RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Hold your horses then! They’re just starting!

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You have an update rank?

What do you mean?

Want to test something different than what I have so on wait list for Grand Berserker 2 for now :star_struck:

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Grand Lancer or BUST!!!

Something like this (midbass over sub bass boost, neutral/relaxed upper midrange, with better treble extension/air emphasis) would be :man_cook:t5: :ok_hand:t5:


Sounds like my GAS2.



That’s fair, to my memory. So how would you tune a Grand Lancer? Warmer low midrange and more relaxed treble?

Way in the future. Focusing on regular models first before Grands (and first grand is probably the GB3).

Your description/graph looks more into the Saber/Berserker route though.

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So would a Lancer be more of a QDC-style midrange?

Berserker/Archer/Saber/Rider make sense in their progression from normal to grand (because you’ve done it before). I enjoyed Lancer most of your normal class so I’m very interested in how that translates to a grand class :kissing_heart:

Never heard any QDC before. :rofl:

But if its true that the Bravery is very QDC-like, then nope. Its very different.

Maybe more like a warmer Oxygen (with more bass).

For that W-shape/balanced profile.

Yeah, I never put out a Grand Lancer before because I could never find a proper upgrade or suitable driver that fits my vision for the Lancer class. But hey, its better than having ZERO models of the Caster class. :rofl:


I was gonna say, the REAL mystery of the lineup for Generation 3 will be if the mysterious Caster finally makes an appearance!


I didn’t know the Lancer was your favorite out of the reg. class… brotherrrrrrr :slightly_smiling_face:


He’s not going to make it until someone commits to buying it. So who’s gonna be the hero for that job? Lol

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It is. I’m just not interested in owning it because I know the grand classes are always better. It’s a fundamental fact. The worst Grand class set is preferable to the best normal class, for me

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Caster is a cursed class. First I wanted to use a DD+piezo driver, but then it might actually be discontinued. Then I found a 2DD (coaxial) driver and that had no bass. So now Im kinda out of candidate drivers for it.


Is there a planar bus driver that’s worth the price and R&D?

I mean, that’s fair. Look at your bud line-up and look at mine - it’s completely in a different league altogether!

Nope, planar is a step above the meme-tier that is BA drivers in buds, but still not what I consider viable at all. Their biggest problem is the bass, with planars you either go GIGA size (see how all the planars in headphones are HUGE, way over 50mm DDs for example, u can even find planars around 100mm) or sealed like in iems to get bass.

If you REALLY wanted a planar in a bud, it would be to use it in conjunction with a woofer DD. But then shell size is a problem…
(See ClieOS´s planar.)