Yes it is.
Riku…ETA on the Gen 3
Got everything I need for the B3 and C3 just in the final testing phase, so very very soon.
Berserker 3 = L-shaped: focusing on quality as much as quantity lots of sub & mid-bass with great texture without being overwhelming. Vocals are smooth and non-fatiguing but not forward, treble is dark and very smooth, good depth, for bassheads and great for hip-hop, R&B, rock/metal & EDM. Compared with the S3; More sub & mid-bass, less vocals, smoother and darker treble, with the GAS3; More sub & mid-bass, less vocals and darker treble, similar smoothness.
Caster 3 = Neutral: Amazing bass texture with a slight bass boost for a more natural note-weight, well-balanced male & female vocals, fatigue free and smooth mids/treble, 3d/holographic stage with great depth and great imaging, Excellent sleep buds and for small people with small ears due to smaller 14.8mm driver. Compared with the S3; less sub-bass, more vocals and smoother treble, with the GAS3; a bit less bass and less & smoother treble, with the B3; a lot less bass and more vocals, a bit more treble
Releases on Monday! (05-27)
So is Caster closer to a Rider-type tuning? Cause I was listening to GR1 and thinking that in a Gen 3 shell would be bonkers.
Or I can just ask, how does Caster compare to AR3?
Yes it is. Not the alter one but the regular version.
More mid-bass, more vocals, less treble air and smoother.
Really psyched for the soon-to-be new arrivals! My listening time is mostly in the office these days, and I’m 100% buds there, where Rikubuds are already dominating. Between GAS3, B3 and C3, I’m going to be able to cover a huge swath of my library.
I may even try out the B3 for walks in the woods on cooler days, but with the Dog Days approaching that may end up waiting til Autumn.
I’m interested in sleep listening and read the remarks on profile with interest; pretty sure with my shifty sleep habits tho I will never successfully use any kind of head-mounted transducer for anything other than unscheduled cat naps in a chair
Considering investing in a set of ground-crew style ear muffs to give it a go on the train with a hybrid muff/bud approach - strictly for style pointz tho
Dunu Titan S2, will get to it when I can.
But just wanted to let you guys know, I found the BEST dongle for the money out there.

The size of my pinky finger and measures insanely good.
2vrms and extremely low OI at 0.1 ohm. All this at around 3x cheaper than other CS43131 dongles while keeping the package small af.
That cable looks interesting. What do you think of it? If they could sell that for 40 USD I would buy it just for the looks😅
The Titan S2 cable? Im not a fan of that type lol. Its cloth based up until the divider and is kinda thick but then the part that comes after it is likely not pvc and either TPU or TPE since it is kinda rubbery.
Thanks! Maybe I don’t want it after all😄. Clothed up to splitter is a good look in my opinion, but I don’t want rubbery cable isolation…
OK, so I have been away a while… Haven’t had as much time as I thought I would with the new arrivals (Berserker 3 and Caster 3). The Berserker 3 is exactly what I expected and a terrific complement to the GAS 3 that dominated the first half of my year. B3 has me listening to parts of my library I had written off for office listening - it’s definitely a specialist for my liking, though. Adore it with hip hop and EDM - it’s also cool to listen to rock and metal - really brings out low end weight and texture in certain recordings in a pleasing and sometimes surprising way for me. It reminds me of the disservice I do to my ears when I spend too much time with bass-light transducers.
That said, I am finding the Caster to be rock gods - I bought them on impulse and wasn’t sure they were going to be different enough from the GAS3 for me, but I have just been loving them so much! Instant simpatico with the sound signature - pure, blissful, non-critical listening and flow - I can either get lost in the music to bring my stress levels down or use it as a filter to enhance flow in my work when I need to get busy - this is a true surprise to me. GAS 3 is still tops for me for most classical and jazz, but for large-scale symphonic works, and pretty much all rock, I find myself gravitating to the Caster 3.
Funny thing - maybe just reinforcing that we’re all different, or that my ears are weird, but I see that you have noted that the Caster 3 has less bass for you @Rikudou_Goku , but I find that overall, in terms of quantity of both sub and mid bass, punch, and texture I am solidly hearing more from the Caster 3. It passes my 30 - 35 hz bass pedal test more convincingly for both quantity and clarity, and it just gives me all the bass playa love, especially with bass guitars. And I say that feeling like I maybe already liked the GAS 3 bass reproduction more than sime others, at least based on comments I’ve read.
Anyway - Berserker 3 - fantastic, love it, does exactly what it says on the tin.
Caster 3 - my surprise find of the year, somehow just my bae for rock, but a damn fine all-rounder - once they’re in, I never think about pulling them out unless my boss drops by or I have to physically leave the office/attend a meeting.
None of which diminishes my ongoing love affair with the GAS3.
[Long-winded conclusory tangent alert ]
I grabbed a couple of the hyped IEMs towards the end of '23 and was pretty consistently disappointed - I am definitely at the point where I would need to climb pretty far up the money tree to get a noticeable boost, and I am simultaneously noticing things that bug me more often. That, and a look at my PayPal transaction history, combined to make me gun-shy about continuing to rock the hobby the way I had been up to that point, and in fact vowing to buy nothing until 11/11. Welp, obviously I failed on that (though still no new IEMs at least, lol, just these Rikubuds).
I’m definitely not “done” with IEMs by any stretch, and I still anticipate trying some things out later in the year, but my conversion to earbuds for office listening has been a huge success, both in terms of pure listening pleasure and in terms of my overall level of psychological comfort listening in the office environment - for whatever reason, maybe because I don’t feel quite as isolated with buds on, maybe because (once I got the hang of it) I find them quicker and easier to pop in and out…whatever it is - I spend more time listening this way, and I am getting so much pleasure out of it - just so glad I “cheated” and didn’t walk away from the hobby completely for the bulk of '24!
Disclaimer: Thanks to Hifigo for sending this to me for free and not commenting on the time It took for me the release this (and other) reviews.
Non-sound: Just a quick comment on the cable, it is quite bad as it is both thick, heavy and the non-cloth part after the divider is quite rubbery-like (probably TPU or TPE and not the more common PVC insulator). At least the chin-slider works but I am not a fan of this cable.
Dunu Titan S2 | Dunu Titan S | |
Sub-bass | = | = |
Mid-bass | = | = |
Lower-mids | + | - |
Upper-mids | - | + |
Treble | - | + |
Upper-treble | - | + |
Soundstage | + | - |
Imaging | - | + |
Separation | - | + |
Macro-detail | - | + |
Micro-detail | - | + |
Timbre | = | = |
Sub-bass extension and texture are about equal with the S2 having a bit more quantity but rumble is equally lacking. Mid-bass is tighter and a bit faster on the S1 but with more quantity on the S2 so it is warmer but texture is similar. Male vocals are better on the S2 due to the warmth and the thickness which is lacking on the S1 although cleaner and more forward on the S1. Female vocals are more forward, cleaner and a bit more natural due to the brighter tonality. Treble on the S1 is airier, cleaner and more detailed with it having more quantity although they are otherwise similar in smoothness. Slightly wider stage on the S1 but a lot deeper on the S2. Imaging is better on the S1. Separation and detail are a bit better on the S1 due to the tonality advantage it has. Timbre is similar.
Overall the S2 is quite different from the older S1, where it is much more generic and versatile with what genres it can play well compared to the older S1 which was all in on the vocals/treble aspect with its brighter and thinner tonality. If you have the S1 and want an upgrade with the same tonality, the S2 is not for you.
Dunu Titan S2 | Simgot EW200 | |
Sub-bass | - | + |
Mid-bass | - | + |
Lower-mids | + | - |
Upper-mids | - | + |
Treble | - | + |
Upper-treble | - | + |
Soundstage | - | + |
Imaging | - | + |
Separation | - | + |
Macro-detail | - | + |
Micro-detail | - | + |
Timbre | - | + |
Mid-bass is a bit more textured on the EW200 as well as tighter and a bit faster while quantity is higher on the S2. Sub-bass extends lower on the EW200 and rumbles a bit more and has more texture and a bit more quantity. Male vocals have a bit more natural tonality on the S2 as it is warmer and thicker note-weight however it is more recessed and timbre is more natural on the EW200. Female vocals are brighter, more forward and better clarity on the EW200. Treble is much more energetic on the EW200 with it being brighter, airier and a bit peakier compared to the smoother and less fatiguing S2. Stage is quite a bit wider on the EW200 but a bit deeper on the S2, details, imaging and separation are all better on the EW200. Timbre is a bit better on the EW200.
Conclusion: Overall, I cannot recommend this iem as it is not doing anything that impresses me compared to what else is out there in even compared to stuff that is much cheaper. If you still want a Dunu iem, I would recommend the OG Titan S as that is at least doing something more unique compared to the newer S2 that is quite a bit more generic sounding.
Rank: B+
EPZ M100
Some backstory: many months ago, I discovered the EPZ SF tips ( ) which I was impressed enough that I went and had a chat with EPZ and gave them a few advice regarding their next tips, and months later here is the M100 which is the tips they made after taking some of my feedbacks which they have now sent to me for free.
These are Liquid Silicone tips, the same material as the Azla Crystals and it is essentially the same thing but has a bit less treble quantity (not as bright) and is a bit smoother sound wise. With the M100 being a lot softer than the rather hard Crystals (especially the bore which is hard enough that it is kinda hard to put them on nozzles) and size feeling smaller due to the softenss. Generally speaking my ears dont do well with softer tips so this isnt a good match for me personally but otherwise this is a pretty good value on liquid silicone tips which usually costs around 2x more (cheapest alternative being the Softears UC tips afaik).
I missed this little write up here but I appreciate you sharing, brother. I was going to ask about the sick ass cable but then I scrolled down a bit… that’s rough lol At least it looks cool. To me at least.
Man I like how the Titan S2 sounds for my taste(I personally find EW200 to be a little hot in upper mids and a bit thin as well). But my concerns with S2 would be that they have shiny shells that are fingerprint magnets
The simgot tuning isnt really up my alley either but they are still very impressive to me for what they are aiming at.
But yeah, iems that have this chromed metal look are always a fingerprint magnet.