RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Chaconne killer? :pray:

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Guess have to wait for the Super X6 then. Mid centric sounds more like the K300 that I didn’t like as much as the X6.

not this one, this is pretty different.

oh, its nothing like the K300.

By different you mean not vocal/instrumental focused as the Chaconne/LBBs?

more bass quantity and a lot more textured. But vocals are still the nr 1 focus on it.
Havent compared them so thats all I can say atm.


I just bought the CRA + A14 combo to end my chi-fi journey thanks to @Rikudou_Goku’s reviews. From now on I’ll save money for a mid to high end iem. :face_with_monocle:


Glad you are enjoying it.

What mid-high iem are you looking at btw?

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Looking foward. Would be in for both buds. Already commented in the non hifiguides forum

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Glad to hear that, I update you guys on the midcentric one, maybe tomorrow or on monday. Got a ton of buds I need to listen to lol.


@Rikudou_Goku did you see this? https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/t862gd/kz_dq6_nonhbb_s_version_is_also_packed_with_fake/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Yeah, it started from the discord servers.

My issue with this is that KZ is basically charging you for more due to having those actual drivers, but you arent getting anything from them and that it makes me wonder what the collaborators actually did when they “tuned” them…seems like I did more work on my mod for the DQ6 lol.


I get the impression that it was, please adjust the frequency response generally in this way, and once this was demonstrated to be achieved KZ were ok to release. It may be different with other collaborations. But I think Crinacle made some comment on reddit pretty much to this extent.



Just randomly felt like stopping by your ranking list to see how it’s changed since I saw it many many months ago.

Pretty cool how much work you put into it. You totally deserve so much respect from the community for the effort put into everything you do. The effort into modding and ranking modded versions is something I don’t think I’ve seen anywhere.

Pretty pretty cool man!


Alright, update. So the good news is that I actually managed to upgrade the tuning of the midcentric bud, so it isnt as bright as before which did cause some fatigue during longer sessions and that I got ONE pair I can sell right now.

The bad news is, well, I only got one pair I can sell atm. So if anyone wants to buy it, PM me, first come first serve. I will also throw in a pair of one of my “beta” models that did not pass requirements lol.

Price: 50 euro (not including shipping but shipping should be around 12 euro if its within europe.)

Edit: danno got it.


2 more models that might be done.
Waiting for my supplies aint fun though…


@Rikudou_Goku you’re the only person I know that knows about Intime earphones and I gotta say, I’m highly interested in this. Seems to be a recent release too.

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I’ve been eyeing these myself for a while but I’m not willing to blind buy

I demo-ed the Kira before and I quite liked it but it almost couldn’t handle busy songs. When I do listen to slower vocal focused songs, the Kira shined a lot.

Quite interested to demo this earphone since I roughly know their sound signature.

That price pretty steep, and very competitive price range. Got Timeless, Kato, OH10 etc.

But u piqued my interest, going to do some reading on this iem. Thanks :+1:

I lost interest in their stuff after finding out they got pretty bad QC

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