RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

That treble roll-off…uhm…


I’ll reserve final comments til someone gets it measured in a proper graph and normalized @ 1k but… that roll off is close to my bank account in the last months…

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Also, I’m ok with that 10db increase from 1k to 3k if it’s the same as variations. Not my favourite but good enough. What is messing with my brain is the 5db of that peak vs the bass…

… Oh wait there is a 10db pinna gain… Oh God…

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What’s the chinese expresion to describe female voices?

Poison vocals and banshee screaming?

Female poison :rofl:

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Its a kssx with slight less bass and and a treble rolloff.

At least they are consistent. It will prolly slamm more than it graphs tho

I hope that graph is wrong lol…that 3k peak will kill me :sob:

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yeah, only reason I can enjoy Variations is due to the bass compensation of the treble. more than that kills me unless it smoothed out by ESTs…

At least is not fatiguing @ 5-6k :rofl:

5-6k doesnt bother me nearly as much as a tiny bump on 3k lol.

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(glad I aint the one with too deep insertion lol)

Shesh, that 3k peak, looks worse than FP.


Never doubted that. Pretty clear now that Kato wanted to try to do the same thing FP does… But DED


I imagine my ears would bleed at 3k peak there, even more bass than sub bass area.

Although I think it would be greatly benefited from EQ ngl.


Alright, the battle of the single DDs is over (Oxygen Vs Falcon Pro).

Anyone wanna know the results?




So in short: slightly better tonality but worse at treble and technicalities.

Yep… let’s mark off FP of my list.

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Well, based on that pic its a tie.

But the tonality aspect is VERY library depended. Since they are both different specialists.

With the Oxygen being the acoustic/vocal god.

and the Falcon Pro being the rock/metal god.

So “better” will be up to your library.

Yes, the tonality on the Oxygen gives it a BIG edge over the Falcon in that regard.


Btw, green = winner and red = loser. That is pretty obvious…but what color symbolizes a tie? :thinking:

(I will add that table in my comparisons from now I believe, its a clear and easy TLDR.)