or three times before posting. Unbelievable how time flies…

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L’s theme intensifies…

Also wonder if the stock cable is actually this cable.


I will know on Friday. I own that cable and the timeless arrives then.

Are you planning on foam modding the timeless?

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At least on on that picture and looking at the stock cable from afar, they look very similar.

But with a macro shot, the stock cable looks like it has a “leather”-like wire…

No clue, will find out when it is its turn.


It’s not then there is a plastic around the cable that would be very obvious in a macro shot.

Really close in color. If the weight and feel are half as good as the xinhs one then it might be one of my favorite OEM stock cables.

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Just a question (mostly to @Godria ), anyone interested in trying to EQ the Tin Hifi P1 to the 7Hz Timeless (simulating the Timeless on the P1)? If so I will try it after I am done with the Falcon Pro.


I would be interested in how close you could get and what differences would come from doing that if you could get close.

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I would be interested, but not that much tbh. If you have the time yeah why not … Also if I am not mistaken @Ohmboy is still using P1 so I think he would be interested as well…

But hey it is not that important … Since 7hz timeless exists, and has beaten the P1<< IMO… I mean, this is how I see it.

Thank you.




If it involves Drop then it will never get my attention.




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Ungodly slow shipping, and worse: It doesn’t even ship to my country.


I agree on that they are really slow…


This girl is…

I LOVE her voice


Yeah I love her Control song, doesn’t dig others tho.

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