Works! God this was scary, being used to connectors like 3.5mm, 4.4mm and RCA cables that really doesnt need much force to get in makes this scary.
Hahaha, “It always hurts the first time”. I literally forget that initial fear with Banana plugs until someone asks, you get so used to it (and even though it’s a standard size, some terminals take the plug easier than others).
That protective filter needs to be removed, it dampens it too much imo. (like zeos and another guy on amazon mentioned.)
I prefer seeing the driver anyway.
Thought they used the same tweeter but looks like the one in the m10 plus has a brighter surround compared to the oasis 140 where it looks like the same diaphragm entirely.
First impressions of the Oasis 140 (with the Douk A5) vs the M10 Plus with sub at around 90%.
Sub-bass… doesnt exist on the 140…
Mid-bass quantity is a LOT lower on the 140 compared to the M10 Plus and also seems to have less texture. But it is cleaner and tighter…
Lower-mids is cleaner on the 140 but may lack some warmth/note-weight compared to the M10 Plus.
Upper-mids quite a bit more forward and cleaner on the 140. Perhaps a bit smoother on the 140 while the M10 Plus is a bit peakier here but still on the warmer side (cuz of the bass) and overall smooth.
Treble: A bit smoother than the M10 Plus but is brighter (not sure if its cuz of more treble directly or indirect cuz of bass difference).
Upper-treble: A bit airier on the 140.
WIth the sub knob on the M10 Plus turned to 0 (-6 db compared to stock) though.
Biggest difference is that the sub-bass on the M10 Plus is now worse than the 140, although the M10 Plus still has a bit more mid-bass quantity and is more textured.
Mids and treble difference is much more apparent now, with the 140 being noticeably smoother and has a bit mor warmth to it
With the M10 Plus sub volume at stock (in the middle 0db).
Better sub-bass on the M10 Plus but mostly the same for the rest like before with the sub volume at minimum.
Overall, the Swan Oasis 140 desperately needs a sub to both get some actual sub-bass and also to increase the mid-bass quantity (and hopefully more textured). As it is now though, unless you listen to genres that REALLY does not have any bass whatsoever (maybe classical could work ok) I just do not see the reason why Zeos would hype this up as much as he did as this is missing a HUGE chunk of the music (sub and arguably mid-bass). The M10 Plus is the better kit as of now. Although the Oasis 140 is quite a bit better if you dont have the sub volume turned up more than the default but then again if you are buying the M10 Plus why would you not want to use the sub…
I will likely get the Cambridge Audio Minx X301 to pair with this as they are priced pretty well on ebay for a refurb from them officially.
I will wait until then before I conclude my thoughts (and if i want to condemn Zeos for this…)…
Just to be sure, you aren’t running the high-pass on the Oasis by itself, are you? The sub will for sure fill in the lowest octave, and if you need it to you can run it up to the midbass just be aware that after a transition point, midbass becomes directional again so you may need to compromise with either positioning or added warmth depending. That said, when blended well (which I imagine the high-pass and control on the sub will accomplish) you may not notice it at all and just end up with full-range goodness instead.
Oh nope, its turned off, I did try to enable it though but its pretty obvious when its off (audible click).
Yeah I hope its fine. From the M10 Plus specs, it looks like the sub on that one starts from 140hz, so I believe I would cross the 140 around that point as well.
You may be surprised how it works out with gain when they’re blended; I’d start around ~80hz but you can start anywhere and blend by ear; if you have a good mic (or you can use your phone with some apps) you can keep an eye on the SPL over a sine sweep and see where you peak or have nulls as well. I’m a big fan of this vid from Joe & Tell (starting ~2:40):
Yeah I am aware most people say to use 80hz. But im worried that it may still lack some of that mid-bass so having it around 150hz would help I think.
I will be doing it by ear though.
welcome to the passive speaker gang
And this is where the journey ends.
haha fixed the bass! Stole the sub from the M10 Plus and using it with the Oasis. Huge improvement. Yeah a sub (even a small one) really is needed with 2.0 bookshelf speakers
Pragmatic solution, I dig it!
Really a night/day effect. Turning the sub volume down to minimum really shows the damn effect it has. Thats due to the missing fundamental effect, even if this sub aint doing much below 40hz, as long as it can do the 50-100hz area well you still get a lot of the sub-bass that way. Same way like how earbuds do it.
Like if a fundamental tone at 25hz is not audible with the sub, if it can do the next 2 overtones at 50 and 100hz, you still hear it. (this is how you can still hear people with deep voices talking to you on your phone speakers, even if they barely reach like 300hz.)
Something something… DSP … something something… cardioid … the journey never ends
Seen that before, makes me wonder if it can also use the rotation to generate energy? (maybe not since it needs energy to spin…)
Thats an insane build!
Alternatively, you could have just bought two of these and been done…
Seriously, who is going to buy this and walk the streets using it. More importantly, why has a significant other not bought this for you for trolling purposes because “you know, you love earbuds”
Looool, looks like a giant hammer.