RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

That is fine for storage and Navidrome only.
Can always use it as a backup NAS at home or even put it in some other place if you have access.

Oh yeah, that was a rabbit hole I fell into for sure.

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One I’ve been a lifetime member of Plex since somewhere around 2014-2015. Two almost all the opensource apps that really automate the acquisition and curation of the media are only available for Plex. If Plex ever goes rogue with their current business model I have the Jellyfin appdata saved to spin right back up. As it is right now though third party apps paired with Plex have my library and curation 99% automated. I may only manually have to add media once every three months and it’s usually something super obscure.


Oh boi, you sure got a beast there.

Any reason you are using plex instead of jellyfin? Plex needs a subsription afaik, Jellyfin is free.

I havent really used this too much tbh, I just have an automation where it saves any receipts coming to my mail.

I did check the music and anime focused ones but I found that I wasnt a fan of it. Im sticking with using RSS built into Qbittorrent for anime while doing things manually with music (Nicotine+ is great for music btw).


@Rikudou_Goku Damn not sure what happened there. My previous response got wiped out.


Upvote for Nicotine+!


aa ok I get it then.

Personally I just check in manually when a new anime season is out for my RSS to automate the rest afterwards.



Lancer 3 has been released!

W-shaped: Upgraded Lancer 1 with a bit more mid-bass and a smoother treble. Well extended treble that is very airy but still smooth, lots of female vocals alongside male vocals with a linear bass shelf, balanced tuning closest to Harman 2019v2 in Gen 3

Pseudo graph:


Ahhhh god dammit… I haven’t grabbed my Lancers is a little while, I can’t deal with the MX500 shell anymore. I assume these have the updated shell design, right, Riku?


Of course these use the RG39-1 shells like the rest of gen 3 are/will. (casters are the only ones using the RG39-SE which is a smaller version with 14.8mm drivers instead of 15.4mm.)


I can’t say I’m not tempted… what’s the price on those bad boys?


100 euro like the rest (non-grands gen 3).


Fair enough, thanks for the info, brother, I’d be interested once Xmas comes and goes!


2024-12-24: Merry Christmas! AIYIMA S400 + Fiio JA11 review.

Hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas! Here is my Christmas present to you, a combo review of the S400 and the JA11 (killer combo).

Fiio JA11: The dongle stands out among all the other many dongles out there due to one sole factor, it has PEQ access via either the Android App or the WebAPP (works with all OS). With up to 5 EQ bands to use and access to peak and shelf filters. Do note that the software is kinda buggy to use but it does work after some patience. I highly recommend this if you want to use it with something that needs PEQ to be good and does not need more than 5 bands to fix it.

AIYIMA S400: Small and (relatively) cheap speakers, unfortunately I would not recommend this alone as the tuning is very much flawed with no sub-bass, thin note-weight due to lack of mid-bass, and peaky upper-mids/treble with some metallic timbre. It is very much like old chifi iem tuning. However, pair it up with the JA11 and apply this PEQ to it:

With this preset the upper-mids/treble are no longer too peaky while the mid-bass is filled in as it was lacking before while keeping the impressive texture it has, the increased mid-bass helps the lack of sub-bass slightly due to the missing fundamental principle.

Compared to the MUCH older Swan M10, the S400 has an edge in having more upper-treble extension and slightly better mid-bass quality (more textured) and a bit more micro-details, however the sub-bass is basically entirely missing in the S400 compared to the M10 and the M10 has a smoother upper-mids/treble and is more natural overall with better timbre.

Overall the AIYIMA S400 is now my default recommendation for people seeking a small but relatively cheap bookshelf speaker (seeing as the Swan M10 is hard to find and/or discontinued) and most people should like it as long as sub-bass presence is a priority as this still does not have any of that but I highly doubt any of the other bookshelf speakers in this price range would have more sub as IMO you need a separate sub-woofer for that.


2025-01-01: Happy new year!

This year along with Rikubuds, is one where I spent a lot of time working with different NAS/servers (Synology and Orange Pi) (the Orange Pi 5 Plus guide is still work in progress and it will be posted on GitHub when I’m done) and finding out how useful they are and I really regret to getting one earlier. Highly recommend that you get one yourself, one way or another.

Now then, looking back at last years predictions.

“Predictions for 2024:
1. Bone Conduction: We have already started to see this after the second half of 2023 from the likes of BQEYZ Wind, TRN/CVJ Konoka/Assassin to the Kinera Imperial Loki. But I expect to see the rise of the LRA (Linear Resonant Actuator) type of BC drivers (akin to haptic feedback) being the next driver type to be in the hype train in 2024.
2. xMEMS: We should (hopefully) be seeing more iems/tws being released with xMemes drivers in them at a relatively affordable price (sub 500 usd or perhaps sub 300 usd). Perhaps first from more mainstream/bigger companies than smaller chifi ones as the bigger brands will likely have more funds to spend on R&D, although I do doubt we will see huge brands like Samsung/Sennheiser/Apple be one of the early adopters of it since they likely want to take their time with their R&D if they are interested at all to use them.
3. DSP: I believe we will not really see much use of DSP from other brands than Moondrop/Tanchjim since it is reliant on software as well which is something that is usually lacking from Chifi companies. At best, perhaps Fiio will join the competition since they do have more experience working with products needing software expertise.”

Bone Conduction: I was spot on, we had lots of releases with BC drivers this year examples PULA ANVIL114, Kinera Celest Plutus Beast, THIEAUDIO Origin, Apevoix Grit and the Kinera Imperial Verdandi, all of them using the bass shaker type BC and not Piezo.

xMEMS: Not as many new releases as I thought but at least the ones that came out are relatively affordable (Hiby XENO, Moondrop Concerto).

DSP: I guess I was wrong here, we did see some more brands other than Moondrop/Tanchjim come out with iems that uses a DSP cable such as the INTUAURA SplendorII, Open Audio Witch Pro and the NF Audio RA05. As for Fiio joining, I was half right I guess, while they did not join with a DSP+IEM combination kit, they did release the JA11 dongle which has DSP (and PEQ!).

Now for my prediction for 2025, I will limit it to one guess as it will be more fun this way. I believe we will see the rise of xMEMS drivers even more in the iem world, from the 100 usd range up to the kilobuck range. I doubt they will be found on sub 50 usd iems though.


Swan M10 Plus

On its throne after firing the AIYIMA S400. :heart_eyes:

Instant rec from me. Just note that the satellite cables are attached to each other and is using a weird proprietary (?) connector so the length may be a problem for some (using a 1,5m cable as reference and I guess this is around 1.8m).

Should sound better when the sub is on the floor rather than the desk according to comments I have seen but I have no room on my desk to try that anyway.

Oh and if you are wondering whether to go for this or the original M10, this Plus has quite a bit better bass both in quantity (can be reduced with bass knob) and in quality. If you prefer a less warm tonality (with more vocals) though the original M10 will be more fitting.


IIRC the connector is like a MOLEX or similar with the appropriate pinout for the satellites; I think a handful of other powered 2.1 setups and even some powered subs use that type or something very similar, such as the KEF KC62 & KC92:

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hmm something like this?

If so then extension cables may be possible.

Pretty annoying though imo, the og m10 had RCA cables from each satellite (and not connected to each other).

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Yep, like that although you’d have to figure out the pinout (which I imagine is just +/- for each satellite). This is just a visual guess though, I’ve never had the Swans or KEFs in front of me BUT some cursory googling turns up an old thread on AVSforum where someone was trying to figure out what connectors the KEF EGG 2.1 used and it turns out it was a micro ATX/MOLEX connector: What kind of speaker cable is this!? | AVS Forum
Actually, Darko had an article on the KC92 which specifies that it uses MOLEX for the speaker inputs so I’d say that’s proof in the pudding: KEF announces KC92, Kube MIE subwoofers | Darko.Audio (just seach “molex” in the article to find it).

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sighs…why cant there just be damn standard for this…

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