RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Yeah, I can Second that. Physical driver burn-in is not real. Perception bias and placebo are though.


It is brain burn-in.


So after testing different foams including the high and low densities from AliExpress, plus a surprise contender which were the filter sponges/foams off of an ear wax cleaner, I’ve been able to achieve audibly larger soundstage (or at least more “diffuse” at the edges) than the original KZ DQ6 upgrade. By cutting the ear wax cleaner foams into fourths, I found they slide perfectly lengthwise into the LZ A7 and A6 filters. I find the mod works best with the Black, Red, and Blue A6 filters, which have the largest openings and the screen facing the ear. I’m also using eartips with a wide bore and long stem, which probably also contribute to the effect.

While I’ve tried stacking three low-density foams to get close to the intended effect, I think the cut foams are slightly denser than the low-density ones.

I can’t exactly speak to changes with the FR since I don’t have a measuring rig, but nothing seems “off” or peaky so far.

*I probably should post this on your Head-Fi topic as well, since that’s where I found the mod in the first place. Felt this was a bit more convenient, haha.

**Even though they’re technically sponges, they don’t really hold moisture that well and dry up very quickly.


LZ A7 really is the modders dream iem lol.

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Because you’ve done the most modding and measurements of modding of anyone I know – I wondered what you thought about this idea:

I’m planning to buy the Olina. When I have it I was considering reducing the pinna gain from the Oxygen’s tuning by perhaps getting cotton or tuning foam into the nozzle… to make it more like the Dark Magician.

Do you think that’s a change to FR that’s reasonable? It doesn’t have to completely switch to the tuning of the DM. Would it come with any other likely sonic compromises?

EDIT: I realize it might end up elevating the already elevated bass too much.

I’m not looking to make it L shaped. But reducing the upper mids rise would essentially be a DM with slight bass boost if there was a way to modify just that section and leave the bass as it is?


If you do find a Qudelix, could you EQ your way out of it?

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As you mentioned, if you use a high density filter, be it with foam or filters, there is a high chance of it elevating the whole bass shelf as well.

Which is why your idea wont really be possible with easy to do mods.
So the best way is to simply use PEQ, you can do it with just a single high-shelf band.


Of course, if you REALLY wanna do this. You might be able to do it with a more advanced mod.

That is, if the inner vent on the Olina is like the KZ´s.


Then if you can open the shell up and remove the filter (if there is one), you should be able to lower the bass shelf. Thus you are able to use a filter on the nozzle, so even if the bass does get elevated by the filter, you have already lowered the whole bass shelf by removing (or changed to less density) the inner vent tuning filter.

this is just speculation of course, but maybe @hawaiibadboy can confirm if there is a tuning filter on the Olina´s inner vent like the KZ´s.

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Good luck with that :joy: if its the same as mele shell, you gotta drill it :joy:


aa yeah, you gotta work for it. :joy:

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I may not need to adjust anything — it’s been some time since I heard Oxygens, and perhaps the insertion wasn’t optimal due to their design even when I did. I’m just getting ideas ahead of time.

I’ve never been an EQer, but if I was constantly using a Q5K I’d be out of excuses not to really!

What do we know about the Olina at this point?
It is a Tripowin, and the name means Joy. Chris’s naming game is on :fire:

What is the target sound profile, or does anyone know?

O2 driver, O2 tuning.


Oooo … and I was thinking about buying an O2 this year, and trying to decide about the Hanna v2 vs O2, but this seems like the right answer.

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A huge differential for me is that the Oxygen has a fit that is not quite optimal, too shallow for many a bit like the Blon 03. The Olina should have some of the Mele’s for magic. So it’s not just an Oxygen for cheap, it’s a better fitting Oxygen, most likely for most ears anyway.


O2 fit is perfect for me lol.

And the 03, hated it at first but got used to it.


I didn’t have any issues with the Blon 03 after using the o-ring mod to allow tips to stay higher up the stem. The O2 wasn’t awful for me, but nowhere near as good as a standard UIEM or the Mele.

Well, this hobby is pretty much 100% YMMW. :joy:


For real. Both outer and inner ear, so different for everyone!

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