RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Im hyping a KZ. Think about it :joy:



Another day in paradise - Qian39 works great for me for electrical scooters trips around the city (commuting basically :sob:). Previously I did not use anything to be safe to myself and others, now I feel like I am.

Is LBBS good upgrade over that earbud to justify the price difference? :smiley:
What tips/foams would you recommend generally if the stock foams does not hold very well?

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LBBS is quite different from the Qian39, its brighter and more neutral, but yes there is a big tech difference.

Fortunately in the bud world, you dont really need to collect a bunch of different foams, if you want something a bit thicker/dense, there are hiegi full foams. Donut foams exist as well as silicone rings.
You dont need to find a specific brand for foams.

Its likely I am going to get into DIY earbuds and maybe start selling them so maybe you can look forward to that. :smirk:


DIY earbud? Nice!
Are you based in EU or Asia/US? If needed I can help you out on mechanical design/prototyping as I am design engineer and have access to few 3D printers :slight_smile:

I don’t know what it is about my fingers, I’m usually pretty dexterous, but boy do I ever have a hard time getting foams onto earbuds! :joy:

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EU (Sweden). Atm, I am only planning on using MX500 shells. :+1:

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If you are having trouble putting foams on, you should try stretching them a bit before you put them on.

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Ok, got it - however if something would pop up - hit me up if needed for some support (FoC of course) without worries :slight_smile: I am located in Poland


2022-01-18: Dunu Titan S review: DUNU Titan S - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org

Rank: A

Default rec for anyone wanting something more neutral (sub 200).


Nice review title!!

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And also a nice review. That confirms this set could be very well suited for my taste.

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Any Kinera Norn users here?, I plan to get them, wanna know how they compare against same or slightly higher priced IEMs.


graph - 2022-01-25T161318.455.png
Moondrop Kato Impressions:

Bass: Very flat sounding bass, clean and tight/fast. It does lack a lot of texture but is fine for the genres it is performing well with (weeb tracks/OSTs).

Mids: Great vocal tonality and timbre, especially female vocals. Male vocals can lack some warmth though, but has good timbre. Instrument timbre and tonality such as piano´s are excellent.

Treble: clean, energetic but pretty smooth and airy. Shouldn’t be a problem for most people, overall tonality is on the brighter side.

Overall: A very well-tuned bright-neutral iem. The 2 nozzles sound pretty much identical to me though and since they are empty, there is plenty of room to do your own modding to one of them (or both).

graph - 2022-01-25T161423.256.png


Very nice writeup, I‘m looking forward to your full review on Head-Fi (if you even make one).

The Timing is quite funny; you post this yesterday when I also received my pair. I was lucky and got a Matte pair they don’t produce anymore (due to low shell yields, apparently less than 50% of matte shells passed QC requirements).

Your thoughts align with my initial quick impressions of yesterday too. Definitely a nice set. Gorgeous looking as well.

What do you think of the Spring Tips? They are currently some of my favorite tips around.

The fact that the nozzles are replaceable is nice. You can even buy new ones from Moondrop. Makes for so many custom options with tuning foam, as shown in your Graph.


Yep, will do.

They dont work that well for me tbh…my ears dont go well with softer tips. They do have some grippiness like the Spinfits and to an extent the Azla Crystal, like a hybrid leaning more towards the spinfits silicone.

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Did you try tip-rolling on KATO? If so, do you have a favorite?

Final Audio Type E.

My Elecom EHP-CAP20 tips didnt give me that good of a seal strangely.


Which one is better between the final audio tips? The regular or the clear/red 2020?

The regular ones are the most known.

The clear ones to me has a bit more treble than the regular one (cant say if its due to placebo lol).

Dont have the 2020 version.

Hi, I have received the dampening “Sony” foams from your review of CCA CRA and it is a complete kit with tools, cleaning alcohol and glue, I didn’t know !

Do you actually use the glue ?